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1、英语教师课堂用语以及一些日常用语2GREETINGS日常问候1. GOOD MORNING / AFTERNOON / EVENING2. Hello/ hiHow are you?3. Im fine. Thank you. Yourself?farewells告别4. Goodbye bye see you later. / Tomorrow. See you see ya Good night.making telephone calls打电话5. Hello! May I speak to.?6. Hold on, please. He isnt here right now.7. I

2、m calling to tell / ask you.8. Goodbye.Thanks and responses感谢和应答9. Thank you very much.10. Thanks a lot.11. Many thanks / thanks for.12. Youre welcome. / thats all right.Wishes, congratulations and responses.祝愿、祝贺和应答13. Good luck.14. Best wishes to you. / have a good time. / Congratulations15. Thank

3、 ya.16. Happy New Year. Merry Christmas17. The same to you. Same to you.Apologies and responses.道歉和应答18. Can I help you? = what can I do for you? = would you like some.= how can I help you?19. Thanks. / That would be nice / fine/ thank you for your help. / Yes, please.20. No, thanks/ thank you. / th

4、ats very kind of you, but.TALKING ABOUT THE WEATHER.谈论天气21. Whats the weather like today? = Hows the weather in.?22. Its fine.SHOPPING.购物23. Can I help you with sth? = May/ can I help you?24. I want / Id like.25.ow much is it?26. How many / much do you want?27. What color / size / kind / do you want

5、?ASKING THE WAY AND RESPONSES问路和应答。28. Excuse me, wheres the mens / ladies room?29. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to.?30.How can I get to.?31.I dont know the way.32. Go down this street.33. Turn right/ left at the first / second crossing.34. Its about. Meters from here.ASKING THE TIME OR DATE A

6、ND REPONSES询问日期、时间和应答35. What day is it today?36. Whats the date today?37. Whats the time, please?38. Its Monday.39. Its Jan. 10th Its five oclockPROHIBITIONS AND WARNINGS禁止和警告40. You cant If you., you will.41. Take care! Be careful!SEEING THE DOCTOR看病42. Theres something wrong with. Ive got a cough

7、. I feel bad/ sick. I dont feel well. Ive got a pain here43. Take this medicine three times a day. Nothing serious. Youll be all right/ well soon.LANGUAGE DIFFICULITIES处理交际中的语言障碍44. Pardon.45. Please say that again46. Please say that more slowly.47. What do you mean by.?48. Im sorry I cant follow you.49. Im sorry I only know a little English.50. Pardon me?!


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