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1、Module 2 Spring FestivalUnit 2 What traditions do you have at Spring Festival?教学目标1.掌握本课出现的生词及拼读。 2.理解记忆本课的词组。3.了解课文内容,熟读并记忆对话。 4.掌握阅读技巧重点单词和短语:tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, paper cut, everyone, haircut, New Year, New Years Eve, dumpling, sweet pudding, fireworks, few, a f

2、ew, week, round, all the year round, bring, color, something, cut, Christmas教学过程:课前朗读,使学生尽早进入学习状态,准备下面的复习检测或朗读生词,为新学习做准备。如果觉得生词不过关,就让学生继续读生词,最好是检查上节课所学内容。在小黑板上出示以下翻译句子,让学生课前根据汉语,狂背,然后检测。1. We are getting ready for SpringFestival.2.Whats happening?3. What are boys doing?4.The boys are learning a drag

3、on dance. 5. Im making lanterns.6.Shes sweeping the floor.7.Shes cooking the meal. 8.Hes at work./Hes working.一、复习检测词汇预习 旧知检测(检查与第二单元相关的第一单元的内容,组长交叉监督)上课一开始,马上拿出课前检测本,进行检测。小组之间交换检查:1号检查4号,2号3号互换。每组的1234号分别是按学习成绩降序排列。所以让4号看1号的过程就是让他再学一遍的过程。通常在这些检测中,1号的正确率相当高。2、3号互换也能互相担负起批改责任。这个活动最好就是当堂出结果,让学生能马上知道错在

4、那里。错少的,当堂就能掌握,错多的作为课后作业,课后让他多写几遍,通常错1写5,甚至是说,只要是能背过的,可以不写。但前提是必须是当天亲自找老师检查。这样一些脑子聪明耍滑头不愿写的,或者是想借此机会展示自己或愿意接近老师的某些学生会尽可能的背。检测内容:翻译以下句子(汉译英形式)1. We are getting ready for Spring Festival.2.Whats happening?3. What are boys doing? 4.The boys are learning a dragon dance. 5. Im making lanterns.6.Shes sweep

5、ing the floor.7.Shes cooking the meal. 8.Hes at work./Hes working.二、情景导入:通过展示一些图片,导入新课。Unit 2 What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival?三、多层阅读(采用默读的方式,自主完成,合作释疑,教师点拨) 深入挖掘教材,依据“总分总”的原则设计由浅入深、由易到难的分层阅读训练题目。注意:题目的设计必须符合阅读训练的要求,不能总是设计简单的问题回答题。 粗读:把图片和段落搭配起来 找关键词就可以了。观察图片1中,有剪纸,学生很快就能在段落1中找到pap

6、er cuts.观察图片2,有一桌子饭菜,让学生快速浏览文章找关键词,这个活动,不需要翻译文章,只需要眼睛快速搜寻关键词,学生很快就能在段落3中找到dinner ,food, rice 等词。观察图片3,很多灯笼,学生很容易就能在段落4中找到Lantern Festival,还有一幅图片自然就是段落3了。 请看以下四副图片Look at the photos and say whats happening ?1. Whats the colour of the doors and windows in the room? Red2.Why do people paint them red?It

7、 means good luck.3.Whats happening ? We can see lots of lanterns.4.What can you see? People call it Lantern Festival. The New Year Festival finishes at Lantern Festival after two weeks.四、Match the photos and the paragraphs 让学生自己做,然后小组对照答案,最后全班统一答案。1A 2C 3D 4B五、活动3,先听磁带,回答问题。再通过阅读,检查听力答案是否做对。让学生掌握阅读技

8、巧:文题文阅读。A. 通读阅读材料:速度(快速/略读/览读),掌握主旨大意。B. 粗读思考题:速度,明确考查重点,以便排除干扰。本活动首先需要学生先通读问题,弄明白每个问题的意思,然后让学生带着问题去读文章。C. 复读阅读材料:通篇跳读(寻读),局部精读,理解全篇,初选答案。D. 解答思考题:精读(细读),确定答案。七、理解意思(合作学习)弄清汉意(合作完成-可以将文章切块分组处理,以提高课堂效率)小组质疑 其它小组释疑(解决不了的由老师帮助)八、突破重难点(先自主后合作)(结合导学稿)归纳用法 充分的举例练习(形式要丰富) 展示交流 补充拓展 疯狂朗读重难点导学过程:Read Part A

9、aloud then do the following:找出下列短语和词汇有许多传统 _驱除厄运_打扫房子_把涂成红色 _ 它象征吉祥_ 用剪纸装饰门窗 _ 买衣服 _ 理发 _ 首先.然后_本段所用的时态_所用的动词有_Retell the passage with the following words :Have lots of traditions , Firstclean.sweep away.then.paint.red, It means.decoratewith paper cuts, .buy.,everyone.Read Part B and answer:What pre

10、sents do we get on New Years Day?What do we do on New Years Day?What programme is there?Read Part C and fill in blanks without books .The family_ _and we eat a kind of _.We _TV and at midnight there are usually _.We dont clean the house for _ _ _.We have lots of food _good luck.Read Part D and answe

11、r:1.When does Spring Festival finish ?2.What do we usually eat at Lantern Festival ?3.Do they bring us good luck all the year round? ?Read the whole text find all the phrases.让学生总结出所有短语九、Reading模仿语音语调,疯狂朗读十、当堂检测:(一)Fill in the blank:We have lots of traditions. First, we clean our houses and _ ,_ and

12、 then we paint doors and windows red. It means_. We usually decorate the doors and windows_. We also buy clothes and everyone_Our parents and grandparents give us New Year Presents. They are usually new clothes. On New years Day, we _ our _ and visit our family and friends. There is dragon and lion

13、dancing.The family has dinner and we eat Jiaozi _dumpling, or a sweet rice pudding. We watch TV and _there are usually fireworks. We dont clean the house for a few days. We dont want to sweep away good luck. And we have lots of_.The New Year Festival finishes at the Lantern Festival after two weeks. We usually eat _ rice dumpling _ Yuanxiao. They are round and so they bring us good luck_.(二)英汉互译1 扫走, 冲走 8 put on new clothes 2 坏运气 9 a kind of 3 好运气 10 at midnight 4 剪纸 11 food for good luck 5 理发 12 bring sb good luck 6 把漆成红色 13 all the year round 7 用装饰 14 What tradit


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