【教学案例英文评价范文】 初中数学教学案例范文.docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【教学案例英文评价范文】 初中数学教学案例范文 在那么多的教学案例中有哪些是可以触发自己的感想并作出评价呢?下面是我带来英文.,欢迎阅读! 教学案例英文评价.篇二教学案例英文评价.篇三 Teachers are a very pleasant career, Vietnam will be more in love with their own careers. When the two years of Kids, this feeling is more and more profound. In 1990, when I walked out of t

2、he university gate, confidently boarded the podium, the face of both a pair of pure, eager, trusty eyes, a sense of responsibility arises spontaneously. When I use the patience and love to help children solve problems, so that they can be improved, can grow, I always have a farmer to face good harve

3、st good years, the workers to produce qualified products that Le Zizi, Sweet feeling. I love teachers in this noble profession. First, do a high ideological and political teachers Since I participated in the work, has been working diligently in the school front line. Love the motherland, love the Ch

4、inese Communist Party, support the partys principles, policies, adhere to the four basic principles. Actively participate in political studies, study Marxism-Leninism and build a socialist theory with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively implement the three represents of General Secretary Ji

5、ang Zemin and General Secretary Hu Jintao put forward the adhere to people-oriented, establish a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development concept,Promoting the comprehensive development of economy, society and people , and conscientiously study the partys theory, principles and policie

6、s, and constantly improve the ideological quality, and keep in line with the Party Central Committee on the understanding of the important thinking of the scientific outlook on development and the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the CPC. Conscientiously implement the partys education policy,

7、 loyal to the cause of socialist education, peace of mind their work, enthusiastic public service, unity and cooperation, due diligence. Mutual respect, mutual respect and respect for parents, care for and love of all students, strict requirements for students, patience to teach, not satire, sarcasm

8、, in fact, the students, not the students do not care about the school, concerned about the collective, Insult, corporal punishment or disguised corporal punishment of students, respect the characteristics of physical and mental development of students and education law. Consciously abide by the pro

9、fessional ethics of teachers in vocational schools, teaching and educating people, set an example by example, decent style, behave, abide by the law and consciously abide by national laws and regulations, and consciously implement the rules and regulations and safeguard social morality. In education

10、 and teaching work, consciously abide by all the rules and regulations of the school, subject to work arrangements, complete the school education, teaching workload, and willing to assume the school assigned to other tasks. In education, teaching of the work areas, conscientiously perform their duti

11、es duties, a strong sense of responsibility. Conscientiously study business, rigorous and pragmatic; listen with an open mind and improve the work; the courage to forge ahead with innovation, to explore the laws of education, teaching, and constantly improve the level of business.And actively partic

12、ipate in teaching and research, teaching reform, research, and strive to improve their level of scientific research. Second, to do a research-based teachers I usually pay great attention to the teaching of basic skills training. I earnestly study the concept of modern education and teaching, and str

13、ive to study the business, and actively participate in the new curriculum reform, bold practice and innovation. I have taught computer network, computer infrastructure, NOVELL network structures, diskless network structures, FLASH, web design, C language, FOXBASE language, C +, mechanical basis, mec

14、hanical drawing, tolerance and cooperation, chemical engineering, mechanical principle , Especially the computer courses, I am familiar with the teaching materials, grasp the heavy and difficult teaching materials, advanced teaching methods and strong teaching and research ability, the flexibility t

15、o create the use of teaching materials, I enthusiastically put into the computer teaching. In 2021, Luo Wei, a student from Hubei Province, won the third prize in the Animation Competition of Hubei Province Secondary Vocational School Student Skills Competition. In the same year, Xiang Weichui and M

16、ei Bikui were awarded the first prize of Beida Jade Bird Web Design Competition. In 2021 by my counseling students Gao Huyou, Chen Xinzhong to participate in Hubei province vocational skills contest animation competition award, student Ding Shengjun to participate in Hubei province vocational skills contest campus network construction competition excellent award. 2021 Hubei Beida Jade Bird Web Design Competition, won the first prize of a;


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