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1、重重点一、1 Advertising is the structured and composed nonpersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods, services, and ideas) by identified sponsors through various media.广告是有组织的、综合的、非个人的信息传播活动,通常是由可识别的赞助商以付费方式通过各种媒体传达关于产品、服务或观点的说服性信息。2 Ad

2、vertising is a type of communication. It is a very structured form of applied communication, employing both verbal and nonverbal elements that are composed to fill predetermined space and time formats that are controlled by the sponsor.广告是一种传播活动,它是一种有组织的应用形式的传播,广告利用语言的和非语言的的元素去填充赞助商事先规定并且控制的时间。3 Adv

3、ertising reaches us through a channel of communication referred to as a medium is any paid means used to present an ad to its target audience.广告通过一种被称为媒体的传播渠道传递给我们,任何付费的可以把广告呈现在目标受众面前的载体都是广告媒体。二、1 In countries where consumers have more income to spend after their basic needs are satisfied, advertisi

4、ng stimulates innovation and new products.在那些消费者的基本需要得到满足后人们还有很多收入的国家,广告促进了创新和新产品的产生。三、1 The American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA) defines an advertising agency as an independent organization of creative people and business people who specialize in developing and preparing marketing an

5、d advertising plans, advertisements, and other promotional tools.美国广告公司协会(AAAA)为广告代理公司所下的定义是:广告公司是一个独立的组织,由创意人员和业务人员组成,这些人专门从事制定营销和广告计划、制作广告和其它促销工具。2 The largest national agencies are also international agencies. They have offices or affiliates in major communications centers around the world and ca

6、n help their clients market internationally or globally as the case may be.最大的几家全国性广告公司也是国际性广告公司。他们在世界各地主要的传播中心设有办公室或分部,根据情况,国际广告公司可以帮助他们的客户进行跨国或全球性的销售。3 Account executives (AEs) are the liaison between the agency and the client .Large agencies typically have many account executives, who report to m

7、anagement or (account) supervisors. They in turn report to the agency s director of account (or clients) services.客户经理是广告公司和客户之间的联系纽带。大广告公司通常有很多客户经理,他们归管理总监(客户总监)管辖,客户总监又归广告公司的客户服务部主任管辖。4 The way agencies get paid is somewhat different from the way other professional organizations are compensated. W

8、hile accountants, doctors, lawyers often work on a fee basis, advertising often base compensation on a commission or markup system.广告公司获得报酬的方式和其他行业组织有所不同,会计、医生、律师经常有一定的收费基础,而广告公司是通过代理费和差价来获得补偿。四、1 Advertisers use pretesting to help make decisions about a number of variables. It s easiest to think of

9、 these as the five MS: merchandise, markets, motives, messages and media .广告主利用前测有助于对一系列的变量做出决策,为方便起见,这些变量用5M表示:商品,市场,动机,信息,和媒体。2 Pretesting helps identify outstanding , as well as under performing ads and commercials .It helps determine what ( form the customer s point of view ) a message says and

10、how well it says it .广告前测有助于识别优秀的广告和平庸的广告,有助于以消费者的立场判断广告传达了什么信息,传达的怎么样。3 To get people to share their thoughts and feelings, researchers use qualitative research that elicits in-depth, open-ended responses rather than yes or no answers.为了使人们分享自己的想法和感觉,调查者采用定性调查方式引发深度的、开放式的回答,而不仅仅是回答是或否。五、1 Advertisi

11、ng is just one of the numerous tools used in the promotion, or communication, aspect of marketing .But how the advertising is done and where it is run depends largely on the other aspects of the marketing mix and for whom the advertising is intended to reach .广告只不过是在营销的促销、沟通方面使用的众多工具中的一种。但如何做广告,在哪里做

12、,这在很大程度上取决于营销组合的其它方面及广告要到达的对象。2 When creating ads for foreign consumers, marketers must consider many environmental factors: cultural trends, social norms, changing fads, market dynamics, product needs, and media channels.当为外国消费者制作广告时,营销人员必须考虑很多环境因素:文化潮流、社会规范、变化的时尚、市场的活力、产品的需要及媒体渠道。3 The marketing d

13、epartment has to convince management that advertising spending makes good business sense, even in an adverse economic climate.营销部门必须使管理人员相信,即使在不利的经济状态下,广告开支也对生意有利。4 Several methods are used to allocate advertising funds. The most popular are the percentage-of sales approach and the objective/ task m

14、ethod.分配广告资金的方法有很多,最常用的是销售额百分比法和目标任务法。六、1 No matter how much the creative people or the client or the account executive may like an idea, if it doesnt communicate the right message or the right product personality to the right audience, then it wont work. 无论创意人、客户或客户经理多么喜欢一个创意,如果它没有把正确的信息或者正确的产品个性传达

15、给正确的人,这个创意就不起作用。2 The new generation of advertising creative will face a world of ever-growing complexity .They must handle the many challenges of integrated marketing communications (IMC) as they help their clients build relationships with highly fragmented target markets.新一代的创意人员将要面对一个变得越来越复杂的世界。当

16、他们帮助客户与高度细分的目标市场建立关系时,他们必须处理整合营销传播的众多挑战。次重点一1 At the beginning of the 20th century, Alert Laser, generally regarded as the father of modern advertising , defined advertising as the “salesmanship in print , driven by a reason why ”.20世纪初,通常被称为现代广告之父的阿尔伯特拉斯尔把广告定义为“由因果关系驱动的印在纸上的推销术”。2 Marketing is the one business function whose primary role is to attract revenue; without revenu


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