双语阅读:意总理遇袭 鼻子骨折牙齿掉落.doc

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1、双语阅读:意总理遇袭 鼻子骨折牙齿掉落http:/edu.QQ.com 2009年12月14日14:33 安莎通讯社 我要评论(0)Blood covers part of the face of Italys Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi after he was attacked in downtown Milan December 13, 2009. Berlusconi was taken to hospital with blood smeared over his face after a man hurled a small model of

2、Milan cathedral at him at a political rally, police said on Sunday.Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was rushed to hospital covered in blood with a broken nose and teeth after a man with mental problems hurled a statuette at him at a rally, officials said on Sunday.Berlusconi wasbundled intoa

3、 car, with blood spattered over his face, and whisked away after the assault in a square behind the cathedral in the northern city of Milan. The mediamogulhad just ended a speech to thousands offlag-wavingsupporters.The 73-year-old prime minister, a popular but divisive figure, said Im fine, Im fine

4、 as he arrived at the hospital.He later told an Italian television presenter visiting him that he considered it miraculous not to have lost an eye in the attack, the Ansa news agency said.His personal doctor, Alberto Zangrillo, said the premier had suffered a fractured nose, two broken teeth and cut

5、s to his lips that required stitches.He said Berlusconi would be kept in at least overnight for observation and would need up to 15 days to recover. The tycoon would not need surgery but could be kept in hospital for long as 48 hours, Zangrillo said.This is truly a bad day for Italy, and its the dut

6、y of all the political forces to ensure that Italy does not go back to the years of violence, said Gianfranco Fini, Berlusconis top conservative ally, one of many to denounce the incident.A 42-year-old Italian man who has been under treatment for mental problems for 10 years was arrested for throwin

7、g a souvenir plaster statuette of the cathedral at Berlusconi from close range, police said. Sources close to the investigation named the man as Massimo Tartaglia.The incident triggered anoutpouringof solidarity for Berlusconi from allies and critics alike, just as the prime minister seeks to regain

8、 political momentum after abruisingyear battling mounting legal troubles and sex scandals.(Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.)(Agencies)据意大利官方周日介绍,总理西尔维奥?贝卢斯科尼在当天的一次集会中遭到一名精神病患者的袭击。当时,这名精神病患者将一个雕像砸向贝卢斯科尼,致其鼻部骨折,牙齿掉落,遇袭后的老贝满脸是血,当即被送往医院。受伤后,满脸是血的贝卢斯科


10、的保守派盟友詹弗兰科?菲尼是公开谴责这起事件的众多人士之一。他说:“这对意大利来说实在是十分糟糕的一天,防止意大利重返暴力年代是所有政治力量的责任。”警方表示,袭击总理的是一名接受精神病治疗长达十年的、42岁的意大利男子。他近距离地将一尊大教堂的石膏纪念雕像扔向贝卢斯科尼,目前这名男子已被捕。调查方面的消息人士称这名男子名为马西莫?塔尔塔格里亚。这起事件让老贝获得了盟友乃至批评人士的声援,而此时正是老贝在经历了多事的一年后希望重整旗鼓的关头。在过去的一年中,贝卢斯科尼身陷一系列法律纠纷和性丑闻。Vocabulary:bundle into:to send away hurriedly or unceremoniously(推搡,匆忙赶往)mogul:a very rich or powerful person; a magnate(显要人物,有权势人物)flag-waving:an ostentatiously emotional display of patriotism or factionalism(狂热的爱国主义的)outpouring:something that pours out or is poured out; an outflow(流露;泻出)bruising:麻烦的,讨厌的



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