1、(完整)混凝土结构设计原理(同济大学)课后思考题答案(完整)混凝土结构设计原理(同济大学)课后思考题答案 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整)混凝土结构设计原理(同济大学)课后思考题答案)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为(完整)混凝土结构设计原理(同济大学)课后思考题答案的全部内容。为了促
2、进本公司各项经营活动由事后管理向事前管理方式的转变,强化生产经营全过程控制,提高资金使用的计划性,特制定本管理办法,以增加公司资金运行的透明度,降低各项成本,使有限的资金发挥最大的效能。treatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation three years action plans, requirements to December 2016
3、 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation d
4、iscontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and produc
5、tion lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project Trinity environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the
6、Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level
7、of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage,
8、water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross Yang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation strong
9、 library solid di spread row engineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problem. Vigorously implement the
10、 piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountai
11、n, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play three to split battle. Xia Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the three to split operation time is over three years, but three to split must continue to catch on
12、, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and no unauthorised created第1章绪论思考题1.1什么是钢筋混凝土结构?配筋的主要作用和要求是什么?以混凝土为主要材料的结构。在混凝土中配置适量的受力钢筋,并使得混凝土主要承受压力,钢筋主要承受拉力,就能起到充分利用材料,提高结构承载力和变形能力的作用。要求:受力钢筋与混凝土之间必须可靠地粘结在一起,以保证两者共同变形、共同受力.同时受力钢筋的布置和数量都应由计算和构造要求确定,施工也要正确.保证
14、和正常使用能力极限状态的概念。(1)结构的安全性(Safety):在正常施工和正常使用时,能承受可能出现的各种作用;在设计规定的偶然事件发生时及发生后,仍然能保持必要的整体稳定性。(2)结构的适用性 (Serviceability):结构在正常使用时具有良好的工作性能,不致产生过大的变形以及过宽的裂缝等。(3)结构的耐久性(Durability):结构在正常的维护下具有足够的耐久性。(即结构能正常使用到规定的设计使用年限)。它根据环境类别和设计使用年限进行设计。承载力极限状态(ultimate limit state):结构或构件达到最大承载能力或变形达到不适于继续承载的状态;其主要表现为材料
15、破坏、丧失稳定或结构机动。正常使用极限状态(serviceability limit state):结构或构件达到正常使用或耐久性能中某项规定限值的状态;其主要表现为过大变形、裂缝过宽或较大振动.第2章混凝土结构材料的物理力学性能2。1混凝土立方体抗压强度轴心抗压强度标准值和抗拉没强度标准值是如何确定的?为什么低于?有何关系?与有何关系?混凝土的立方体抗压强度标准值是根据以边长为150mm的立方体为标准试件,在(203)的温度和相对湿度为90以上的潮湿空气中养护28d,按照标准试验方法测得的具有95保证率的立方体抗压强度确定的.混凝土的轴心抗压强度标准值是根据以150mm150mm300mm的