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1、考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 33一、 真题文章(1995年text 3) In such a changing , complex society formerly simple solutions to informational needs become complicated. Many of life s problems which were solved by asking family members, friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve. Whe

2、re to turn for expert information and how to determine which expert advice to accept are questions facing many people today.In addition to this, there is the growing mobility of people since World War. As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended fam

3、ily relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off, and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable. The almost unconscious flow of information about the simplest aspects of living can be cut off. Thus, things once learned su

4、bconsciously through the casual communications of the extended family must be consciously learned .Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been pos

5、sible before. Computer technology makes it possible to store vast amounts of data in machine-readable files, and to program computers to locate specific information. Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio, and very shortly, electronic mail to bombard peo

6、ple with multitudes of messages. Satellites have extended the power of communications to report events at the instant of occurrence. Expertise can be shared world wide through teleconferencing, and problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes and/or jobs to travel

7、to a distant conference site. Technology has facilitated the sharing of information and the storage and delivery of information, thus making more information available to more people.In this world of change and complexity, the need for information is of greatest importance. Those people who have acc

8、urate, reliable up-to-date information to solve the day-to-day problems, the critical problems of their business, social and family life, will survive and succeed. Knowledge is power may well be the truest saying and access to information may be the most critical requirement of all people.二、译文 在当今这个

9、复杂多变的社会里,以前对信息需求的那种简单的解决办法已经变得复杂化了。以前生活中的许多问题都是靠征求家庭成员、朋友或同事的意见来解决的,但现在这些问题已经不是这种大家庭的能力能解决的了。去哪里征求专家的意见以及如何决定采取哪个专家的意见,这是当今许多人面临的问题。 除此之外,第二次世界大战以后,人口的流动性越来越大。当家庭搬离原来稳定的社区时,当家庭搬离多年的朋友时,当家庭搬离他们拓展了的家庭关系时,信息的非正式流动被切断了,随之被切断的是人们对这种信息来源的信心,人们无法确定这种信息还是否能够及时得到,或者这样的信息还是否可靠。这种在不知不觉中进行的关于生活琐事的信息的传递可能被中断。因此,


11、位。谁拥有了及时、准确、可靠的信息来解决每天遇到的问题,谁的事业、家庭和社会生活就会成功。“知识就是力量”是真知灼见,获得信息可能成为人们最重要的需求。三、考研核心词汇complex / 5kCmpleks / adj. 1复杂的2合成的, 综合的 n.联合体例 A computer is certaintly a complex machine.电脑当然是一种结构复杂的机器。同义 complicated ,confused, inclination, involved , mixed ,反义 brief ,plain ,simpleformerly /5fC:mElI/ adv. 从前, 以

12、前, 原来例 He formerly worked in a university, but now hes a lawyer.他以前曾在大学工作,但现在是个律师。派生 former / 5fC:mE / adj. 从前的, 以前的 n. 形成者, 创造者, 模型, 样板solution / sE5lju:FEn / n. 1解答, 解决办法2溶解, 溶液 例 This is the only practicable solution imaginable.这是唯一想得出的切实可行的解决办法。同义 answer , explanation ,finding ,outcome ,resoluti

13、on, result;mixture派生 solute / 5sClju:t / n. 溶解物, 溶质complicated / 5kCmplikeitid / adj. 复杂的, 难解的例 The regulations are so complicated that nothing can be made of them by the layman . 这些条例如此复杂,外行什麽也看不懂。派生 complicate /5kCmplikeit / v. (使)变复杂complication /7kCmpli5keiF(E)n / n. 复杂化, (使复杂的)因素n. 医并发症colleagu

14、e / 5kCli: / n. 同事, 同僚例 My colleagues are all well-known scholars. 我的同事都是知名学者。同义 companion ,comrade, friend ,partner,associate, buddy extend / iks5tend/ v. 扩充, 延伸, 伸展, 扩大军 使疏开, 给予, 提供,化出的全文 律对(地产等)估价例 The headmaster extended our holiday by four days. 校长把我们的假期延长了四天。同义 enlarge , expand反义 shrink / FriN

15、k / v. 收缩, (使)皱缩, 缩短 contract / 5kCntrAkt / n. 合同, 契约, 婚约 v. 使缩短, 感染, 订约派生 extension / iks5tenFEn / n. 延长, 扩充, 范围 n. 扩展名adj. 逻外延的, 客观现实的extensive / iks5tensiv / adj. 广大的, 广阔的, 广泛的resolve / ri5zClv / n. 决心 v. 1决心, 决定, 决心要2(使)分解, 溶解, 解决vt. 解决例 This mixture resolves into two substances. 这混合物会分解成两种物质。同义 decide ,determine, settle反义 blend / blend / vt. 混和 n. 混和派生 resolution / 7rezE5lju:FEn / n. 坚定, 决心, 决定, 决议 resolute / 5rezElju:t / adj. 坚决的addition /E5diFEn / n.


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