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1、时间:第10分20秒到16分25秒 popping - shrieks 史瑞克: Are we there yet? 我们到了吗? 菲奥娜: Yes! 到了!驴: chuckles - Oh, finally! 噢,终于 fanfare Lipps, Inc: Funkytown 驴: Wow! 哇! Its going to be champagne wishes and caviar dreams from now on. 从现在开始将是香槟和鱼子酱的时刻 Hey, good-looking! Well be back to pick you up later! 嗨,美女,我一会儿来看你旁

2、白Gotta make a move to a town thats right for me 史瑞克: We are definitely not in the swamp anymore. 我们现在可不是在沼泽地 士兵whistle Halt! 停! 国名Well, I talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it Hey, everyone, look. 嗨,大家看 Talk about, talk about movin. 驴: Hey, ladies! Nice day for a parade, huh? Yo

3、u working that hat. 嗨,女士们,天气不错正适合出来走走,嗯? 你那帽子不错 Swimming pools! Movie stars! 游泳池!电影明星! cheering applause fanfare 下属Announcing the long-awaited return 现在,美丽的菲奥娜公主以及 of the beautiful Princess Fiona and her new husband. 她的夫君终于归来了 菲奥娜: Well, this is it. 好,来了 父亲: This is it. 来了This is it. 来了 来了 下属This is

4、 it. 来了 fanfare fanfare and cheering stop gasps tweeting baby wails 驴:Uh. why dont you guys go ahead? Ill park the car. 你们两位前面先走,我去把车停好 史瑞克chuckles: So. 那么. you still think this was a good idea? 你仍然认为这是个好主意? 菲奥娜:Of course! Look. Mom and Dad look happy to see us. 当然,看,爸爸和妈妈看到我们都很高兴 父亲 softly :Who on

5、earth are they? 他们到底是谁?母亲:I think thats our little girl. 我们想是我们的小女孩 父亲:Thats not little! Thats a really big problem. 那可不小啊! 问题麻烦了 父亲:Wasnt she supposed to kiss Prince Charming and break the spell? 不是说她吻过查明王子后就能打破符咒吗? 母亲:Well, hes no Prince Charming, but they do look. 哦,他不是查明王子,但他们看起来. 史瑞克softly: Hap

6、py now? We came. We saw them. 现在高兴了?我们来了,看见他们了 史瑞克:Now lets go before they light the torches. 现在趁他们没有点亮火炬之前溜之大吉吧 菲奥娜:Theyre my parents. -他们是我父母史瑞克:Hello? They locked you in a tower. 喂,是他们把你锁在塔里 菲奥娜:That was for my own. 那是我自己的. 父亲:Good! Heres our chance. Lets go back inside and pretend were not home.

7、 好了!这是我们唯一的机会 我们跑回去,只当他们没来过 母亲:Harold, we have to be. 哈罗德,我们必须. 史瑞克: Quick! While theyre not looking we can make a run for it. 快!趁他们没看见的时候 我们还可以跑回去 菲奥娜: Shrek, stop it! Everythings gonna be. 史莱克,够了!所有的事情都会. 父亲:A disaster! There is no way. 灾难!没有办法了. 菲奥娜:You can do this.你可以做到的史瑞克: I really. 我真的. -父亲:

8、Really. 母亲:Really.菲奥娜:dont.母亲:want史瑞克:to 母亲:be. 真的. 别.想.去.做. 史瑞克:Here! 到了! 菲奥娜:Mom. Dad. 妈妈,爸爸Id like you to meet my husband. 我想你们该见见我的丈夫 Shrek. 史莱克 史瑞克:Well, um. 好的,嗯. 史瑞克:Its easy to see where Fiona gets her good looks from. 看来我知道菲奥娜为什么那么漂亮了 chuckles nervously gulps belches 菲奥娜:Excuse me. - Shrek

9、& Fiona laugh 对不起 史瑞克:Better out than in, I always say, eh, Fiona? 出来总比留在里面好,正如我一直说的那样, 嗯,菲奥娜? both giggle 史瑞克:Thats good. 真不错 I guess not. 看来不是这样 驴:What do you mean, not on the list? Dont tell me you dont know who I am. 你什么意思,不在名单之列? 别告诉我你不知道我是谁? What do you mean, not on the list? Dont tell me you

10、dont know who I am. 你什么意思,不在名单之列? 别告诉我你不知道我是谁? Whats happening, everybody? Thanks for waiting. 各位,这里怎么了? 谢谢你们等我 I had the hardest time finding this place. 我费了好大功夫才找到这里来父亲:No! No! Bad donkey! Bad! Down! 不!不!你这头坏驴子!坏蛋,下去! 菲奥娜:No, Dad! Its all right. Its all right. Hes with us. 不,爸爸,没事 没事,他是和我们一起的 He h

11、elped rescue me from the dragon. 他也曾帮助拯救我驴:Thats me: the noble steed. 正是在下:高贵的马儿 Waiter! How bout a bowl for the steed? 侍者!给马儿来套餐具 史瑞克:Oh, boy. 哦,孩子 slurps 菲奥娜:Um, Shrek? 嗯,史莱克? 史瑞克:Yeah? 唔? 史瑞克:Oh, sorry! Great soup, Mrs Q. 哦,对不起! 这汤味道真好,王后夫人 Mmm! 啊! 菲奥娜:No, no.no Darling. 不,不,亲爱的 史瑞克chuckles nervo

12、usly: Oh! 啊! 母亲:So, Fiona, tell us about where you live. 那么,菲奥娜,给我们讲讲你住在哪里 菲奥娜:Well. 好的. Shrek owns his own land. 史莱克拥有他自己的小岛 Dont you, honey? 不是吗,甜心?史瑞克:Oh, yes! 哦,对啊! Its in an enchanted forest 那是在一片魔法森林里 abundant in squirrels and cute little duckies and. 有好多松鼠,小鸭子和一些 驴laughing :What? 什么? I know y

13、ou aint talking about the swamp. 我知道你说的不是沼泽 父亲:An ogre from a swamp. Oh! How original. 沼泽地来的兽人 哦,真是罕见啊 母亲:I suppose that would be a fine place to raise the children. 我认为那里倒是个养孩子的好地方 splutters - chokes 史瑞克:Its a bit early to be thinking about that, isnt it? 现在说这些为时过早,是不是? 父亲:lndeed. I just started eating. 我才开始吃东西 母亲:Harold!哈罗德! 史瑞克:Whats that supposed to mean? 那到底是什么意思?菲奥娜 :Dad. Its great, OK? 爸爸,听起来很棒,对吗? 父亲:For his type, yes. 对他这种人是不错 史瑞克: My type? 我这种人?驴:I got to go to the bathroom. 我要去卫生间一趟 1



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