过渡词汇 600.doc

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1、过渡词汇 600Aaboard ad.在船(或飞机,车)上prep.上船(或飞机,车)abroad ad.国外,海外 live / study 住在国外/ 留学; at home and 在国内外; agency 国外代办处【联想词】oversea 国外的, 海外的alcohol n.酒精,含酒精的饮料 abuse 酗酒【联想词】wine 葡萄酒; spirit 烈酒; liquor 酒,烈性酒adjective n.形容词adverb n.副词admire v.赞赏,钦佩,羡慕 Everybody s him for his fine sense of humour. 人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽

2、默感。I her for her bravery. 我钦佩她的勇气。afraid a. 1. 怕,害怕的be of dogs 怕狗; 2. 恐怕,担心的 I am afraid you are wrong about that. 这事儿我想恐怕是你错了。afterward(s) ad.后来,以后【联想词】backward a.向后的,倒行的;迟钝的 ad.向后,朝反方向; forward ad.(also forwards)向前 a.向前的 v.转交; downward a.向下的 ad.(also downwards)向下,往下; upward a.向上的,上升的; ad. (also up

3、wards)向上; eastward ad.(also eastwards)向东 a.向东的; westward ad.(also westwards)向西 a.向西的; inward ad.(also inwards)向内,在内 a.向内的; outwardad.(outwards)向外,在外 a.向外的,外面的; northward ad.(also northwards)向北 a.向北的; toward prep.(表示运动方向)向;(表示关系)对于against prep. 1. 反对 an article reform 一篇反对改革的文章; 2. 违反 the law 违法; 3.

4、倚在 lean the wall 斜靠着墙; 4. 对比 The picture looks better against the light wall. 这幅画挂在浅色的墙上显得更美。agriculture n.农业ahead ad. 1. 在前 2. 向前 There is an infinitely bright future ahead of us. 我们有无限光明的前途。the road 未来之路3. 提前three days of time /schedule 提前三天aid v.援助n.援助,救护【联想词】help 帮助, 助长; assist 援助, 帮助amount n. 量

5、 large of money 大量的金钱; the of money 资金数额v. 1. 合计,总共达 Their traveling expenses amount to seven hundred dollars. 他们的旅费共达700 美元。2. 等于 Your words amount to a refusal. 你的话等于回绝了。angel n.天使angle n. 1. 角; 2. 角度,方面 to consider all s of the question 考虑这个问题的各方面; The reporter wrote the story from the political

6、. 记者从政治角度写了这篇报道。【派生词】triangle n.三角(形)apartment n.(英)套间;(美)公寓arctic a.北极(区)的n.(the Arctic)北极,北极圈argue v. 1. 争论 (论证, 说理, 使信服) I am not arguing with youI am telling you. 我不是在和你争论-我是告诉你. It is time to stop arguing tax-rate reductions. 在该是停止关于减少税率的争辩的时候了. 2. 主张 The speaker d that more immigrants should b

7、e admitted to the country. 讲演者举出理由证明应该允许更多的移民入境【派生词】argument n.争论,辨认;论据,论点【联系词】debate 辩论 (各抒己见, 交锋); dispute 辩论 (相持不下, 难以解决)arrange v. 1. 整理 He ed the books on the shelf. 他把书架上的书整理了一下。2. 安排 Ive ed for a car to pick them up at the station. 我已安排了一辆汽车去车站接他们。【派生词】arrangement n.整理,排列,安排arrow n.箭;箭头(符号) a

8、stronaut n.宇航员atom n.原子【派生词】atomic a. 原子的,原子能的 bomb 原子弹; energy 原子能attitude n. 态度, 看法 Peoples towards the matter varies widely. 人们对此问题的态度很不相同。Whats the authorities towards this discord? 当局对这次争端有什么看法?avenue n.大街average n.平均(数) a.平均的;通常的 v.平均,均分avoid v.避免,回避【派生词】avoidable a. 可避免的; unavoidable 不可避免的 (

9、= inevitable 不可避免的, 必然的)Bbake v. 烤,烘band n.乐队;波段;一伙 v.缚,绑扎bachelor n.单身汉;(亦作B-)学士(学位)bacterium (pl.)bacteria n.细菌badminton n.羽毛球ballet n.芭蕾舞barber n.理发师basin n.盆;盆地bath n.沐浴,洗澡;浴室(池,盆) v.(给)洗澡【派生词】bathe v.洗澡; bathroom n.浴室;卫生间battery n.电池(组) battle n.战役,战斗;斗争 v.战斗beam n. 1. (横)梁; 2. (光线的)束,柱 a of li

10、ght 一束光线; a of delight 笑逐颜开【联想词】ray 光线, 光束; stream 流, 股bean n.豆;蚕豆beast n.兽;凶残的人,举止粗鲁的人belly n.腹部,胃belt n. 1. (皮)带,腰带 safe 安全带; 2. 地带 the forest 森林地带bench n.长凳beneath prep.在下边ad.在下方beverage n.饮料Bible n.圣经Bibliography n.参考书目billion num./n.(美)十亿,(英)万亿biology n.生物学biscuit n.饼干,点心bleed v. 出血,流血 The cut

11、on my is ing. 我胳膊上的伤口在流血。【派生词】blood n. 1. 血(液); 2. 血统,宗族; bloody a.流血的,血腥的 a battle 血战blow v. 1. 吹(气) The wind has blown my hat off. 风把我的帽子刮走了。A sudden wind a door open. 突然一阵风把门吹开. 2. 吹响(乐器,号角等) whistle 吹哨子; 3. 爆炸, 爆裂 The tire s 轮胎爆裂.bomb n.炸弹 v.轰炸boot n.(长统)靴board n.板;全体委员v.上船(车,飞机)border n.边界,国界v.

12、交界,与接壤 How many countries China? 多少国家与中国接壤? 【联想词】boundary 边界, 分界线bow v./n.鞠躬,点头 n.弓(形) bowl n.碗(状物),钵branch n.(树)条,分支;分店;(学科)分科,部门brave a.勇敢的【联想词】courageous 勇敢的, 有胆量的; bold 大胆的; 冒失的; fearless 无畏的, 勇敢的; aggressive 好斗的, 敢作敢为的breast n.胸膛,乳房bride n.新娘broad a.宽的;广大的;豁达的【合成词】broadcast v./n.广播(节目)brow n. 眉

13、(毛);额brown n./a.褐色(的),棕色(的)bug n.臭虫;窃听器 v.窃听bull n.公牛【派生词】bullish a. 似牡牛的,看涨的,上扬的bullet n.子弹,枪弹bulletin n.公报,公告,告示 burst v. 1. 爆裂 Water pipes often in cold winter. 水管在寒冷的冬季常常冻烈. The river has its banks. 河水冲破了堤。2. 突然发生 into tears tears 突然哭了起来; into running 拔腿就跑 butcher n.屠夫,卖肉者butter n.黄油butterfly n.

14、蝴蝶button n. 1. 纽扣 a shirt with one missing 一件缺口子的衬衫; 2.按钮(开关) press the 按电钮 Ccabin n.客舱,机舱;小(木)屋cabinet n.橱柜;内阁cable n.电缆;钢丝绳cage n.鸟笼calm a. 1. (天气,海洋等)静的 the surface of the lake 平静的湖面 2. 镇静的, 平和的 keep/ remain/ stay in emergency 在紧急情况下保持冷静n.平静 v.(使)平静calorie n.卡路里canal n.运河;(沟)渠cancer n.癌candle n.蜡

15、烛candy n.糖果capital n.首都;资本【派生词】capitalism n.资本主义captain n.队长;船长carbon n.碳career n.生涯;专业,职业 acting 演义生涯; a criminal 职业罪犯cargo n.船货,货物 load/ unload a 装/卸货【联想词】freight 船货; 运费; shipment 装载的货物, 货运量carpenter n.木匠carpet n.地毯【联想词】blanket 毯子, 垫子cartoon n.漫画;动画片carve v.(雕)刻castle n.城堡Catholic a.天主教的 n.天主教徒cathedral n.大教堂cattle n.牛;家畜ceiling n.天花



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