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1、 高考听力的预测、猜测技巧 南宁市三十三中 吴容娟 考试大纲中对听力的要求:(1)理解主旨和要义(2)获取事实性的具体信息(3)对所听内容作出简单推断(4)理解说话者的意图,观点和态度高考听力的预测、猜测技巧: 听前预测 听中猜测 听前预测一、根据题干进行预测。Where does the conversation take place?/ Where does sb. work?/ Whats his job? restaurant: menu, bill, order, tip, beer, soup.hotel: luggage, single room, double room, ro

2、om number, check in(out).hospital: take medicine, temperature, pill, headache, fever, examine. store: on sale, size, wear, color, style, price, change, bargain, fit.school: professor, exam, course, term, dining hall, playground. 例1. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a resta

3、urant. B. In an office. C. At home.例2. (08湖北4) What do we know about the womans jacket? A. It is sold at a lower price. B. Its color is her favorite. C. It is her sisters size.二、根据词语在选项中出现的频率来预测。例3 What time does the last train leave for London?A. At 8:13 am. B. At 8:13 p.m. C. At 8:30 p.m.例4At what

4、 time does the man think they will leave? A. 7:13. B. 7:25. C. 7:30. 三、根据选项中数字的关系来预测例5(2008山东)What was the total cost for both tickets? A: $ 100. B. $ 150. C. 200.提醒: 四、根据选择项的异同进行预测 例6A. He often visits the department. B. He has not found the department. C. He wants to go to the department. 四、根据前后几个

5、问题的题干及选项来预测。 例7 2001广东高考听力 ( 19) Why did the speaker get a parking ticket?A. His car was parked for too long.B. His car took up too much space.C. He left his car in a wrong place. (20)Which of the following words describes the day the speaker had? A. exciting B. unlucky C. tiring 答案是B.听中预测: 一、根据对话开始

6、的交际用语,称呼语,谈话涉及的内容推断人物身份和关系。a) I failed in the maths test. b) The fare is on the meter. c) The room rents for 20 dollars a week. (landlady) d) My two front teeth are very sensitive to hot and cold. e) There are two emergency exits, two on either side of the plane. 二、通过语法关系进行推理。 下列五种类型的句子在口语中出现频率比较高:

7、一,比较句。 表示对比的信号词常有than, on the other hand, in contrast, conversely, on the contrary, instead, unlike等 a) The task is much more difficult than I had imagined. b) Unlike Mary, Susan is very good at running. 二,叙述一连串事件的句子。 在表示一系列事情时,有一个表示时间先后次序的词如:first, second, third, then, next, last, finally, before,

8、after等如: a) He did not come until late in the evening. b) Mary went to bed after she had finished her homework. 三,条件句。 常有明显话语标记的表示条件的词有:if, even if, unless, once, in case, whether or not, in the event( that) , provided( that),后半句将要出现的就是以此词为条件的内容。如: a) I shall go there unless it rains.b) If I had com

9、e yesterday, I would have seen him.例8. (09湖北)What is the man worried about? A. The match may be delayed. B. Their car may go out of control. C. They may arrive late for the game. 四,因果句。 句子中常常会有一些表示原因和结果的信号词如:because, as, for, since, now that, so, thus, therefore, as a result, consequently等。如: a) Som

10、e students were late for school because of the bad weather. b) Jack worked very hard at his lessons, I think, therefore, he got good marks. 五转折句 but , however 1) I had an appointment with Doctor Li, but he wasnt there.2)I hurried to the airport to see the film star. However , when I got there, she h

11、ad left.三、从说话人口气、语音语调上预测。例9:(09全国I) 3. What does the woman mean? A. Cathy will be at the party. B. Cathy is too busy to come. C. Cathy is going to be invited. 小结听前预测一、根据题干进行预测。二、根据词语在选项中出现的频率来预测三、根据选项中数字的关系来预测四、根据选择项的异同进行预测五、根据前后几个问题的题干及选项来预测听中推测:一、根据对话开始的交际用语,称呼语,谈话 涉及的内容推断人物关系。二、通过语法关系进行推理。三、从说话人口

12、气、语音语调上推测。Practice:1. Where are the two speakers?A. At a hotel.B. In a bank.C. In a store. C2.(08全国I) Where will the speakers meet?A. In Room 340. B.In Room 314 C.In Room223 (A)3. (09年全国I) Why does the woman plan to go to town? A. To pay her bills in the bank. B. To buy books in a bookstore. C. To g

13、et some money from the bank (C)2008年 (全国卷I)4. Why did the woman go to New York? A. To spend some time with the baby. B. To look after her sister. C. To find a new job. (A) 5. How old was the baby when the woman left New York? A. Two months. B. Five months. C. Seven months. (c) 6. What did the woman like doing most with the baby? A. Holding him. B. Playing with him. C. Feeding him. (C)



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