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1、全国研究生研究生入学考试英语一 ection I Ue of Englishirectons: Rdthefollowing tex. Coo he besword(s) for ech numbredbln and mak A, B,CrD o AWER SHET (10oints)eoear, onhewhole, porat considigbackgrund informatin hen ming ividual decisionsAt fit glne hs mih m lie a srength tat 1 he bilittakejugments whichre niasedb

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3、e tuned o th uiverity-admssons roce. n hoy, the 9ofa plcant shouldnt deendon te few ohers 10 randomly or intervie durigthe same day, uDr. imnsh supeced htruth was 11 .He studied the rsults f 9,23MA intervews b 1 dmisons ofiers Theinteriewers had 1 appicnt on scal ofn fi. Thscle 14 ueousfcosto coside

4、rtionThescoes we 1ued in cjnctowih appcts scor on the Grduat Management Admissnest, r MA, stndardizdexa hich s 1 outof 800 ints, o make a decsin onhtr to acceptim or hrDimonshn oundife scre ofh pevous candidain daly sris ofitevweas 075 oints ormoe higher th that the one 7 tha,tn t score forth ne apl

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8、est, plaed byeryl Streep, sclds r utrcve ssstan forimaig hathh ashiodoent fcther,Priesy eplain o tep blue coo of th asistans sweatrdescndeove the yers fro fashio shows o deartens stors ad t the bgai bin whch the or girdubtles fund her arment.Thitp-dow conceponof the shonbsiness lnt bemore ut datra o

9、ddswit hfeverishwould be deibe n verrse, Eieth Clines eyearinctent f “astfashon” n the ast dcadeor so, advance in tnlogy hae allowedmas-mrt aelssuch aZra,H&M, and Uniqloto t t trends oreqcky andanicite demand more recisel.uicker turnarunds ean ls asted invenor, ore frequntrease,and rpofitTheselabels

10、 ouagyle-conscou onsumers to ee clotheasdisosblementolat nly awsh o wo, althuh the dont advtse tha and tor thei wadro eveyfew ks. Byofring ontrendims atdir-eap prices, ne arues, these brd avhijacefashion cycle, skn an indutry lon accusomed t a nal aceTheictims of tisreluion, fourse, r t limited to d

11、esiners.Fr H&M offr $5.95it mnisirt i allit 2,00-piu stres aroundtheorld,it must ely on lo-age vrseasabor,odrn voumhttrain ntural resures, nd emasiveamounts farful emcals.Ovedesed i th fashion worlds answto consue-ctivistbestelers ihaelPollns Th Onivoe ilemma.“Mss-producd lothg, i fastod, ill a hnr nd ned,yenon-duraleand atfl,” Clneargue. Americns, she finds,buyrougl 20blio ara yer abt 64iems pr peron adno mtter how much they ive aw, this excess eads to wasteTowrthe enf Overese,Clineitrode her idel, a roknwoman namedrah a



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