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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上行为动词一般现在时一我们这里所说的行为动词, 指的是除be动词、情态动词和助动词之外的全部动词。行为动词为数众多,主语为第三人称单数he, she, it时,词形有变化。当主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词的一般现在时通常有三种变化: 1.一般在动词原形后加s play-plays like-likes read-reads sing-sings dance-dances cook-cooks 2.以s,x,sh,ch,o结尾的动词加es go-goes wash-washes watch-watches catch-catches do-does 3.以辅音字母加y结尾

2、,把y改i再加es flyfliesstudystudies try-tries 4. 如果词末为o,或o前为辅音字母,加es: go-goes do-does只有第三人称单数动词才要变,其他人称(I, you ,we ,they)则用动词的原形。(这种变化与名词的单数变复数有点相像。)二. 肯定式:I/ You/ They/复数名词+ do He/ She/ It/ 单数名词+does 三. 否定式:I/ You/ They/复数名词+ do not (dont)后接动词原形 He/ She/ It/ 单数名词+does not (doesnt)后接动词原形四. 疑问式:一般现在时的疑问式是

3、将助动词do/does提到句首,然后加主语和动词原形。结构是:1). Do + 主语+ 动词原形+其他成分? (注意:回答时须用人称代词) Yes,主语+do. / No, 主语+dont2) . Does+主语+动词原形+其他成分? Yes,主语+does. / No, 主语+doesnt.(注意:回答时须用人称代词)五. 那么,什么情况下用行为动词的一般现在时呢?当这个动作经常发生或表示习惯性的动作时,通常用一般现在时,它经常与表示频度的时间状语连用,如,当句子中有every day every year ,on Sunday, in the morning ,often, sometim

4、es, usually, at one oclock等词时,用一般现在时。例句:He gets up at 6 oclock. She usually watches TV in the evening. Sometimes he goes to school by car. Tom often flies a kite on Sunday.1. I (go) to school at seven in the morning.2. Mike ( do) his homework at eight in the evening.3. His father often ( read) books

5、 in the library on Saturday.4.My mother usually (watch) TV plays at home.5. My cousin sometimes (play ) cards with me.6. you often (study ) after school ? Yes, I ./No, I .7. Mike and Tom usually (fly ) kites on Sunday.8. They (go) to school by bus every day. 9. She (go ) to school by bus every day.

6、10.We usually (listen ) to the radio in the morning.11. He usually (listen ) to the radio in the morning.12. he usually (listen ) to the music at home? No, he .13. your parents have a car?Yes, they . / No, he .14. Alan a computer? .15.Do you volleyball? Yes,I do. 16. Bill Smith sports games on TV ev

7、ery Sunday evening. 17.Sonia Hall five baseballs. A.have B.dont have C.doesnt has D.doesnt have( )18.Jane often play sports.But she always watches them on TV. A.do B. dont C.does D.doesnt( )19.- _Sandra _dessert?-Yes, she does. A. Do; like B. Does; likes C. Is; like D. Does; like( )20.Do you like to

8、 have _ _? A. lots of chickens B.some chikens C. more chickens D.some chicken( )21.What do you like_?Strawberries. A.have B.eat C.to have D.has( )22.Do you like broccoli?-_ .I like to eat it. A. Oh, no B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I am D.No, I dont( )11.-_your teacher like movies?-No, she doesnt. A.Are B.Ca

9、n C.Do D.Does( )12.Does Emma like action movies?-_.She likes Jackie Chans film very much. A.Yes, she is. B.No, she doesnt C.Yes, she does D.No, she isnt( )13.Do you want _ some new clothes?Yes, I do. A.buy B.to buy C.buys D.buying( )14. Teresa doesnt like documentaries(纪录片). She thinks its . A.inter

10、esting B.short C.difficult D.boring( )15. Robert like_to the movies very much. A.go B.goes C.to go D.to goes( )16. Tom wants to go to the movies _ his friends.A.and B.with C.in D.for( )17. Mr Green comes to China to _ Chinese. A.learn B.know C.see D.watch( )18. I _ the thrillers are scary, so I dont

11、 like them.A.want B.need C.think D.make( )19.Does your sister_to a movies?I dont know. A.wants to go B.want to go C.want go ( )20.What kinds of sports _ Rick _?-Tennis and soccer. A. does; like B. is; like C. do; like ( )21.When do you usually get up, Eric?-_6:30 in the morning. A.In B.On C.With D.A

12、t( )22. Mingming to bed late _ evening. A.goes;in the B.goes;in C.go;in the D.go;in( )23. She _ to the shop _ Saturday afertnoons. A.goes;in B.go;on C.goes;on ( )24. They would like to _ No.11 bus to the Great Wall. A.come B.go C.take ( )25. Jacks parents are workers. They always _ back home at five

13、 every morning. A.go B.goes C.go to D.goes to( )26._ do you usually shower?Eight oclock. A.What B.How C.What time( )27. Marie _ to school at half past eight. She goes to school early. A.dont goes usually B.dont usually goes C.usually doesnt go ( )28._ your father _ at home on Sunday?No, he doesnt. A. Is;stay B. Do;stay C. Does;stay ( )29.My father _ a new car and he_ it very much. A.have,like B.has,likesC.has,like ( )30.What do you always do _ ?Play soccer. A.on weekends B.now C.last Friday 1. I go to school at 7:30 every morning.(一般疑问句) _ _ _ to school



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