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1、6 A Systems View of Education教育系统观Systems inquiry and systems applications have been applied in the worlds of business and industry, in information technology, in the health services, in architecture and engineering, and in environmental issues. However, in educationexcept for a narrow application i

2、n instructional technologysystems inquiry is highly under-conceptualized and underutilized, and it is often manifested in misdirected applications. 系统调查和系统应用在工商业界、信息技术、健康服务、建筑工程、环境方面得到了广泛的运用。然而,在教育界除了在教学技术领域小范围的应用外系统调查还处于高度的未充分概念化和未充分利用的状态,并且事实显示系统调查方法经常被错误地应用。With very few exceptions, systems philo

3、sophy, systems theory, and systems methodology as subjects of study and applications are not yet on the agenda of our educational professional development programs. And, as a rule, capability in systems inquiry is not yet in the inventory of our educational research community. 几乎没有例外,作为学习和应用的学科,系统哲学

4、、系统理论和系统方法论还没有列到教育专业发展项目的日程中来。并且,通常情况下,系统调查的作用也没有列入我们教育研究领域的目录里。It is my firm belief that unless our educational communities and our educational professional organizations embrace systems inquiry, and unless our research agencies learn to pursue systems inquiry, the notions of “systemic” reform and

5、“systemic approaches” to educational renewal will remain hollow and meaningless buzzwords. 但我确信我们的教育团体和教育专家组织会认同系统调查的作用,我们的研究机构会贯彻系统调查,否则,教育复兴的“整体化”改革和“整体化视角”仍是空洞的,是毫无意义的空喊。The notion of systems inquiry enfolds large sets of concepts that constitute principles, common to all kinds of systems. 系统调查观念

6、包含大量组成原理的概念,这是所有类型系统的共同点。Acquiring a “systems view of education” means that we learn to think about education as a system, we can understand and describe it as a system, we can put the systems view into practice and apply it in educational inquiry, and we can design education so that it will manifes

7、t systemic behavior. 要获得一个“教育系统观”意味着我们要学会把教育看成一个系统,我们能够把它作为一个系统来理解和描述,我们能够在实践中和教育调查中运用系统观,而且我们能设计教学让它显示整体化功效。Once we individually and collectively develop a systems view, thenand only thencan we become“systemic” in our approach to educational reform, only then can we apply the systems view to the re

8、-conceptualization and redefinition of education as a system, and only then can we engage in the design of systems that will nurture learning and enable the full development of human potential. 一旦我们单独地和共同地形成了一种系统观,只有那时,我们的教育改革方式才变得“整体化”,我们才能应用系统观重新概念化和重新定义教育这个系统,也只有那个时候,我们才能致力于系统设计以促进学习和全面开发人类的潜能。Du

9、ring the past decade, we have applied systems thinking and the systems view in human and social systems. As a result we now have a range of systems models and methods that enable us to work creatively and successfully with education as a complex social system. We have organized these models and meth

10、ods in four complementary domains of organizational inquiry (Banathy, 1988) as follows: 过去的十年中,我们在人类和社会系统里应用了系统思想和系统观。于是,现在我们有了一系列的系统模式和方法,可以使我们在教育这个复杂的社会系统中创造性地、成功地完成工作。我们已把这些模式和方法组织成了如下四个互补的组织调查领域:The systems analysis and description of educational systems by the application of three systems model

11、s: the systems environment, functions/structure, and process/behavioral models; Systems design, conducting comprehensive design inquiry with the use of design models, methods, and tools appropriate to education; Implementation of the design by systems development and institutionalization; Systems ma

12、nagement and the management of change. 通过运用三个系统模式系统环境、功能/结构和过程/行动模式来系统分析和描述教育系统; 系统设计,通过运用适于教育的设计模式、方法和工具进行综合的设计调查;通过系统开发和制度化来实施设计;系统管理和变革管理。Figure 1 depicts the relational arrangement of the four domains of organizational inquiry. In the center of the figure is the integrating clusterthe core value

13、s, core ideas, and organizing perspectives constitute bases for both the development of the inquiry approach and the decisions we make in the course of the inquiry. 图 1 显示了组织调查的四个领域之间的位置关系。图的中央是整合群核心价值、核心思想和组织观点,它们既构成了开发调查方法的基础,也构成了调查过程中所做决定的基础。Three Models That Portray Education as a System 把教育作为系统

14、来描绘的三个模式Systems-Environment Model. The use of the systems-environment model enables us to describe an educational system in the context of its community and the larger society. 系统环境模式。运用系统环境模式使得我们能在教育界和更大的社团背景下描述教育系统。The concepts and principles that are pertinent to this model help us define systems

15、-environment relationships, interactions, and mutual interdependencies. A set of inquiries, built into the model, guide the user to make an assessment of the environmental responsiveness of the system and, conversely, the adequacy of the responsiveness of the environment toward the system. 与这个模式相关的观

16、点和原理能够帮助我们定义系统与环境的关系,是相互作用和相互依赖的关系。基于这个模式建立的一系列调查,可以指导使用者评估系统对环境的响应,反过来,也可以指导使用者评估环境对系统的响应是否适当。Functions/Structure Model. The use of the functions/structure model focuses our attention on what the educational system is at a given moment of time. 功能/结构模式。功能/结构模式的运用使我们把注意力集中于某个特定时间教育系统是什么的问题上。It projects a “still-picture” image of the system, it enables us to


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