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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 4 The next step板 块:Project Thoughts on the design:本部分文章主要介绍振华大学,并最后要求学生在研究的基础上撰写大学宣传手册。此课件将帮助学生了解学校入学、课程、设施、校园环境等各方面的情况,同时引导学生进行研究讨论,并巧妙利用文中知识点最终完成理想大学的简介。Teaching aims: After learning the project, the students will be able to:1. know more about Zhenhua university and think about

2、which university to choose study at;2. learn the general structure of a university guide; 3. learn to write a university guide by cooperating.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in 1. Look at some pictures of famous universities in China.2. Ask students two questions:(1) Which university would you like

3、to go?(2) What do you know about that university?Explanation借助于国内大学的一些图片,激起学生对大学生活的向往。说出对理想中的大学了解的情况,有助于进入文章的学习。Step 2 Prediction and fast reading 1. Ask the students to predict the contents of the text.2. Read the text fast to check out the aspects which are mentioned in the article.Explanation预测文章

4、信息是阅读理解的重要策略之一。预测文章内容,并且在快速阅读后找出文章真正所涉及的方面。这种训练将有助于学生养成良好的阅读习惯。Step 3 Further reading 1. Read the passage to grab the main idea of every paragraph.2. Finish Reading comprehension questions. (1) The subtitle “your home away from home” means _.A. Your new home is far away from your old home in the Zhe

5、nhua University.B. You will find a new home away from your home.C. Your home has a long distance from Zhenghua University.D. You will set a new home in Zhenghua University. (2) The passage is mainly written to _. A. Introduce Zhenhua University to readers. B. Persuade readers to become excellent stu

6、dents. C. Show Zhenhua University is famous. D. Promote or advertise for Zhenghua University.Explanation此部分阅读区别于精读,只需学生掌握文章的大致结构和基本信息,留出时间让学生讨论并撰写理想大学的简介。Step 4 Words and expressions 1. be set in2. obtain your bachelors degree3. beneath the arches of sth.4. make good use of their time5. make the mos

7、t of your time 6. take up a new sport7. focus on sharpening debating skills8. be equipped with laundry and showers with two to four students sharing a room9. operate a shuttle to and from the city10. get the best out of your education 11. ensure you a bright futureExplanation此部分主要梳理文章的常见表达方法,有助于更好地理

8、解课文,也为最后一部分的写作部分奠定基础,一举两得。Step 5 Write a university guide 1. Form a group of four and answer some questions which may help students to do the job:(1) What is your ideal university?(2) What aspects will you choose to write about the university?(3) What are the useful words and expressions you might u

9、se in the article?2. Use Nanjing University as an example and ask students to write a guide according to the Chinese passage.南京大学坐落在六朝古都南京。今天的南京大学包括鼓楼、浦口、仙林三个校区。教学、科研成绩卓著,已发展成为全国一流高校之一。目前,南京大学设有23个学院,65个系,有本科、研究生和博士生三个层次的课程,为国家在各个领域培养了大批优秀人才。学院具有数量充足、配套齐全的教学、实验、文娱、体育和生活设施,拥有一大批优秀的资深教授和博士生导师, 所以教学质量具

10、有一流水平。 总之,拥有悠久办学历史、深厚文化底蕴, 办学条件一流的南京大学将是大学生理想的学习、生活场所。Nanjing University is located in Nanjing, Chinas capital for six ancient dynasties. Todays Nanjing University consists of three campuses: Gulou Campus, Pukou Campus and Xianlin Campus. With excellent teaching qualities and out-standing research a

11、chievements, Nanjing University is regarded as one of the best universities in China.Nanjing University has 23 institutions and 65 departments. We have programmes at both graduate, postgraduate and doctor levels. Beneath the arches of Nanjing University, we have trained talented persons in each fiel

12、d for our country. Nanjing University has plenty of well-equipped facilities, including modern teaching buildings, libraries, gyms, dormitories and recreation centers for students to study and live in. Besides, with a large number of excellent experienced professors and tutors of PH.D, the standard

13、of teaching is at the top class.In conclusion, Nanjing University which has a long history and culture as well as the first-class teaching conditions will be a good place for university students to further their education and enjoy their life. Explanation通过回答问题确定大学简介的几部分内容,让学生罗列文章中可用的知识点,为作文做好准备。最后给出南京大学中文范例,要求学生当堂完成。Step 6 Homework 1. Read the text again to understand it better.2. Finish Part A and Part B on Page 125 in Workbook. Explanation课后及时复习有助于对课堂学习内容的巩固并加深理解。


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