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1、年七年级英语动词用法小结一、 如下动词或词组背面用动词不定式,即to o oethn1. ould lik too somingwnt todosomething 想要做某事2. psart/begin/neeto mtg 但愿开始/需要做某事3. 疑问词ow+ t do mehing 如何做某事4. elad/ne/happsryto o someti 快乐/抱歉做某事5. It i nrstin/fun to d sothig. 做某事很有趣。6. It istime tosmething. 该做某事了7. It is time fo sto smethng 该某人做某事了。8. ave

2、(no)time to do something (没)有时间做某事9. It takess. me/one t do oehing.耗费某人某些时间/金钱做某事。10. lp s. (t ) d something协助某人做某事 (注意:这里的to可以省略)11. sem to odo smhin似乎要做某事实践运用:1.I orry (ear) the bd nes(坏消息).2. he tudntsre happy (se) ea othe an3. The bys haeittle ime (pace) fobl. I tm for (d) mninexercse?5Ititime (

3、) up. t i inteesting (la) mes.7. It takshim os (d) his hmewrk.8 It is fu (daw)n hehils.eye (have)a est0 a ou teh mehow (play) otbll?11. Would yu an our ml like (om) to visit Beijin wih m?12.He oftenhelp is mh (lea) tehoue13. The gir as (make)a ard for hermotr.14What tim you sart (have) lon?1.Id ie (

4、talk) with u ftersuper.1. Th oy eem (c).17T boy i veryhppy _(hp)hs oher clean e house o undays18.I is fineday. Would yolike _ (enjoy) the unshnit me?19 Ittaer abot an our_(p) themcn he romItsie for me_(have)an English class1.Wud you lik _(ant) me potoes with me?2.Doou hav much me oputeames?(pay)2.ts

5、 :0 oclck. Its ti _(get) up.2.She wants _(watch) V with hr otherevery da.2. Kit hopes _(live) n Wuxi.26.m sorr. I hae otie_(ractis) Englis with .二、 如下动词或词组背面用doing sthing1. lik/lov/o igsmthing 喜欢做某事2. gshpping/swmming/running/walkngfisin/oller satig去购物游泳跑步散步钓鱼滑旱冰 3. go t the dancingdawigwimi lsn 去上舞

6、蹈绘画游泳课4. dosome readigcleaningshopinwshing 读书打扫购物洗衣服5. 介词背面跟don smethng,如:owhaaboutingomehing 做某事怎么样b godat doin somehing 擅长做某事do we in dingsomething 擅长做某事 after doing something 做某事之后 Tank s. Tans or oingoeing. 感谢某人做某事。6. pratise doing sohng 练习做某事7. have god tim ding ometin ae fu ong mething 做某事有乐趣8

7、. spn imemoey doinsometig 耗费时间金钱做某事9. doing mehing做某事作为主语时,如;eadingis f读书不久乐。实践运用:1.Simon hsmuch tme (pacie) (pay)tennis2. heften (g) (skate).3.nks eyuch or (hel) e!Yuae s (hlp).4.e al enoy (lit) to musi. (o)moring exercse (e) go fo us6. (la) asketball (hlp) us (get)sng.7y othr sped two hours (do)hu

8、ework8.don send to muh time (s)inron o the compter.9. othy hav un (vit) hfarm?10.Wht aut (take) a ak th m?1.-Whois gooat (润)?-J is。12-oyou ften go (swi) n umr?-Y, o.13.I means“No (smoke)”14.How about (eet)at he schol getomorrw?15.Jm goestochool every dayafter (have) befast1What about oing _(walk)ftr

9、 spper?17 We oftn ractis_ (ply)bskeball atweekend.We always hve a good ime _( hat)wih othrs9. Does you so ractise _(ay)tepiano (钢琴) evrevenin?2.Myuce enjos_(sae) but he lkespayng essbetter1. s have acoe, and hen go _(ih) omewher y the iver22W usualyg _ on Suny. (shop)23 Dan Fn like (cha) with hs cla

10、ssme on te Interne24. her is a _(rad) ro nt second floin the buildng.2.Simnges_(swim) o Sundays.6. Mparens t ejoy _(swm) i th l.27. M fh usalydoes some _(sop).三、 如下状况用动词原形,即do smhig1. whynot 动词原形(do soething) 为什么不做某事2. le b. + 动词原形(d somehing) 让某人做某事3. mak sb do sth 让某人做某事4. 情态动词camstsholdmay +动词原形(

11、o soething)5. 祈使句中用动词原形,如:Mlli, clen theoor plase.6. 在一般目前时中,当主语是第一、第二人称和第三人称复数时,行为动词使用其原形。在其否认句中,使用nt + 动词原形; 在其一般疑问句中,使用Do+ 主语 + 动词原形。如:我的父母在周末看电影。肯定句:My parent watch fls atweekends.否认句:My arents dont atch fis at wekd. 疑问句:Do yourarnts wtc at weeend?我和ucy在星期二下午常常踢足球。肯定句:LucyangI ftn play fotbal n Tuedaaftenoon.否认句:Lcyang ont fen lay otball onsdy afternoon.疑问句:Do Lucy agyou oftn play footal on Te atrnon?学以致用:



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