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1、 Modul A ri to the zoo模块综合测试第一卷单项选择1.W wi give him_ ice.A. mor some B some oe . some much D any mo2. _ ourrother _ fruit A.Is, like B.Does, lk C. Do, liks D. De, ke . DoChnse ike playigbskbll _., hdoes B , ty rn C Y, thy o D.No, thy ct 4._he lehnts Afian Yes, they_ A. Are,are o, C Is, s D.oes,

2、does5. ame uual liveinthe _.A.foest B jnge . rve D dser6. _ts bmbo Thzebra B The tger C.Th agar DThe pana. Wher aehe tins Look, _.there ther B. hereae they C.hreare hey .herethey re8. _ h_ abirt evryyear A.Do, have Des, have . Des,as D.Do, has9. H awys maesca_his bhday . A to B. f C. at D. in1. I li

3、k smethingtrad. Wld yu pleae giem nemor_A.pen B. C.rulr D. book1. Th c(捕) and_ smalnimals lik rabi adeer. B. lives C. lving eatng12. Ion think t is go _animas sty in Bfo D. n13.Where isy mbrl(雨伞) Is in tody You_ aean ubrella wty. . needn C.mustnt . houldnt1.ilyou leae ps mtoda

4、espape _.A.Yes, please . er yo are C. You aeom D. Nt at al1. o eerchild_ bred. like B. likes C. ling D. o lk.B。肯定句中要用some,并放mor前,表示“又,再,多一些”。2.。句中有实义动词ike,且主语为单数,所以一般疑问时用助动词用does,回答也要借用它。3. C。因一般疑问时用的是助动词do,回答仍要用它。4. 。句子中并无实义动词,又有形容词Arica在场,一般用系表结构,并用be的复数形式。5. D。骆驼通常是生活在沙漠中的。6.D。所给四种动物里,只有熊猫吃竹子。. D

5、。以there开头的句子,如主语是代词,常用部分倒装结构。8 。every ya意为“每年”,是个表经常性的时间,要接现在一般时。 9 B。orbirthday意为“作为生日礼物”。10. D。因喜欢看书,所以请求再给一本“书”。11. A。and后接的动词应与其前的动词保持时态的一致。12. B。be oob or是固定词组,意思是“对有益/害”。13. 。need表示“需要”,可作实义动词,后面常跟名词、代词或t do形式,由答语中的“”(今天天气好)可知,后一句表示“你不需要带雨伞”,所以选项B正确。1. 。Heryou re是一个倒装句,意为“给你”。如果主语是代词,以her/hre开

6、头的句子则用部分倒装句,常见的有“He ou ae.”或“Heres”等。15. 主语是everychld“每一个孩子”,要视作单数,故选B。完型填空ha do we d at weeedsome peopelik to 1 at ome, butohers liketo goo a wlk 2 ave trip y riend T rks ard n afactor durnthe3 . At weekdheways 4 te ame thig. O Sturaye 5 hisa ann 6 he takshis family toanearby illage Hs unld aun vea

7、am thrItint a 7 o, bu theres aay 8 wor t o. The idr hlp th th nimals ad give temthi 9 , d and hi we help i the fiels.A he end ofhe dy, they ae al 0 and Teds ant usallygives the a ig innr . A. play live C sty .lie . A. d B. or C. bt D. o . A day . time C. autmn D.eek 4. A. do B makes C. borow D. has

8、A.wtche B drive sell D.ase 6 A. Mnday B Sunday C. SaurdaD. Wneday 7. sll B. big C. hard D sho 8. .much B. litt C. fas D. r 9. A. ot B. place C.oo D.water10A. clean . le C a D. happy 1。say athme意思是“留在家,不外出”。2.B。我们常用r连接两种供选择的情形。.D。与atwekn相对,即eekdaswokays。4.A。do he same thing意为“做相同的事”。5.。“星期六开车”与下文的“星期

9、天去农场”无关。6。应是“星期六洗车”,“星期天去农场”。7.B。but有转折意义,可作暗示。8.。work是不可数名词,要用 much修饰。9C。“give + 代词(动物) + 食物”意为“给动物喂食”。10.C。互相帮助,热情相招其乐无穷,即hppy。 阅读理解ADo u knwtht fish comsout fggs whenit s bor(出生) At th lttefsh ome ot o the eg, i eat the food n th egg. Wen it s, it lave t gg.It si i th water. ou casee the eesand n

10、se. Is are hidden(藏) in thehead.Smefishes eat ohr small fishes.Somefisehav smal mouthsandeethan he oeetpant(植物).根据短文内容用适当的单词填空。Th fiss in an (1)_ before it ibr. Th fish ah (2)_i heg fter ey coeut of the egg. en th ish s g,itdoesnt (3)_ n he gg any or. n ct(事实上), afsh (4)_ rs, but he re hiddeni the h

11、ead.()_ bigfishe at sa ishen ur ityther is a bg o. Tere r an anmals ierar m beautiultiger and lins(狮子)They ea much ate ay. ere relsoto bg ehants and a bay ne. hldr lke to rd on hem The lephts arek.Tey ea uchrss(草)andany banas.Elephas like bana y uh. n thezo her aralo bro(棕色的) bears, bak beas a wite bear. heyare allow andclums(笨拙的).They stand ontheirback lgsa lift(抬起) thei ron leso skfor od. Tey le caes vey muc 根据短文内容判断正误,对的写T,错的写F。. Thee ar tree


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