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1、Module 5 unit 1How many教案Part A教学目标一、 知识与技能1 认识18,8个数字。2 能听懂会说How many?二、 过程与方法通过音标学习1到8的英文数字的发音。三、 情感态度和价值观激发学生学习英语的兴趣和学习热情,触发学生参与活动的欲望。教学重点 1能听懂、认识1-8这8个数字。 2能正确读出1-8.教学难点 1听懂会说How many?及回答。 2用How many 来询问物体的数量。教学方法讲诉法、寓教于乐法课前准备磁带、录音机、卡片、挂图、食物课时安排2课时第一课时教学过程一、 导入新课 Warm-up 1Greeting T: Hello! How

2、are you? 2To sing a song with actions“HelloHello How are you?” 设计意图:通过新课前的热身活动活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习兴趣,为新课的教学创造积极的条件。二、 新课学习 1(1)Teacher writes “8-7=?” on the BB S say the answer about this question and T teaches “one” by card. aLets read after T.(T can use the different tone) bRead one by one. cRead togeth

3、er. (2)The same way to learn “two,three,four”. (3)To count the fingers to learn “five”. (4)To count the animals to learn “six,seven,eight” by cards. (5)To teach “how many”.设计意图:著名教育家指出:“教学手段的优选是事实教学过程最优化的方案之一。”用学生熟知的简单算术题、数手指、数物体教授one-eight, 贴近学生的生活,使学生易懂乐学。2Practice表演活动,着重练习“Howoldareyou?”和前面学习的数词1

4、-6,及nine和ten,但三年级的学生大多是9岁或10岁,说1岁、两岁与实际情况相差太远,让学生戴上头饰扮演dogandcat练习对话,如:A:Goodmorning.B:Goodmorning.A:Whatsyourname,please?B:MynameisCat.A:Nicetomeetyou.B:Nicetomeetyou,too.A:Howoldareyou?B:Imtwo. 3“Finding your friends”game: The teacher hands all the pictures and the new word cards to eight students

5、 each time ,then a student below speak a number at random ,the two children holds the numbers should quickly stand together hand in hand and read the word The group that do well will go to the following turn, while the wrong group will be in help , finally a champion will be found 设计意图:本环节抓住了三年级学生活泼

6、好动的性格特点,学生们都情绪高涨,发挥其实际动手动脑动口的能力,营造了了生生互动的课堂氛围,让学生在玩中学,使孩子们很自然地将注意力集中到英语课堂上。三、 结论总结 本节课我们学习了如何使用英语述说数字1-8,如何询问数字的多少。四、 课堂练习 Practice1To count the fingers with your partnerThen, some pairs show their work2Guess game老师只是夸张地做单词发音口型,学生猜这个单词,猜中奖励一张贴画。设计意图:“根据口型猜数字”既避免了单词的单一、枯燥练习,又可以激发学生学习的兴趣。五、 作业布置Teach your parents to learn one-eight设计意图:让学生回家教父母学英语,不但调动了学生的学习积极性,而且能使家长关注孩子的英语学习。 板书设计Module 5 unit 1 How manyOne two three four


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