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1、Module 2 The Ren aissa nee一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1.cigarette n.香烟2.tobacco n.烟草;烟丝3.coca ine n.可卡因4.needle n.(注射用的)针;针管5.joggi ng n.慢跑6.gymn asticadj. 体操的7.horrible adj.令人不快的;极讨厌的&leaflet n.传单;印刷品9.distractio nn.分心;分散注意力(二)表达词汇写其形1. drug n.毒品;药品2. cancer n.癌症3. reducevt .减少4. nearby adj.附近的5. likel

2、yadj . 可能的6. adult n.成人7. ban vt.禁止8. affect vt.影响;对有坏影响(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.addictive adj.(药物等)上瘾的宀addictn.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 vt.使入迷;使上瘾t addictionn.瘾;入迷;嗜好宀addicted adj .上瘾的;有瘾的*2.danger n.危险dangerous adj .危险的endanger vt.危害3.inject vt.注射t injectionn.注射*4.powerful adj.有力的;(药等)有功效的t power n.力量;权力t powerless adj

3、 . 无权力的;无能力的5. crime n.罪行;犯罪行为t criminal n.罪犯6.illegal adj.违法的;不合法的t(反义词)legal adj .合法的*7.treatmentn.治疗;处理;对待t treat vt.治疗;对待*8.disagree vi.不同意;意见不合t disagreement n.不同意9. participantn. 参与者; 参加者t participate v. 参加; 参与10. recognisevt.认识;认知;认出t recognition n.认出;认识用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空take him long to become

4、1. He liked play ing on li ne games so much that it did nt addicted to them. The addiction to games is tak ing over his life. So he is really a game addict. (addict)2. He drove so fast that I really felt mylife was in dan ger. So I told him drivi ngfast was dan gerous and if he did ntslow dow n, he

5、would endanger our lives.(da nger)3. After he came to power,_everyone said he was a powerfullea2r,but now he feels so powerless that he even cant save his daughter.(power)4. People had to treatthemselves in their own way before they received the treatment sent by the government.(treat)disagreeme nt5

6、. They said they disagreed with our view. As a matter of fact, theirwas due to a mis un dersta nding. (disagree)20.serious /si?rI ?s/ adj.严重的21.severe /sivi?/ adj.特别严重的22.abnormal /?bn?ml/ adj .反常的23.acute / ?kju ? adj. 急性的24.unconscious / ?nk ?n/?s/ adj.昏迷的;不省人事的25.bleed /blid v. 出血;流血26.threate n

7、/0 ret( ?)n/ v. 恐吓;危及1. harm /h a?n/ n. & v.伤害;损伤2. pill /pil/n. 药丸;药片3. cigar /sig a n.雪茄烟4. abuse / ?bju ?:/ v. 滥用5. dizzy /dizi/adj . 头晕目眩的6. deadly /dedli/adj. 致命的7. choke /t /?k/ n.窒息8. depression/dlpre?)n/ n.抑郁9. disabled /diseibld/adj .残废的;残疾的10. disability /dis?biliti/n. 残疾11. allergic /?l ?

8、i?k/ adj.过敏的12. infective /infektiv/adj.会传染的;有传染性的13. poison /p ?iz( ?)n/ n. 毒药14. bacterium /b?kti?ri ?m/ n.细菌15. virus /vair?s/n. 病毒16. swell /swel/v.肿胀17. stroke /str ?k/n.中风18. cough /k ?f/ n.& v. 咳嗽话题单词积累19.bitter /bit?/ adj .苦的;有苦味的#27. threat /0 ret/ n.威胁28. ambulanee /?mbj ?l( 0ns/ n.救护车29.

9、ward /w ?d/ n.病房30. cure /kj ?/ n.治疗;疗法31. relief /rIli ?/ n.减轻;宽慰32. refresh /rlfre? v.(33. rescue /reskju? vt.二积短语顿挫抑扬(一)根据汉语写出下列短语使)精神振作;(使)精力恢复营救;援救课内短语回扣死于*1.die from*2.related_to _有关系的;有关联的3.look_up向上看;查找*4.break_in 破门而入;强行闯入*5.belong_to_ 属于6. become_addicted_to_ 对上瘾; 沉迷于7. take_on es_advice 听

10、某人的意见8. put_up 提高(价钱);举起9.in_order_to/so_as_to为了吸食毒品2. do harm to对造成危害3. be harmful to对有害4. be good to对有好处5. be infected with传染上6. break down ( 身体)垮掉7. suffer from 遭受; 患上8. get into trouble陷入困境9. get rid of 去除10. keep away from 远离11. get out of 摆脱12. operate on sb.给某人动手术13. cause damage to 对造成危害14.

11、take measures 采取措施15. bring .under control使得以控制16. be responsible for 为承担责任17. be aware of意识到18. attach importanee to 重视19. ban smoking禁止吸烟20. help sb. out帮助某人克服困难三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1. 现在分词短语作伴随状语例句 Now I work in a centre for drug addicts,helping others to stoptakingdrugs .仿写我小时候母亲总是坐在我床边给我讲故事直到我睡着。When

12、I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, telling me stories till Ifell asleep.2. stop sb./sth. (from) doing阻止做”例句 The government put up the price of cigarettes so as to stop people buying them.仿写二氧化碳是我们和太阳之间的一个屏障,能够阻止热量轻易地从大气中流失, 因此地球正在变得更加温暖。Carbon dioxide, which makes a barrier betwee n us a

13、nd the sun, stops heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, sothe earth is becomingwarmer.3. couldnt/cant . more表示最高级含义例句 I could nt agree more .仿写在我看来,这饭菜糟糕透顶。As far as rm concern ed, the meal could nt_have_bee n_worse.4. whatever引导让步状语从句例句 Whatever youre doingwhen you want to smoke do someth

14、ing else!仿写无论结果怎样,我们都要微笑着接受,因为我们已经尽了全力。Whatever_the_result_is,_we should accept it with a smile, because we have tried our best.话题佳句背诵1. Getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol is an important way to keep healthy .摆脱像抽烟、喝酒这样的坏习惯是保持健康的重要方式。2. In order toarouse his fathers attention tohealth, Li Mingreminded himof the bad effects of smok ing.为了唤醒父亲对健康的意识,李明提醒他吸烟的害处。3. As far as I know, more and more people have realizedsmoking does great harm to health


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