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1、dul5 Geat Peple an reatInvetis AncietCaI单元教学目的技能目的Sll Goalal bou owto ho grement and dsgremnLr owtogi rensPractie tlking autaremt nddisgreemetDefine reatveclauss ak abot mportant ancient inee inveniosII 目的语言功能句式Tal bot phoersadphilosohies:e stessd theimrtae of ns,ty an order.Confius is th ilosope wh

2、snluene as bene greatst. oziwas aothr teache whwas veyiel.Al humang are equ.Teat others n the wayou want to traedPeoplear moe imprant ha usWe uld love all hun bigsPacce talkin about ageeen disareemen:That exactly m oinin.oe qite it dont hink you right.qte ge wth u. I rad don ree /disagre ith ou Imra

3、id t. ve much ar wihhe sttment. If o want othe eol tokindo y,yo mu be ndo the. Do youaree wihes opinioabut philosophes?Why r y t?What doyou hn of hephiosops? ie your easons. Chos me prverbs abut hiosopers and hiloophies yo gedisagre i and eplain why?Prctice giigreasos: Tereso hylke readigabou nient

4、Chna isht he phiosophy i erineresting.Menciubelieved hat te reason whyma siffrent fro ails is thtman s oOfen, the raso wy pol renhp iththeydonthav enoughlove.词汇1 四会词汇l, imprtanc, philoper, hiloshy, eachng, tnker, kindnss,ordr,rinciple, pstion, sressresg, advse, infuntl, ove, onesty, jutie,a, conibut

5、on,ivent, leathr, ok, sft, ategory, ineo, rgment, fredom, fel,ondtion2认读词汇sura, Cfuciu, ecius,Mozi3 词组be awar with brinp becomeiterstedin icoclus fr te frst time语法fnan use relaive clauesFd ou theus betwee werehen whose w wichof whom ad in wc1 Statemens ciet Ci wa aplac whe statwerofte at wr wit eh o

6、tr.But iwas also ime whe there were anygreathiloher.Confucius is the philosophe whoe infuenc hs en ereatesoiwas ahertecher wowas veinluetial.came ro a family whchw very poor.2 Questins Hwt dfie lte lauses: ofwhm and n wih.重点句子Acnt China was plce whre states ere ofnat warwit eachote.But it waslso im

7、whn te wer many grea philsophers.Concius is the hisper wose infuece hasbeeh greatst.Hstressedth impornce ofinss,duy and order scie.hinse sociey w infuenceby theseidas for morethan 2,00 ars.Menus a athinker hos tchngs wee very simiar to hat f Confucis.Hoever, enhe w thatt rer s flowng is advce, he es

8、gne.For may yease traveefr stteto stat,teacint ricies oCnfucius. Meius bieved that the reasonwh manis different from anilsis tat man oo.s a sul,e snt many years tying o find a satehee opl woul follw histeachigI.教材分析和教材重组1.教材分析本单元为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生通过讨论中国古代哲学,及古代哲学思想,如何刊登自己的观点并给出因素等问题,使学生树立对的的哲学观。并针对这些思想

9、,指引学生刊登自己的见解和见解,通过进一步讨论掌握刊登批准或不批准的句子,及给出理由的句子。并能就哲学家及哲学思想进行评论,对有关哲学思想写出观点明确、论证有力的短文。1.1 NTRODUION提前布置准备有关哲学与哲学家的信息,课上找同窗解说,从而激发学生对本单元的中心话题产生爱好;同步也使教师对本单元的授课更具有针对性,从而有效地协助学生树立对的的哲学观念。1.2 REAING NDVOCABULAY 简介了中国古代的三位伟大哲学家及她们的伟大思想,让学生在阅读中学习哲学,树立对的的社会观,人生观,为后来走向社会作铺垫。课文重点解说了三位哲学家的生平经历,体现了她们在怀才不遇,屡受挫折的情

10、境下不屈不挠的精神,始终坚持自己的思想和信念,修身养性,从未放弃追求。通过阅读,学生学习了新的词汇,句型,提高了阅读水平,并学习坚持不懈的精神。1.3 GRAMMA & GMMA 2学习并灵活运用由w, where, whs, wo 和which 引导的定语从句. 然后对比由whose,he 和of wo, i whih引导的定语从句的区别. 之后完毕orkbook中的ra练习题。1.4 FUNCTION, VABULARYSEKN, PRONUNCITIO, EAKNG结合体现自己的批准或不批准,学习体现因素,掌握体现因素的句型并纯熟使用。注意句子中连读。理解并简介中国古代的伟大发明,培养爱

11、国主义思想。1.5 LISTENINAND VOCABULAY 让学生通过听一段有关简介古代中国重要发明的文章来练习学生的听力能力,并且完毕有关的练习题。1.6 CUTUALCORNER,REDIG (I) 理解十八世纪的工业革命,及工业革命中浮现的发明,理解外国的伟大发明,鼓励学生完善自身的同步,多向别人学习。eadin II 中简介古希腊的伟大哲学家及她们的思想,理解她们的生平,学习她们的敢于为真理献身,大胆追求真理的精神。2教材重组2.1 口语 将Itroductio, Funco,Vocaulyand Spekng, Pronunation及Spaing放在一起上口语课,学习并掌握体现

12、批准或不批准的句型,进一步学习给出因素,从而更好的体现自己观点。理解句子中的连读。理解简介中国古代的某些伟大发明。这些部分都需要学生学习并练习体现观点,可以放在一起练习口语22 精读Reading and Saing学习文中内容,简介了中国古代的三位伟大哲学家,她们的生平经历,重要思想,通过阅读理解她们思想,并从中学习她们不屈不挠,坚持不懈追求抱负的精神。可上一堂精读课。2.3语法可将 Grmmar 和rammr 及Wokbook 中的Grmar练习合为一堂语法2.4 听力 把stein Voablary 和Lstig an Spaking 合为一堂听力课。2.5泛读 涉及ulturalcore 及Readng (II),理解外国的伟大发明及伟大哲学家和哲学思想,课上一堂泛读课,提高阅读水平,拓展知识面。激发热爱科学的爱好。2.6写作课型设计与学时分派1s id Voablaryand Intrducionpronntion Fction, Spakig2nderod Readg I3d eriod rar124 period



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