1、木门制作及刀具选择The door projectOurprojectentailstheassembling ofa2100x900x44mmdoorin Douglas wood. In order to do so you must prepare a number of perfectly finishedwoodpanelswiththe following dimensions:A for the TOP INNER RAISED PANEL:no. 10, 72x1193x37 mm pieces; B for the BOTTOM INNER RAISED PANEL:no.
2、10, 72x608x37 mm pieces; C for the TOP AND BOTTOM TRANSOMS:no. 2, 115x900x44 mm pieces; D for the INTERMEDIATE TRANSOM:no. 1, 115x830x44 mm piece; E for the JAMBS:no. 2, 115x2100x44 mm pieces;For wood machining use a mortising bit, a tenonig brazed cutter and the following tools:cod. TW23M BF3;cod.
3、TP42M AB3 + CP42M CA3;cod. TD52M HB3 + CT52M TB3.First of all prepare the top (A) and bottom (B) inner raised door panels. Mount the finger joint cutterheaditemcode TW23MBF3onthe spindle moulder. A. TOP INNER RAISED PANEL Work9ofthe10, 72x1193x37mmpieces on one side only. B. BOTTOM INNER RAISED PANE
4、L Work9ofthe10, 72x608x37mmpieces on one side only.Positionthe2,5mm spacer,suppliedwith cutterheaditemcode TW23M BF3. A. TOP INNER RAISED PANEL Take 8 of the 9 previously machined72x1193x37 mm pieces, plus the only non worked one and carry out the second moulding on the opposite side. B. BOTTOM INNE
5、R RAISED PANEL Take 8 of the 9 previouslymachined 72x608x37 mm pieces and the only non worked one and carry out thesecondmouldingon the opposite side.Assembleandglue together all the machined pieces,holdingthem tightly together with a clamp. When joining the piecestogether,make sure you lay them out
6、 so as they show opposite andalternatewood grains (Fig. 3).Positionthetenonig brazed cutter onto the spindle moulder.E. JAMBS GROOVING TENONSTake 2, 115x2100x44 mm pieces. Nowgrooveeachend of the top and bottom jambs.Workingdepth mustbe 103 mm and 8 mm thick.Fix the knives onto the multiprofile cutt
7、erhead fordoors(itemcode TP42M AB3) and correctly positionitontothe spindle moulder.C.TOP AND BOTTOM TRANSOMSTake. 2, 115x900x44 mm pieces.- FIRST PHASE -TENONINGWork one side, cross grain of the two pieces.C. TOP AND BOTTOM TRANSOMS- SECOND PHASE -TENONINGTurnthepiecesupside down and work the same
8、side cross grain again, as previously done.C. TOP AND BOTTOM TRANSOMS-THIRD AND FOURTH PHASES -TENONINGTakethetwopreviously mouldedpiecesand repeatthesame operation cross grain, on the oppositeside of each one, as described in steps 5 - 6.D. INTERMEDIATE TRANSOMTake 1, 115x830x44 mm piece.TENONINGOn
9、bothsidescross grain, perform the same operations as described in steps 5 - 6 - 7.Thisphotoshowsthethreetransoms,with scribe and tenon on both ends.C. TOP AND BOTTOM TRANSOMS- SECOND PHASE -PROFILINGAdjustthetoolheight. Take the top and bottom transomsandprofileon one side, along the grain.C. TOP AN
10、D BOTTOM TRANSOMS- SECOND PHASE -PROFILINGTurnthetwotransoms upsidedownandprofile the same side as previously worked in step 10.D. INTERMEDIATE TRANSOM PROFILINGTaketheintermediate transomandrepeatthesameoperations, working both sides along thegrain,asinsteps10 and 11.E. JAMBSNowtakethetwo 115x2100x
11、44mmpieces alreadymachinedat bothends(seeFig.4). With an 8 mm mortising bitmakeaslotwhich willallowthefixing ofthejambontothe intermediatetransom whenassemblingthe door.E. JAMBS PROFILNG- FIRST PHASE -Withmultiprofile cutterheadTP42MAB3, profilethesamepieces asworkedinstep13. Machineonesideof each p
12、iece lenght ways, along the grain.E. JAMBS PROFILNG- SECOND PHASE -Turnthepreviously machinedpiecesupside down and carry out the sameoperation onthe samesidelengthways, along the grain.This picture highlights thejambsslotsand theintermediate and bottom transoms tenons.Positionitemcode TD52MHB3onthe
13、spindle moulder.A. TOP AND BOTTOM B. INNER RAISED PANELS- FIRST PHASE -PROFILINGWork the two previously preparedpanelsonall sides(steps1-2-3), makingsurethatyou firstmachinethetwo sides along the grain.A. TOP AND BOTTOMB. INNER RAISED PANELS- SECOND PHASE -PROFILINGTurnthepanelsupside down and carry out the same operations as thosedescribed in step 17.