UNIT 7 Lesson 37 You Are What You Eat 教案.doc

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1、UNIT 7 Sports and Good HealthLesson 37 You Are What You Eat教案教学目标知识与能力1Match the vocabulary: truth, decide, change, habit, usual health, awful . 2Master the phrase: to tell the truth, as usual, have a dream, eating habits, wake up过程与方法在教学过程中要注重教学的基本策略,成功喜悦兴趣、自主探索能力、合作互动共享。加强练习食物的询问以及回答,大面积练习,采用学生提出问

2、题,学生解决问题,借助多媒体教学手段来提高学生的主动性,调动学习的积极性。情感态度价值观 使学生学会审视自己,审视事物,养成健康的饮食习惯。教学重点1.The vocabulary and phrase2.language: What is your favourite food? 3. There be 句型。4.have 和has 的用法。 教学难点The vocabulary and phrase教学准备录音机、磁带、课件教学过程Step 1:Warm- up and Lead-in.1. Greetings.2. 让学生根据自己对食物的喜好大声说出小组的名字,如汉堡组I like ha

3、mburgers.教师做出评价。3. T: Lets play a memory game.播放课件的十一种食物和饮料,学生仔细看图片并记忆,小组选代表说单词并拼读,教师同时把相应的单词卡和图卡有规律的贴在黑板上。找学生领读进一步熟悉单词。(对小组进行及时鼓励和表扬,选出记忆最佳的小组。)4、T: So many delicious food want a hamburger. What do you want to eat?师生问答,生生问答。训练重点句型What do you want to eat/drink?Step 2: Presentation.T: Lingling and he

4、r dad are at a restaurant, they are ordering food and drinks. Lets listen and understand the meaning.播放第一遍录音试着听懂大意。Listen again and fill in the blanks.NameWhat do you want to eat?What do you want to drink?LinglingDad出示大屏幕核对答案。Listen a third time and follow the tape.(提出不同的听力要求,逐渐提高学生的听力能力)Step 3:Prac

5、tice.Practise in groups and Train-practise as quickly as possible.Step 4: Consolidation. T: Im a little hungry. Lets go to my lucky restaurant, OK? Let s go!全体起立做走路状。播放音乐What do you want to eat?音乐停,倒站。T: Here we are.(教师戴上帽子,围围裙,扮成服务员,把讲桌准备成餐馆柜台,摆上各种饮料和食物。)Im a waitress. Who wants to be my first cust

6、omer?教师和优生做对话示范。T: Welcome! Have your seat. Can I help you? What do you want to eat?S: I want a hamburger, please.T: And to drink?S: I want a Cola, please.T: Please wait! (从柜台上拿来汉堡和可乐放在托盘上)Your hamburger, and Cola.S:Thank you! How much is it?T: Its 7 yuan.S: Here you are.T: Thank you! Enjoy your meal!教师出示大屏幕,餐馆订餐的日常用语。Homework.1、 通过上网等多种形式了解中西方快餐或饮食文化的差异,并自学3-5个小吃的单词。2、 为自己的餐厅起一个有特色的名字并设计一份特别的菜单(尽量图文并茂,美观大方),并邀请自己的好朋友来做客,排成英语小品下节课表演。



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