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1、Everyone recognizes the importance of speaking English well. Then how to make good speech?In school one of the chief things to learn and to practice may be the reading and writing of English, but in everyday life we convey our thoughts to other people by speaking far more often than by writing. What

2、 we say and how we say it determine to a very great extent the opinion that other people form about us.A person who speaks clearly and pleasantly obviously has a very great advantage. A person who cannot or does not speak acceptably is under a great handicap -he may have a fine character, he may be

3、clever, he may have many good qualities, but he may still be held back.Perhaps the chief thing about speaking is not to be afraid of it. There is no real need to be nervous and you should try to avoid showing nervousness. But the best way of overcoming your perfectly natural feelings of shyness is t

4、o go ahead and speak and to accustom yourself to the situation of being on your feet with a group of people listening to you.Here are two important points:1. Take it easyrelaxjust go out and talk about your chosen subject until you are cut off.2. No fault-finding! The chairman or teacher is to find

5、something to praise about every single speech.If you tend to emphasize points in conversations and talks, you can consider:1. Saying a key word or phrase more slowly and loudly.2. Pausing before or after an important point.3. Expressing a sentence very deliberately.4. Altering the pitch of your voic

6、e.5. Repeating a word or phrase if necessary.答案补充 Can you refer to speakers on television, on radio, on records or heard directly who have employed one or more of these means of emphasis?Besides, you should not associate the idea of reading aloud with your memories of learning to read. Reading aloud

7、 is one of the best ways to improve your speech. It gives you the opportunity to practice the following skills:答案补充 1. Controlling the volume (loud or soft) of your voice.2. Varying your speed.3. Pausing at the right place.4. Varying the pitch (high or low) of your voice.5. Setting the right tone an

8、d developing a feeling for the spirit or mood of what you are reading.All these things are important in communicating to your listeners the full meaning of a passagemaking a good speech.外教曾经做过一个关于技巧的presentation,1.不能紧张, 周围最好有个什么可以依靠的东西。2.可以将一些关键的词汇做好小的卡片,放在手中或者是前面的桌子上,但不要有太多的细节,否则会导致你总是不停的看手中的东西。3.可


10、说的事情。9.结束的时候千万不可以说that is all。类的句型,这一点是外国人特别强调的,可以说thank you for coming等等一类的礼貌的话10.要尽量的放松,可以深呼吸或者是使两脚分开站立都是好的方法。也就能记住这么多了,不知道对你有没有帮助。下面是关于联系的一些材料你可以参考一下Presentation Skill: Top 7 Tips for Making the Most of Your Presentation PracticeBy Debbie BaileyBelieve it or not, preparation is a better determina

11、nt of presentation success than knowledge, experience, or even talent. The best presenter is almost always the presenter who is the most prepared. Even so, there are a lot of conflicting ideas about what constitutes thorough presentation preparation. So what exactly is thorough preparation? Here are

12、 seven straight forward tips to increase the effectiveness of the time you invest in your practice.Practice Delivery Out Loud. Practice is NOT mentally rehearsing your presentation on the drive over to the presentation or even thinking about your presentation while tossing and turning at night. Both

13、 of these are something, but not practice. A lot can happen between thinking about what you want to say and actually getting the words to come out of your mouth coherently. If you dont actually practice speaking out loud, when the time comes, you may struggle to articulate your mentally well rehears

14、ed thoughts. To the audience, this struggle will appear to be lack of preparation.Try to Conduct Your Practice in a Situation Similar to the Real Speaking Venue. Whenever possible, conduct your practice in a situation that closely mirrors the real presentation. For example, if you will be speaking i

15、n front of a large group in an auditorium or large conference room, try to practice in a large room filled with as many audience recruits as possible. Why? Research indicates that if your practice closely mirrors your real presentation, once you are in the actual presentation your brain will think y

16、ou have done this before. Besides practice, the next most important ingredient in your success is experience.Practice in Front of Real People. If you cant find any audience recruits at work, ask your spouse, best friend, or if all else fails, your pet to listen to your presentation. Interacting with a live audience is an important part of your practice. It helps you not only rehears


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