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1、人教新起点五年级英语下册连词成句专项攻坚习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. do, school, usually, what, after, you, do (?)2. 5th, His, is, January, birthday, on (.)3. like, you, lunch, for, would, what (?)4. classroom, the second, is, floor, on, our (.)5. you, home, be, at, six oclock, Will (?)6. doingwhatarenowyou (?)7. train We by to going

2、 are travel (.)8. am , I , wash , the , going , dishes , to (.)9. people, on, look, the, at, lake, the, (.)10. is, short, who, that, man (?)11. Chinese, maths, and, have, Mondays, on, we (.)12. your, where, things, are (?) 13. is from He France (.)14. I, homework, often, do, watch, my, and, TV (.)15

3、. atmypictureLook(.)16. our science He teacher is (.)17. Daming, a, photo, of, took, father, his (.)18. playing like I basketball (.)19. weekend books do often read you the on (?)20. back, on, the, Ken, Mocky, patted, (.)21. many, tomatoes, you, How, want, do, (?)22. Sam, the, a, from, grapes, catch

4、es, ladybird (.) 23. is, clock, and, There, a, a, in, my, plant, room (.)24. are some in there room books my (.)25. like, I, teachers, funny (.)26. tomorrow, will, what, do, you (?)27. students, are, those, very, hard-working (.)28. is, this, How much, raincoat (?)29. fruit, all, twelve, the, in, yuan, is (.)30. sing, lets, together, song, a, (.)31. football, I, after, play, school, usually, (.)32. can, speak, he, Chinese, English, and (.)33. can, we, when, get, to, Guangzhou (?)页码 / 总页数


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