高中英语 Module 1 Body Language and Non verbal Communication同步练习 外研版必修4

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1、高中英语 Module 1 Body Language and Non verbal Communication同步练习 外研版必修4.完形填空My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body. When I was younger, I thought_1_was very important to us as humans, so I said, “My _2_, Mom.”She said, “No. Many people are deaf but they can live a_3_life. P

2、lease keep thinking about it and I will_4_you again later.”Then one year later, my grandfather died. Everybody was_5_. Everybody was crying. Even my father cried. I remember it just_6_it was the second time that I had seen him cry.My Mom looked at me when it was our_7_to say our final goodbye to my

3、grandfather. She asked me, “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?” I was surprised when she asked me this. I _8_ thought this was a game between her and me. She saw the _9_ look on my face and told me, “This question is very important. It_10_that you have really lived your life. Tod

4、ay is when you need to_11_this important lesson.”She looked down at me as_12_as only a mother could. I saw her eyes filled with_13_. She said, “My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder. ”I asked, “Is it because it_14_my head?” She replied, “No, it is because it can hold the head of a(n

5、) _15_or a loved one when they cry. _16_needs a shoulder to cry on some time in life. I only hope you have _17_love and friends so that you will have a shoulder to cry_18_when you really need it.” _19_I knew the most important body part is the one that can understand the_20_of others!1A.soundBmoneyC

6、life Dwalk答案:A根据下一句中的deaf可知,此处指作者认为“声音”对人类很重要。2A.head BnoseCeyes Dears答案:D既然作者认为声音对人类很重要,那么作者让为“耳朵”是人身体上最重要的部位。 3A.quietBpainfulCnormalDpoor答案:C根据前面的No可知,作者的妈妈认为耳朵不是人身体上最重要的部位,因为失聪者也能过正常人的生活。此处强调失聪者也能生活得很好。4A.tell BaskCpunishDpraise答案:B因为作者没有给出理想的答案,所以妈妈说她以后还会“问”这个问题。5A.moved BhurtCexcited Dshocked答

7、案:B此处指亲人的离去给在世者带来了伤痛。6A.until BsinceCthough Dbecause答案:D此处强调作者依然记得当时爸爸哭这件事的原因,因此用because。7A.rightBturnCfact Dperiod答案:Bturn在此作名词,意为“(依次轮到的)机会”。轮到作者一家向爷爷做最后的告别了。8A.always Bnever Cseldom Dsometimes答案:A作者没想到妈妈会在那个时候问自己那个问题,他“一直”认为那个问题是自己与妈妈间的游戏。9A.puzzled BinterestedCfrightened Dtired答案:A作者将那个问题视为一个游戏,

8、而且不曾想到妈妈会在那个时候再次提出那个问题,所以当时的作者感到疑惑不解。puzzled意为“困惑的”。 10A.seemsBshowsCpromises Dfeels答案:B妈妈认为那个问题很重要,因为你的答案关乎你是否在真正享受生活。show在此意为“表明”。11A.acceptBlearnCknow Dreceive答案:B“今天是你应该学到这重要的(人生)一课的时候了。”12A.kindly BstrictlyCcruellyDcoldly答案:A结合语境可知,此处指妈妈非常“和蔼地”看着作者。13A.expectationsBdisappointmentCsurprise Dtear

9、s答案:D爷爷去世了,作者的家人在与爷爷做最后的告别,因此妈妈眼里满含“泪水”。14A.raises up Bholds upClifts up Dtakes up答案:B肩膀“支撑”着人的脑袋。hold up“支撑”。raise up sth.与lift up sth.表达意义接近,意为“举起某物”;take up sth.“开始从事某事”。15A.child BfriendCactorDbaby答案:B肩膀可以为一个伤心哭泣的朋友或你爱的人提供依靠。第17空后的friends也给出了提示。16A.AnybodyBSomebodyCEverybody DNobody答案:C“每个人”都有伤心

10、难过的时候,在这个时候他/她都需要一个肩膀来依靠。17A.some BdeepCenough Dlight答案:C妈妈希望作者能拥有“足够多的”爱,能有可以依靠的朋友。18A.in BwithCby Don答案:D在肩膀上哭泣用介词on。上一句给出了提示。19A.Now and then BThen and thereCSooner or later DOnce or twice答案:B此处强调时间和地点。就是在那个时候,在那种场合作者明白了肩膀是人最重要的身体部位。20A.joy BluckCpain Dhope答案:C肩膀可以给伤心、难过的人提供依靠,因此说肩膀能“理解”对方的伤心与难过。

11、pain“痛苦”。.阅读理解AThere are some unusual things living in the worlds oceans: a “city” made up of tens of millions of relatives of starfish living on the peak of seamount, or underwater peak north of the Antarctic Circle; a huge, 16inch long by onequarterinch wide mollusk (软体动物), Chaetoderma felderi, di

12、scovered deep in the Gulf of Mexico near Louisiana; and enormous bacteria (细菌) in the eastern South Pacific that may help clean polluted ocean floors.Those are just some of the 5,300 new ocean species that scientists have identified so far. The findings are a general situation of aquatic life. Scien

13、tists estimate that the number of sea creatures will e in around 2,30,000. Some 2,000 scientists from 82 countries are working on the project, which will eventually collect DNA “barcodes” for many of them, estimates of changes in their populations and how they fit into the food chain, and Web pages

14、with the Encyclopedia of Life, a project to put information about all known species online. Another striking finding is a “white shark cafe”a gathering of white sharks. midway between California and Hawaii. In a March interview with CBC Radio One, marine scientist Barbara Block speculated (推测) that

15、the sharks are meeting there to eat and socialise. As the research goes on, not only do scientists have a better picture of the distribution(分布) of the animals that stay in place, they are also approaching a global picture of the movements of animals.1Which of the following may make the polluted ocean floor clean?AStarfish. BMollusk.CBacteria.DSharks.答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段可知,细菌可能对海底有清洁作用。2The underlined word “aquatic” in Paragraph



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