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1、You are so going to - 你一定要-Im so hot 我很兴奋Make a pass at s.b. 调戏某人I dont see that happening 我办不到 Tip for that 以牙还牙Easy on those cookies 别吃太多饼干生活就像宋祖德的嘴,不知道下一个受伤的将是谁I think its winning 我认为赢定了What a tool 真是个王八蛋Good for you 厉害!Score! 有门儿!Im totally over her 我已经把她忘了Were you just full of it? 你是虚张声势吗?Blue

2、is my color 我喜欢蓝色Mr caring boss 管家婆Do sb.=imitate sb. 模仿某人He is not much of a phone person 他不太善于打电话Are you currently involved with anyone? 你最近有对象吗?Take advantage of sb. 占某人便宜/吃豆腐I think its a 10 我认为十全十美了Kind of do 也许会做吧I just dont buy it 我不只是不相信Im over you 我不在乎你的Great job growing up. 女大十八变HE IS SO H

3、OT 他太帅了WHAT A JERK! 真是个浑蛋!Give a dog a bad name and hang him 欲加之罪,何患无词。I just saying 说说而已Eh 1. 表示惊奇啊!嘿!嗯!2. 表示疑问、询问、未听清对方的话或征求对方同意是吗?好吗?什么?相当于 “What did you say?”“Dont you agree?”Consider the past and you shall know the future 温故而知新Thats the stuff, 这才是生活Run him to ground 彻底搜查他Lets take it in 让我们热烈欢迎

4、Sometimes monkeys die 猴子难免一死Stupid is as stupid does 做傻事的人才是傻瓜The bell doesnt dismiss you ,I dismiss you. 铃声并不代表下课,我说下课才下课。 Im freaking out. 我快吓死了You are my soul mate. 你是我的精神伴侣Get out of here 少来了(呵呵)No way. 不会吧Two dates in one day 脚踏两条船I got the stage fright 我怯场了I dont give a shit 我一点也不在乎 Way to go

5、太精彩了Get your ass back here 给我滚回来My foots gonna meet the middle of your ass Whats your point? 你什么意思?I was make-believe. 我是虚构的。 You are dead inside 你内心死了Good for you 没错Welcome abroad 欢迎加入Over the line 过分Fine by me 无所谓 Get of meYou cant stand anyone else enjoying themselves,can you? 你就是见不得别人开心对吧?Kiss a

6、ss 马屁精Chinese throwing star 中 国的飞镖Lets roll 开始行动All kids are embarrassed by their parentsI wouldnt miss it for the world 我一定不会错过的Im getting all misty here 我快热泪盈眶了Big picture please! 请谈正事!Soul mate 精神伴侣Right back at you 我也是You set her up? 你帮她牵红线?You do anything to Chandler,its gonna bring you down to

7、 his level 你对他做什么,只会让自己跟他一样(卑鄙)Not two years in a row 不会/是两年都这么做With all the politics and the mind games 尔虞我诈I ate way too much 我吃的太多了Eatingh chips is like stretching 吃薯片像是在做拉筋运动JoeySolid effort 真精彩Im having the hardest time placing you 我真的很难记得你的样子Here comes the meat sweats 留下了一身肉汗-Joey Tribiony Tha

8、t is a slap in the faceI couldt hear you over all the winning 我赢得太开心,听不到你说话Move ONE:I was gonna wait until the end of the night to kiss you but you are just so beautiful ,I dont think I can I almost leaned in 我差点被你骗了Move TWO:Whered you grow up? Like a moth to a flame 像飞蛾扑火一样Works been crazy 工作很忙Momentry lapse 一时糊涂You dont say ! 你骗人I am just preoccupied 我只是走神了I dont get deep feelings 我不会认真的Its a crush just a crush 我只是冲昏了头Crushes happen all the time 人常



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