初三下导学案Unit 3.doc

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《初三下导学案Unit 3.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初三下导学案Unit 3.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、8 初三英语 姓名: 时间: Unit 3 I used to be afraid of the dark.(Words)一、明确目标1. 掌握本单元的重点单词,能够正确读写本单元的单词。2. 能够正确运用本单元的单词。二、自主学习(一)新知探寻请同学们预读单词和短语,并把不会读的单词找出来写在下面。你还能想出单词的其它方面吗?老师相信你,请你们一定不要放过每一个单词。现在动手整理一下吧!(二)疑难困惑三、展示交流1.教师答疑并讲解单词,并对小组内的难点进行解决。(5minutes)1)used to do sth. 过去常常干某事2)be terrified of = be afraid o

2、f 害怕 Im terrified of the dark/snakes.= Im afraid of the dark/snakes.3) afford to do sth.负担得起干某事 I cant afford to see the movie.4) even though 即使,尽管Even though he was tired, he helped me with my work. 尽管他累了,还帮我干活。5) not any longer = no longerA)no longer(= notany longer),主要用来表示时间或距离的“不再”,意在对现在的情况和过去的情

3、况加以比较,所以多用于现在时。它一般修饰延续性动词,表示某个动作或状态不再延续下去。 You are no longer a child. = You arent a child any longer. 你已不再是个孩子了。 He no longer lives here. = He doesnt live here any longer. 他不再住这里了。You are no longer a child. = You arent a child any longer.B)no more(= notany more),主要用来表示数量和程度,一般常修饰短暂性动词,指某动作不再重复发生,它所表

4、达的是never again或“没有更多”的含义。 The baby no more cried. = The baby didnt cry any more. 这个小孩不再哭了。 6) give up 放弃He has given up his job. 他辞去了工作。He has given up smoking. 他戒烟了。 7) pay attention to sb./sth. 注意 You must pay attention to the teacher. 你们必须注意听老师讲。 8)waste 浪费He wastes a lot of time, and doesnt work

5、 much. 他浪费许多时间,没有做多少工作。 2.教师领读单词(主要是学生不会读的)。(5minutes)3.学生自读。(教师巡视,学生不会读的单词问教师)(5minutes)4.游戏(一分钟读单词)看看那位学生一分钟内读的单词多(错误的不算数)5.自己试着写出这些单词。 四、合作探究 小组内部互读单词并互相纠错。 五、课堂小结:六、达标拓展:试着默写本单元的单词:1.过去经常;以前常常_2.对感兴趣_3.飞机_4.使害怕;使恐惧_5.非常害怕的;极度恐惧的_6.入睡_7.开着的;接通的;工作着的_8.昆虫_9.糖果_10.嚼,咀嚼_11.口香糖_12.聊天;闲聊_13.每日的;日常的_14

6、.连环漫画;连环漫画杂志;连环漫画栏_15.死;死亡_16.买得起;负担得起_17.造成;使发生_18.(反身代词)他自己;他自身_19.有耐心的;忍耐的_20.最后;终于 _21.决定;决心 _22.做决定;下决心_23.班主任_24.必须的;必需的_25.令人惊奇的是_26.正;恰恰_27.即使;纵然;尽管_28.不再;已不_29.对感到自豪_30.注意;专心;留心_31.对注意;留心_32.放弃_33.浪费;滥用_34.不再;已不_学后记:课堂笔录:Unit 3 I used to be afraid of the dark.(Section A 1a-2c)一、明确目标1.掌握重点单词

7、和短语。2. 掌握并熟练运用used to do 的用法。3.学会谈论自己和他人过去的外貌、性格、爱好等。二、自主学习(一)新知探寻翻译下列短语和句子:1.过去常常_ 2.对.感兴趣_ 3.害怕_ 4.弹钢琴_ 5.在游泳队 _ 6.第一次/首次_7.我过去怕黑。8.艾米以前很高。她以前留着短发。9.马里奥,你过去很矮,是吗?10.我过去常常弹钢琴。但是现在我对体育更感兴趣。(二)疑难困惑三、展示交流1.展示1a任务,组长统一答案 2.1b听力 ,然后矫正答案3.展示1c对话,一组一个对话4.完成2a,2b听力任务,小组矫正5. 把2b.2c中的句子翻译在课本上,小组共同完成6.2c Pair

8、work,根据2b自编对话 四、合作探究 used to的用法 : used to do sth / used to be +形容词 “过去常常”(表示过去习惯性动作或状态,暗示现在已不再如此,既可作情态动词,又可作实义动词。)e.g. I used to get up at six. But now I get up at half past six.否定式:used not to do 或didnt use to do e.g. He used not to play basketball .= He didnt use to play basketball.(他以前不打篮球)一般疑问式:

9、Did use to ? 或 Used to ?e.g. Did you use to have long hair ? = Used you have to have long hair ?He used to go swimming on Sundays ,didnt / usednt he ? ( 反义疑问 ) 五、课堂小结:六、达标拓展:(一)单项选择1.He _ up early. But now he doesnt get up early.A. is used get B. used to get C. was used to get D. used getting2.I_go

10、on Sundays,but now I no longer do so. A. am used B. use to C. used to D.was use to 3. She was ill,_she didnt go to school. A. because B. so C. but D. or4.People are afraid _animals like snakes and tigers. A. with B. of C. at D. to 5.He usually spends much time _ his lessons.A. doing B. to do C. does

11、 D. did(二)用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. They are very _( friend ) to us students. 2. He is _( interest ) in my story book. 3. I _( real ) dont know anything about him. 4. He spends a lot of time _( play ) games every day. 5. We havent seen him several years. I can _( remember )what he looks.学后记:课堂笔录:Unit 3 I used to be afraid of the dark.(Section A 3a-4)一、明确目标1.掌握重点单词短语:airplane, terrify-terrified, with on, be terrified of , go to sleep , in front of.2. 掌握 used to do的用法。3. 学会谈论自己和他人过去经常做的事。二、自主学习(一)新知探寻翻译下列短语和句子: 1.对感到恐惧_ 2.在的前面_ 3.开着灯_ 4.通过电视观看 _5.talk的用法: 1)同某人谈话_/_


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