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1、语法总复习目录1、名词与代词2、形容词与副词3、从句4、动词不定式5、动名词6、分词7、前后呼应8、反义疑问句9、强调句10、虚拟语气11、倒装句 第一节 名词与代词 名词可分为专有名词和普通名词两类。而普通名词又可分为个体名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词。其中,个体名词和集体名词为可数名词,而物质名词和抽象名词为不可数名词。名词的复数构成通常是在其后加s;但以-s,-x,-ch,-sh和大部分以o结尾的名词后加-es;以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词把“y”变成 “i”,再加-es。有些名词的复数构成是不规则的,有其特殊形式。有些名词在不同的情况下,属不同的名词词类,因此有时为可数,有时则为不

2、可数: 名词的格可分为主格(作主语),宾格(作宾语)和所有格(表示所有关系)。代词可分为人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,相互代词,不定代词,指示代词,关系代词,连接代词和疑问代词等九类。 1. 名词的用法 可数名词除非前面有冠词或表示单数的限定词,否则要用其复数形式,例如:If a person disobeys the order,he will be punished severelyThe teacher firstly divided his students into four groupsThe reference book can be used to answer questio

3、ns,to solve problems or to obtain information on a particular topicThese courses are especially designed for senior students有些名词的复数构成是不规则的,如:child-children,foot-feet。goose-geese, mouse-mice, man-men, ox-oxen, tooth-teeth,woman-women等。例如:Every fall geese f1y over the houseThe dentist told him that se

4、veral teeth of his need to be filledMrs. Smith has three children,and Tonny is the youngest oneI think weve got mice in the kitchen有些名词的单复数形式是一样的,如:Chinese,Japanese,Burmese(缅甸),Spanish (西班牙),Lebanese (黎巴嫩),Portuguese (葡萄牙),Swiss(瑞士)sheep,deer,swine (猪),fish,carp(鲤鱼),salmon (鲑),means,series,species,a

5、ircraft,spacecraft等。例如:The best fish are near the bottomWhen they got to the New World,Spanish constructed their houses with Moorish architectural featuresI saw a white sheep running down the roadJudging by his language,he must be a Japanese在表示一类事物时,介词of后的名词要用复数形式。例如:Beethoven is of the greatest mus

6、icians in the worldThe Animal Art Festival is being held at Shanghai zoo, which is one of the most welcome festivals in the city.As one of the countries that bear responsibility for the incident, German Chancellor Schroeder holds that the organization should apologize to Chinese government unconditi

7、onally.She is one of the three martyrs who were killed in NATOs bombing on the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. 大多数集体名词可作单数,也可作复数,如:army,audience,class,committee,crew(全体船员,乘务员),crowd,faculty,family, government group orchestra,public,team,union等。但有些虽然是单数形式,却用作复数,如:cattle(牡畜)mankind(人类),militia(民兵),peop

8、le,police,poultry(家畜),staff(全体职员)等。例如:The president said the Chinese Gowrnment is paying close attention to developments in this matter, and continues to reserve the right to take future action.The cattle, were grazing on the meadow near the farm.The audience were amused by his humorous stories.My f

9、amily is far away from the school.有些名词只有复数形式,而且也只用作复数,如:clothes,glasses,spectacles,pants,arms(武器),belongings(所有物),customs(海关),goods(货物),suburbs(郊区),papers(文件)等;而有些名词形式为复数,却用作单数,如:electronics(电子学),mathematics(数学),optics(光学),politics,statistics(统计学)等。例如:The shorts he wears are made of leather.Linguist

10、ics is a difficult subject to study.He used to study electronics which isnt his favorite sujectI love to live in the suburbs that are conclusive有些名词一般情况下以单数形式出现,表示总体。但如果表示若干、多次或几种时,则要用其复数。这类词有:hair,fruit,pollution,rain,difficulty,success,wind,failure,favour等。例如:The barber had been cutting human hair

11、 for two years before he came to Los AngelesMother bought oranges,bananas and other fruits.These caves collapse easily in heavyrains, and great windsHes having financial difficulties有些名词一般只有单数形式,它们通常是表示物质和抽象概念的不可数名词,像:advice,baggage,bread,corn,clothing,equipment,education,fun,furniture,food,fruit,ga


13、te,poverty等。例如:I must seek the advice of a specialist in the matter of the transfer of property rightsHeadache is the most common disease of human.I really get a lot of fun from reading in leisure time.The population of Shanghai is very big.有些名词单复数的含义不同,使用时要根据上下文的意思进行选择。这类词包括:communication(通讯)commun

14、ications(通讯系统,通讯工具),cloth(布)-clothes(衣服),content(内容)-contents(目录),convenience(便利)-conveniences(便利设备), humanity(人类)-humanities(人文科学),necessity(需要)-necessities(必需品),wood(木材)-woods(树林),pain(疼痛)pains(辛劳),ruin(毁灭)-ruins(废墟,遗迹),sand(沙子)-sands(沙滩),work(工作)-works(工厂,著作)等。例如:“Hometown” is one of Lu Xuns most

15、 famous worksThe insurance company paid $98,700 in damages for the accidentMy child enjoys playing on the sandsNo pains,no gains有些名词只有复数形式。如:fundamentals(基本原则), goods(货物), means(方法) ,shorts(短裤), sweets(欢乐), valuables(贵重物品)等。The fundamentals are made to guarantee the social stabilityDont take any valuables there for the sake of safety.The goods were purchased from him arent expensive.I think our problem can be solved by means of negotiation. 名词做定语时,不能用作复数。例如:Please check your examination paper carefully after finishing。The Chinas Central Television Station supplies weather report ever



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