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1、 简单英语口语对话:婚姻Bobby: Do you think I would be a good husband, Kelly? Kelly: Are you proposing to me? Bobby: No way! I just want to know if you think I would be a good husband. Kelly: maybe. But you would have to learn not to be so stubborn, lazy and selfish. Bobby: Do you think I would be a good father

2、? Kelly: You will be a great father! I know that you would love your children very much. Bobby: So my kids would be OK but not my wife? Kelly: As long as I don”t have to marry you, I don”t care too much. Bobby: Maybe you are just blind to true love Kelly? 鲍比:凯丽你觉得我会是一个好丈夫吗? 凯丽:你在向我求婚吗? 鲍比:不行能!我只是想知道

3、你是否觉得我会是一个好丈夫。 凯丽:或许会是,可你必需学会不要那么固执、懒散和自私。 鲍比:你觉得我会是一个好父亲吗? 凯丽:你会是个很好的父亲!我知道你会特别爱你的孩子。 鲍比:这么说我的孩子会很快乐可我的妻子却不会了? 凯丽:只要不是我跟你结婚,我才不管那么多呢。 鲍比:或许你对真爱视而不见,凯丽。 - NEW WORDS(生词) 1) Proposing: asking someone to marry you 求婚,恳求某人与你结婚 My wife was upset that I did not get down on my knees and propose to her. I s

4、ent her an email instead. 我没有跪下向我妻子求婚她很不快乐,我只给她寄了一封电子邮件。 2) Stubborn: unwilling to be flexible 固执,不愿通融 Stubborn people will stick to their ideas even when you show them how illogical they are. 固执的人总是会坚持己见,即便你指出他们是多么无理。 3) Lazy: disinclined to activity or exertion, not energetic 懒散,不情愿活动或努力,缺乏活力 I kn

5、ow that being a couch potato looks like I am lazy but pushing all of those buttons is actually hard work! 我知道总躺在沙发上看电视使我看起来很懒散,可是按全部那些按纽实际上也很辛苦。 4) Selfish: not caring for or thinking about others 自私,不关怀或考虑其他人 Being selfish is one the best ways to make enemies - no one likes selfish people. 自私是最简单树敌

6、的缘由之一,没有人喜爱自私的人。 Dialogue(对话) Jessie: What would you do if you were in a relationship with someone you didn”t love any more? Tina: One word - Divorce. Jessie: That takes a lot of courage sometimes though. Tina: What do you mean by that? Jessie: Where would you go, what would you do for money? what w

7、ould happen to the kids? Tina: Hmmm. I hadn”t thought of it like that. Maybe it would be a more difficult decision than I thought. Jessie: Maybe. Anyway I know a song about a woman who wishes she could leave her man. Tina: You sing and I”ll listen. Maybe I can learn something. 杰西:假如你不再爱某个人了你会怎么处理这段关系? 蒂娜:一句话离婚。 杰西:但有的时候这需要很大的士气。 蒂娜:你这么说是什么意思? 杰西:你要去哪里,你怎么挣钱?孩子们怎么办? 蒂娜:我没有那么想过,或许会比我想的更难做打算。 杰西:或许吧。我知道一首歌,唱的是一个女人盼望离开她的男人。 蒂娜:你唱给我听。或许我能学点儿什么。



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