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1、当代英语中,通常用it 做形式主语,将不定式和动名词置于谓语后面,特别是主语较长时,或在一些习惯用法中。 1) 谓语是系表结构(be + 形容词 / 名词)时,常将不定式后置,构成句型 “it + be + 表语(形容词 / 名词)+ 不定式”。 例 1 It is my duty to care for that patient. 照料那位病人是我的职责。(做主语的不定式to care for that patient 后置,it 为形式主语) 例 2 It is not an easy thing to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语不是件容易的事。 例

2、 3 It isnt right to speak ill of someone behind his back. 在别人背后说坏话是不对的。 2) 当谓语是 take,make,pay,cost ,require, feel,need 等动词时,或者是与情绪有关的动词 delight,amuse,excite,annoy,irritate 等时,习惯上常用 it 做形式主语,并将不定式后置。 例 1 It takes only ten minutes to get there. 到那儿只需十分钟。 例 2 It pays to be honest. 诚实是不会吃亏的。 例 3 It feel

3、s good to stay away from the crowded city. 能远离拥挤的城市,感觉真不错。 例 4 It annoyed her to see someone spit on the ground. 看见有人随地吐痰让她很生气。 3) 同不定式一样,动名词也可用于“it + be + 表语 + 动名词”句型中,二者的区别可参见1022 中1)的论述。下面两组句子没有多大差异。 例 1 A) It is a waste of time to argue with him B) It is a waste of time arguing with him. 和他争辩是浪费

4、时间。 例 2 A) It is worthwhile to discuss this again. B) It is worthwhile discussing this again. 这一点值得在讨论一下。 4) 但表语是(of)no use,not any use,not the slightest use, no good, not much good,fun等时,常用动名词(不用不定式)做主语并后置,用 it 做形式主语。 例如 Its no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 5) 动名词还可在 there be 句型中做主语(不能用不定式),常见形

5、式为 “there is no + 动名词”或 “there is no / any + 名词 + 动名词”。 例 1 There is no denying the fact. 事实无可否定。 例 2 There isnt any use trying again. 再试也没用。 赞同9| 评论(1) 形式主语是动词不定式的一种,它也是逻辑主语, 可以把它归类到逻辑主语的第一种(不定式的逻辑主语) 用作宾语的不定式,用作目的状语,用作结果状语的不定式都是属于不定式的大概念里面的. 形式主语it 作为形式主语的it并无实际语义,只是为满足语法上的需要,避免句子头重脚轻,它代替 的是句子的逻辑主

6、语,概括起来会有如下情况: 1. 句子的逻辑主语为不定式 如:It is very kind of you to give me a hand in time. It is my pleasure to address the meeting. It was pretty hard for him to bring up the child on his own. 2. 句子的逻辑主语为从句 如:It so happened that the tickets were sold out. It is extremely obvious that she has been lying about

7、 her identity. It suddenly occurred to me that the message must have been hidden between the layers of the briefcase. 3. 句子的逻辑主语为动名词短语 这类句子远不如前面两种出现率高,主要在(no good, waste, useless, no use, dangerous)等词语的后面用 如:It is no use reasoning with him. It is no good reading in dim light. 作形式主语的代词只能用it ,不能用that,

8、this等词。例如: 1) It is easier to lose friends than to make friends. 交朋友难而失去朋友比较容易。 2) It is important for modern young people to master at least two foreign languages. 掌握至少两门外语对于当代年轻人来说是很重要的。 以上两句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语。 3) It is considered no good reciting without understanding. 不理解的背诵被认为是没有好处的。 4) I

9、t is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 以上两句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是V-ing形式。 5) It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.英语作为一门国际语言正日益为人们所接受,这是不争的事实。(NMET,95) 6) It depends on the weather whether we will go. 我们去不去得看天气行事。(其中的whether 不能换成if,因为if不能引导主语从句。) 以上两句中真正的主语是名词性从句。 it

10、 作形式主语主要用于下列三种情况: I. 不定式作真正主语 主要用于下列句型: 1. It + is/was + adj./n. (形容词或名词) +to do sth. A. 名词作表语。主要有a pity, a pleasure, an idea等。 例如: In fact_is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match. ( 2001上海高考题) A. this B. that C. there D. it (答案为D) 再如: It is a great pleasure to do t

11、his. 这样做多好啊。 It is a good idea to think this way. 这样考虑问题是个好办法。 除be外,其他动词也有跟名词的情况。例如: It seems a pity to waste the food. 浪费这些食物真可惜。 It requires efforts to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语需要种种努力。 B. 形容词或形容词短语作表语。 分两种情况: 1) 下列形容词: kind, good, nice, clever, wrong, right ,foolish, wise, unwise, stupid,

12、rude, careless, cruel, brave, naughty, polite, selfish等词作表语时,不定式前常可加一个由of引起的短语,来说明不定式指的是谁的情况。形容词表示不定式逻辑主语的特征,即形容词用来描述不定式行为者的性格、品行等。例如: It was foolish of you to leave school.你中途退学,真是傻瓜。 It was brave of her to speak out in public. 她能当众大声讲话,真勇敢。 这种of sb. to do sth. 句型,of 的宾语可以作句子的主语。上面两个句子可以改写为: You we

13、re foolish to leave school. She was brave to speak out in public. 2) 其他形容词作表语,常见的形容词有:necessary, hard, important, difficult, easy, possible,common等。例如: It is necessary to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programmes. 必须用短波收音机才能收到节目。 如果要说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,可以在不定式前加for 名词或代词 to do sth.(for 后的宾语不能作句子的主语

14、)。名词或代词作不定式的逻辑主语,即表示不定式所指动作的执行者。在此句型中,形容词只对不定式行为者作某种描述,而不涉及其品行。例如: It is not hard for one to do a bit of good. 对于一个人来说做点好事并不难。 It,s common for leaves to fall from the trees in the fall. 秋天树叶从树上落下是件常事。 需要注意的是:动词不定式作主语,一般情况下用it作形式主语,而把动词不定式(从句)放在后面。也可以直接用不定式作主语。例如: It is wrong to tell lies. To tell li

15、es is wrong. 撒谎是不对的。 但在疑问句和感叹句中,只能用it作形式主语。 例如: Isn,t it a good idea to have a walk around? 出去兜一圈难道不是一个好主意吗? What a pleasure it is to work with you! 同你一起工作是多么愉快啊! 2. It + v. + to do sth. 动词不定式作主语时除动词be以外,动词take, cost, need, require, make, sound, occur 等也可用it作形式主语,而把动词不定式放在后面。例如: It took us three years to complete the project. 我们花费三年时间才完成了这项工程。 It sounds reasonable t



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