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1、金凌虹_-_六级写作模板完整版最新讲义1. 背诵 背醒目句型我们都应该知道沟通的重要性We all should know the importance of communication.We cant emphasize the importance of communication too much.u会造成恶劣的后果u will cause bad result. u will give rise to undesirable consequences.2. 默写仿写写出来的,才是自己的;文章框架不变;内容,词汇,句型替换;每种类型至少5篇(topic given);形成固定的应对策略题

2、型分析及模板对策第一类题正反对立观点作文第一段:陈述现状(第1、2句)1 The term “” may by no means sound strange to most people in this day and age.2 Does anyone hold the same attitude towards “”? Definitely not,as to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.第二段:阐明对立观点(第3、4、5、6、句)3 For those who hold the opinion that正面观点claim

3、 that, firstly, 理由之一4 Secondly, 理由之二5 However, others maintain that反面观点, first and foremost,理由之一6 Moreover, 理由之二第三段:阐明我的观点 (第7、8、9句)7 If I were forced to agree with one of the two opinions, I, doubtless, stand by the idea that你支持的观点, in the first place, 理由之一8 in the second place ,理由之二9 Given the fac

4、tors I have just outlined, I strongly commit to the notion that 再次表明你的看法和观点第一段模板句替换和自创第一段:陈述现状(第1句的替换)With the advancement of society and the development of economy,With the improvement of peoples living standard, 写法六:最偷懒的方式-自问自答When people are asked “ ?” , answers may vary from person to person.Wil

5、l you run your own company after graduation第一段第2句保持不动2 Does anyone hold the same attitude towards “”? Definitely not,as to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.第二段模板句替换和自创第二段第3句正方观点替换句有人认为 Some people think that 改造升级 Those who hold the opinion thatclaim that, firstly, 理由之一那些支持观点的人认为 Those

6、 who are in favor of the idea that Claim that,firstly, 理由之一第二段第5句反方观点替换句相反,有很多人认为 On the contrary, a majority of people maintain that,to begin with ,理由之一另外一部分人不这么看 while the rest hold the other side of the picture, for one thing, 理由之一第三段模板句替换和自创第三段第7句个人观点替换句在我看来 From my perspective, 个人观点 To my way o

7、f thinking, So far as I am concerned,如果我必须要选择一个观点的话,毫无疑问,我支持 If I were forced to agree with one of the two opinions, I, doubtlessly, stand by the idea that第三段第9句再次强调个人观点考虑到我刚刚说过的因素,我强烈认同观点 Accordingly,given the factors I have just outlined, I strongly commit to the notion that衡量了这些观点的利弊,我更倾向于同意的观点 W

8、eighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the idea that观点如何陈述?( 第3 和第5 句)观点陈述法一是有利的Sth. is beneficial to Sth. plays a positive role in观点陈述法二 是有害的Sth. is detrimental to Sth. plays a negative role in观点陈述法三的优点远远大于其缺点The advantages of sth. far outweigh the disadvantages.观

9、点陈述法四A的优点远远大于BThe advantages of A are much greater than those of B.第二类题 问题解决作文第一段:陈述现状(第1、2句)1 The past several years have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that2 Taking a look around,one can find numerous examples with ease: 举例补充第1句,增加文章生动性和真实性(同时凑字)第二段:阐明问题产生的原因、后果(第3、4、5、6 句)3 What exact

10、ly contributes to such phenomenon ? Its a thought-provoking question. Firstly, 原因之一4 Secondly, 理由之二5 The problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. first and foremost,危害之一6 Moreover, 危害之二第三段:阐明问题的解决策略(第7、8、9句)7 Confronted with such problem,

11、effective measures must be taken before things get worse. In the first place, 措施之一8 in the second place , 理由之二9 Only with these measures taken can we 提出美好愿景问题解决作文 模板句 模板句的两个功能:对于考生: 提供写作思路,文章框架;对于阅卷人:给分提示句! 使用模板句的注意事项:写得再好,不加分,也不扣分;学会替换模板句,谨防撞车!第一段:陈述现状(第1句的替换)写法一:过去几年,我们见证了1 The past several years

12、have witnessed a not uncommon social phenomenon that第一段第2句保持不动2 Taking a look around, one can find numerous examples with ease:举例补充第1句,增加文章生动性和真实性(同时凑字)第二段第3句现象产生的原因替换句到底是什么导致了这个现象的产生? 这是个令人深思的话题What exactly contributes to such phenomenon ? Its a thoughtprovoking question. Firstly,原因之一这个现象为什么会出现? 理由

13、很明显,如下解释.Why such a phenomenon emerges? The reasons, which are obvious to all, can be listed as follows: Firstly,原因之一很多因素可以解释这个现象,如下几点是最重要的A number of factors can account for such phenomenon, but the followings might be the critical ones. Firstly,原因之一第二段第5句危害或后果替换句如果我们熟视无睹,这个问题必定会带来严重的后果The problem

14、mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. Firstly,危害之一如果这个状况没有得到处理,将危害极大It is extremely harmful if the situation is left unfettered. Firstly,危害之一如果我们听之任之,将会带来巨大的问题It will give rise to a host of severe problems if we leave the situation as it is. F

15、irstly, 危害之一第三段第7句-号召注意-替换句鉴于这个问题的严重性,我们必须在事态恶化前采取有效措施In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. In the first place, 措施之一鉴于这个问题的严重性,我们必须马上关注这个问题In light of the seriousness of the problem, Due attention has to be paid to this issue. In the first place, 措施之一很明显,我们必须采取有效措施来阻止这个情况Obviously, it is imperative that effective actions should be taken to prevent the abov


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