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1、 新概念英语第二册习惯用语大全:Lesson 2ring a bell 听起来耳熟,使人仿佛忆起某事,使人有兴趣(to cause an indefinite memory to come into one”s mind, remind sb. of sth., raise sb.”s interest)1. A:Do you know what the term “inflation“ actually means? A:你知道“inflation”这个术语的真正含义吗? B:Oh, it rings a bell . B:哦,听起来挺耳熟的。 2. A:Do you remember Ge

2、orge Davis? A:你还记得乔治戴维斯吗? B:Well,the name rings a bell. B:嗯,这个名字听起来挺耳熟的。 例句:That name just doesn”t ring a bell with me 那名字我听起来并不耳熟。 ring up 打电话(call sb. on the telephone)例句:I”ll ring you up sometime during the week我会在本周某时给你打电话的。 2. telephone n. 电话机 v打电话 tolophone book电话簿(同phone book, telephone direc

3、tory)tolephone dirctory 电话薄(同phone book, telephone book,另把握相关说法:yellow pages)例句:The print in this telephone directory is so small I can”t even read the number I want.这本电话簿里的字体太小,我都看不清我想要的号码。telephone pole 电线杆例句:You know my car hasn”t been the same since I had bumped into that telephone pole.你知道自从我的车

4、撞上了电线杆它就和以前不一样了。 3.until prep. 直到(till) unit further notice 另行通知例句:The meeting has been postponed until further notice.会议推迟,详细时间另行通知。 4. up adv向上;上升;终结;完工;起床;能够做 turn up消失,露面;把声音开大;将温度调高(appear on a certain occasion;elevate;the sound, temperature, etc.)例句:l. He turned up only a few minutes late, having bicycled all the way in order not to disappoint us他消失时只晚了几分钟,骑了一路自行车就为了不让我们绝望o2. I”m sorry I didn”t turn up at the match.but it wasn”t really my fault.很愧疚我在竞赛时没消失,但这并不是我的过错。


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