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1、课型:初二年级读写课 课题:Unit 6 The Earths Atmosphere Part II Reading and Writing教师:刘颖设计思路 新课程理念下的英语课堂教学强调学习过程,强调学生参与,强调学生发展。在设计本课时,以新课程理念为指导思想,突出学生能力培养、突出学生语言能力发展,注重以学生为中心,注重学生知识与能力的共同发展,在明确教学目标的前提下,运用任务型和交互式教学方法, 以学生为中心, 以活动为主线, 来设计这节课。通过设计有效的多样的教学活动,充分调动学生的积极性,开发学生智力与潜力,使学生逐步理解课文大意,掌握所学的短语、结构,采用Interactive

2、交互式方法进行教学,强调阅读中语篇和语意的理解。在技能发展上使学生学会如何介绍空气污染的问题,并给出一些解决问题的建议,通过完成真实任务来加深对新知识的运用,使学生的学习过程是在一种自然、真实的情境中理解并完成对新语言的理解、掌握与应用。教材分析 本课是出自北京市课改版试验教材八年级下第14册的Unit 6The Earths Atmosphere的第二部分Reading and writing。这一单元的话题是世界和环境,通过本单元的学习能够运用一般现在时和情态动词的被动语态和与环境相关的单词谈论保护环境的问题。本课的主题是“空气污染”。本课是第二课时-“读写课”。本课的功能是谈论环境。所以

3、我把重点放在通过阅读理解掌握文章大意后,学会如何谈论空气污染问题,引导他们关心、爱护自己所处的环境,并能提出一些简单的建议,并培养他们在实际生活中提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。教学目标Knowledge aims: 1. To understand 10 words in three skills. 2. To master 4 phrases in four skills.3. To be able to get information of air pollution through reading.Ability aims: 1. To be able to improve the

4、 reading ability of getting specific information through fast and careful reading.2. To be able to simply talk about the problems of air pollution and make suggestions to solve the problems and then write them down.Moral aim: To arouse the students consciousness of protecting environment.教学重点和难点(一)教

5、学重点 1. To learn 10 words in three skills. 2. To learn 4 phrases in four skills.3. To get information and understand the meaning of the text throughreading. (二)教学难点 1. To train students reading ability of how to get information through fast reading and intensive reading.2. To be able to talk about th

6、e problems of air pollution and give some suggestions.教学方法PWP任务型教学法/ Interactive Approach教学方法教学资源Text books, computer, PPT教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图时间安排Warm-upGreet with the Ss.Greet with the teacher .吸引学生注意力,做好上课的准备。1ReadingPre-reading 1. Lead inShow the students a video and get them to answer questions.

7、2. Vocabularies learningPresent ten new words to Ss.Do some drilling of the ten new words.Have an oral test of the ten new words. 1. Watch the video and try to answer the teachers questions.2. Try to learn the new words .1、导入主题,进入到新知识的学习状况中. 渗透环保的意识。2、用速记法培养和训练学生记忆词组的能力7ReadingWhile-reading1. Fast R

8、eadingAsk the students to read the passage for the first time and find out: What is the text about?2. Detailed readingAsk the students to read the passage for the second time one part by one part1) Ask Ss to read the first paragraph and answer two questions:1. What is the atmosphere used for?2. Can

9、people live without the atmosphere?2)Paragraph 2-3Get Ss to read Paragraph 2 and try to find out the answers .3)Paragraph 4-5Get Ss to read Paragraph 4-5 and complete the sentences.4) Ask the students to find out the phrases: protect from depend on be made up of be full ofPost-reading1. Task 1Ask th

10、e students to talk about the air pollution according to the information on the screen.2. SummarySum up what theyve learnt.3. Task 2: DiscussionDiscuss how to write apassage about environmentpollution and give suggestions. 1. Read the passage and find out the answer.1) Read the first part and find ou

11、t the answers. Check the answers in pairs.2) Read Paragraph 2 -3 and find out the answers. Check the answers in class.3) Read Paragraph 4-5 and complete the sentences.And discuss the answerswith their partners. Read the passage and find out. And finish the exercises.Talk about the air pollution in p

12、airs.Try to sum up whattheyve learnt with theteachers help.Discuss it in groups.本环节将训练和培养学生根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息的能力通过活动的设计帮助学生对文章进行整体理解。精读课文,全面理解文意,同时对学生进行学习策略的渗透通过此活动训练学生应用语言的能力鼓励学生运用语言.帮助学生梳理本堂课重点内容。运用所学短语表达法,谈论现实生活中的实际问题。目的是训练学生要善于观察、提出问题并解决问题的能力,锻炼学生运用语言的能力。对学生进行德育教育,落实情感态度价值观的教学目标。11614Homework1.独立完成课上这篇小作文(不参考书)2.Read the text. .Write them down通过此作业使得学生课下继续巩固所学语言知识。 1板书设计:Unit 6 Part II The Earths Atmosphere screenbe made up ofbe full ofdepend onprotectfrom 4



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