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1、中考英语初中英语英语任务型阅读解题技巧(超强)及练习题(含答案)一、英语任务型阅读1在毕业之际,你们班打算为语文、数学、英语、社会、科学老师选购毕业礼物,请你根据以下描述选择与1-5最匹配的图片。 A. B. C. D. E. (1)Your science teacher likes reading, and Tu Youyou is his favorite scientist. He wants to buy a magazine about Tu Youyou. (2)Your Chinese teacher likes parties and music. She is crazy

2、about Chinese folk music. She wants to learn to play a musical instrument. (3)Your history teacher is a sports fan. He always plays ping-pong in his free time. (4)Your English teacher is from Australia, and she is interested in Chinese culture. Now she is learning the table manners in China and the

3、way how to use chopsticks and spoons. (5)There are many exercise books and test papers on your math teachers desk. You want to buy a plant to make her office more lively. 【答案】 (1)C(2)B(3)A(4)E(5)D 【解析】【分析】介绍毕业之际为四科教师准备的毕业礼物。 (1)细节理解题。根据Tu Youyou is his favorite scientist. He wants to buy a magazine

4、about Tu Youyou. 可知,C选项中关于屠呦呦的杂志最适合送给他。故选C。 (2)细节理解题 。根据She is crazy about Chinese folk music.She wants to learn to play a musical instrument.”可知她喜欢民间音乐,想要乐器,B选项中的二胡最适合她,故选B。 (3)细节理解题。根据”Your history teacher is a sports fan. He always plays ping-pong in his free timne.可知,历史老师最喜欢打乒乓球,故A选项中的乒乓球拍最适合,故选

5、A。 (4)细节理解题。根据Now she is learning the table manners in China and the way how to use chopsticks and spoons.可知,英语老师想学习怎么用筷子和汤匙,选项E中的筷子和汤匙最适合她,故选E。 (5)细节理解题。根据Yon want to buy a plant to make her office more lively. 可知,选项D中的盆栽可以使办公室充满生气。故选D。 【点评】考查任务型阅读。注意理解对礼物的描述选词正确的选项。2阅读上栏的五段文字,然后在下栏AG中找出与它们匹配的信息。(有

6、两个多余项) _Jim got up late this morning. He brushed his teeth and had a quick breakfast. He rushed to school with an umbrella in his backpack._Tom planed to go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine with some of his friends. He thinks they will have a good time there._Joan didnt take an umbrella with her

7、when she went to school in the afternoon. So she had to run home in the rain. Badly, she caught a cold._Erin had a bad luck when he got to Shanghai. People hardly stood on the street and some light things could be blown away easily._John went to Beijing for business. He was very excited, because he

8、saw that it was white here and there. He couldnt wait to take out his camera.A. It was badly cold. It snowed yesterday.B. It was full of clouds in the sky this morning. Maybe it was going to rain.C. It was windy. Many children were flying kites on the playground.D. It had strong wind outside. Stayin

9、g at home was better.E. It is a little hot, but the weather is very nice.F. It says that it is going to snow tomorrow.G. It rained all the afternoon.【答案】 B;E;G;D;A 【解析】【分析】A. It was badly cold. It snowed yesterday. 天很冷。昨天下雪了。 B. It was full of clouds in the sky this morning. Maybe it was going to ra

10、in. 今天早上天空乌云密布。可能要下雨了。 C. It was windy. Many children were flying kites on the playground. 有风。许多孩子在操场上放风筝。 D. It had strong wind outside. Staying at home was better. 外面有大风。呆在家里更好。 E. It is a little hot, but the weather is very nice. 有点热,但是天气很好。 F. It says that it is going to snow tomorrow. 它说明天要下雪。

11、G. It rained all the afternoon. 整个下午都在下雨。 (1)根据文中的语句He rushed to school with an umbrella in his backpack.可知,天有可能要下雨,故选B。 (2)根据文中的语句 Tom planed to go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine with some of his friends. 可知,今天天气很好,故选E。 (3)根据文中的语句So she had to run home in the rain. Badly, she caught a cold.可知,

12、天正在下雨,故选G。 (4)根据文中的语句People hardly stood on the street and some light things could be blown away easily.可知,风刮得很大,故选D。 (5)根据文中的语句He was very excited, because he saw that it was white here and there.可知,下了大雪,故选A。 【点评】考查信息匹配。熟知各个选项的基本含义,根据所给的语境选择最佳选项。 3下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有

13、一项是多余选项。 A. You probably sit right at the front of the class if you re longing for knowledge.B. Research suggests that the seat you choose in the classroom says a lot about you and your personality.C. Do you sit in the middle of the classroom?D. This means its a good idea to sit in a different place

14、 every day.E. People often think that students who sit at the back are lazy.F. Students who sit at the side of the classroom are normally interested in class.Where you sit and how you fit _ For more than seventy years, researchers and teachers have studied the link between the place where students c

15、hoose to sit in class and what they are like as people and learners. Where do you usually decide to sit? Have you ever really thought about the reasons for your decision? _ But is this really true? Well, some researchers say it is not. In fact, shy students often choose the back row because it is far away from the teacher and they dont want to answer questions. At the back, students probably wont speak much, but in big classrooms, it can be hard to see the board and hear what the teacher is saying. Thi


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