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1、长春工程学院教案用纸Chapter Eleven Translation of Passive Voice Sentences I. Teaching contents1Review and comments on the assignments2. Translation of passive voice sentences4. Summary5. Assignments6. References for further readingII. Aims of teachingTo make students know about the techniques of translation a

2、nd especially to grasp translation of passive voice sentencesIII. Teaching FocusStudents ability in dealing with the techniques especially in several situations in which passive voice sentences occur.IV. Teaching proceduresStep One: Review and comments on the assignments A. 英语从正面表达,译文从反面表达 1 动词 2 副词

3、 3 形容词 4 前置词5. 连词 6. 名词 7. 短语 8. 句子 B. 英语从正面表达,译文从反面表达 1动词 2副词 3形容词 4. 名词 5.短语 6.句子Step Two: Translation of passive voice sentences在英语中被动语态用得比较广泛,译成汉语时常用以下几种方法处理: A、译成汉语的 “被”字结构或相似结构, 如 “叫, 让, 给, 受到, 遭到, 为所, 是的,加以等。 1. Though Hamlet has been disappointed of the throne, every one respects him.虽然哈姆雷特被

4、剥夺了王位,大家照样尊敬他。2. They were caught in the rain yesterday. 他们昨天叫雨淋了。3. Our foreign policy is supported by the people all over the world.我们的对外政策受到全世界人民的支持。4. They were given a hearty welcome. 他们受到热烈欢迎。5. He was policed by the bosses cops. 他受到老板雇佣的警察的监督。6. I was so impressed by these words that I used t

5、hem later for a Christmas card.我为这些话所深深感动, 后来我就把它们写在圣诞贺片上。7. By evening the occupation was complete, and the people were chased off the streets by an eight oclock curfew. 至傍晚,占领已告完成。八点钟开始的宵禁把人们从街道赶走。8. The famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire. 大火使这著名的旅馆几乎全部毁灭。9. Most letters f

6、rom his wife are read to him by the nurse in the hospital.他的妻子给他的信件, 大多数是由医院里的护士念给他听的。B、译成汉语主动句 英、汉两种语言在语法上有很大差异,汉语很少使用被动句, 因此在翻译时常常将英语的被动句译成汉语的主动句,主语常常省略。例如: 1. The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated. 他在青少年时期留下的自卑感, 还没有完全消除。 2. On their domestic sta

7、tions events in the Middle east were dismissed briefly. 在他们国内的电台的广播中, 中东事件只轻描淡写地报道了一下。三、C.保留原主语, 被动改主动 英、汉两种语言在语法上有很大差异,汉语很少使用被动句, 因此在翻译时常常将英语的被动句译成汉语的主动句,主语可以保留。例如:1Mr. Black was given a prize. 布拉克先生得了奖。 2. His life was cut short by cholera. 他因患霍乱而早亡。3. He was thrown into confusion by the return of

8、 his wife.他由于妻子归来而陷入惶惑不安之中。D. 把原文中的主语译为宾语 在翻译英语的被动句时, 我们还可以把原文中的主语译为译语中的宾语。例如:1. By the end of the war 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of over 200 Belgian and French lives.大战终了时, 这个组织拯救了八百人,但那是以二百多比利时人和法国人的生命为代价。2. It would be astonishing if that loss were not keenly fel

9、t.如果(人们)不强烈地感到损失, 那倒是奇怪了。E. 译成无主句 在翻译英语的被动句时, 我们还可以把英语的被动句译成汉语的无主句。例如: 1. Whenever work is being done, energy is being converted from one form into another. 做功时,能从一种形式转变为另一种形式。 2Cutting tools should be inspected carefully before they are used. 切割工具使用前要认真检查。 3Some pictures were hung on the wall. 墙上挂着

10、照片。 4. Children should be taught to speak the truth. 要教孩子们讲真话。Step Three: Exercises in classPut the following sentence patterns into Chinese.A. Fixed phrases or sentence patterns:1. It has been proved 已经证明2. It may be safely said that可以有把握地说3. It cannot be denied that无可否认4. It is expected(hoped) tha

11、t人们希望5. It is considered (thought) that人们(有人、大家)认为6. It is understood that不用说(谁都知道)7. It is well known that 大家知道(众所周知)8. It is reported that据报道9. It is said that.据说10. It is estimated (predicted, calculated ) that据估计(预计)11. It is supposed that 据推测12. It is learned that据闻(悉)13. It may be confirmed th

12、at可以肯定14. It is generally(usually) accepted (agreed) that普遍(一般、 通常)认为15. It must be pointed out that必须指出16. It is believed that 有人(人们、大家)相信17. It will be seen from this that 由此可见18. It must (should) be admitted that必须(应该)承认19. It is rumored that据谣传20. It may be said without fear of exaggeration that

13、可以毫不夸张地说B. Put the following sentences into Chinese.1. The plan will be examined by a special committee. 该计划将由一个特别委员会加以裁决。2. National Day is enthusiastically celebrated on October 1st by the Chines people of all nationalities every year. 我国各族人民每年都要热烈庆祝十月一日的国庆节。3. He appeared on the stage and was war

14、mly applauded by the audience. 他出现在台上, 观众给予热烈鼓掌。4. All Party members of the college are requested to meet in the assembly hall to listen to a speech. 请全院党员于星期五下午两点三十分在大礼堂听报告。5. It is said that he was cheated by his partner while doing business in the south. 据说他在南方做生意时让同伴给骗了。6. It is believed that wo

15、rry can make a persons hair turn gray overnight. 有人相信忧愁能使一个人的头发一夜之间变白。7. It has been proved that plenty of vegetables will improve ones health. 已经证明多吃蔬菜对健康有好处。8. This old man has been taken care of for years by some PLA men. 这位老人多年来一直受到几位解放军的照顾。9. The city is being destroyed by the flood. 这座城市正在被洪水所毁。10. This material has to be used in the experimen


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