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1、 新概念第二册自学导读 Lessons67语法 Grammar in use 表示“力量”的情态助动词及其他有关的动词: can/ could, be able to与 manage to (1)在第43课的语法中,我们学习了表示“力量”的 can/could。用将来时的句子中表示“力量”时通常用 will be able to, 在表示胜利地完成过去某个动作时用was able to而不用could: I can”t remember where I”ve seen him. 我想不起来我在什么地方见过他。 I can sing some songs, but I can”t play th

2、e piano. 我会唱一些歌,但我不会弹钢琴。 He thought he could pass the exam easily, but he failed. 他以为他能轻易地通过考试,结果他没通过。 After Byrd had ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks, the plane was then able to rise. 在伯德命令他的助手们扔掉两个沉重的食物袋之后,飞机才可以上升了。 Jane can”t swim yet. She”ll be able to swim in a few months time.

3、 简不会游泳。再过几个月她就会游泳了。 (2)表示“力量”的另一种方式是用 manage to。在表示胜利地完成过去某个动作时,它常常代替 be able to。与 be able to相比,它更强调“虽然困难很大,但仍能”这种含义。 假如把最终这句话改成:He was able to watch it after all(他最终看了那场竞赛),那么他就不肯定是克制困难才看到竞赛,而可能是由于状况有变化等。 词汇学习 Word study say与tell 这两个词都有“说”的含义,但在用法上有区分。 1say (1)在表示“说”、“讲”时,say后面不跟间接宾语(人)。假如肯定要指明,则用t

4、o+名词代词: You haven”t got much time,he said (to me). 他(对我)说:“你的时间不多了。” (2)表示“道别”、“诵读(祈祷)”、“背诵”等含义时用say而不能用tell: We”ll see his boat and then we”ll say goodbye to him. 我们将参观他的船,然后和他告辞。 Mary”s children say their prayers every night. 玛丽的孩子们每天晚上做祷告。 (3)say有“表达(思想、意见等)”含义,tell则没有: Do you have anything to sa

5、y about the accident? 关于这次事故你有什么想说的想法吗? (4)say通常用于表达“据说”的意思,tell则不能: John is said to be very interested in art. 据说约翰对美术很感兴趣。 (5)say可以用于固定短语 say a good word for(为说好话辩护;推举): Don”t expect that he”ll say a good word for you. 别希望他会为你说好话。 2tell (1)在表示“说”、“讲”时,tell后面可以跟双宾语: He told me/ said that he would b

6、e retiring. 他告知我说他快要退休了。 (2)tell常常用于表示“讲(实话、谎话、隐秘等)”: He”s telling a lie/the truth. 他在撒谎说实话。 I won”t tell you the secret if you can”t keep it. 假如你不能保守隐秘,我就不把这隐秘告知你。 (3)tell可以表示“区分”、“辨别”,say则不行以: The snake obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz. 那条蛇明显辨别不出印度音乐和爵士乐。 (4)在英

7、国英语中,tell the time为固定短语,表示依据钟表等“说出时间”、“识钟”(美国英语中为 tell time): Jimmy is only five years old, but he can already tell the time. 吉米只有5岁,但他已经识钟了。 另外,say和tell后面跟so时含义不一样: I told you so! 我告知过你是这样的!(用于状况被证明之后) 练习答案 Key to written exercises 1关键句型练习答案 C 1 He did not manage to get into town this morning. 2 Th

8、ey did not manage to find the boy who had run away. 3 He did not manage to find a new job. 4 I did not manage to translate the passage into English. 5 They did not manage to swim to the other side of the river. 2难点练习答案 1 tell 2 said/would say 3 saytell 4 tell 5 told 6 say 3多项选择题答案 1d 2a 3d 4d 5d 6d 7 b 8 b 9 a 10 d 11d 12 d



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