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1、体验商务英语综合教程第3册录音文本UNIT 1Globalisation1.1Could you tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation?The great advantage of globalisation in my view is that it increases competition.Companies and firms have to be careful and have to order their affairs so that they compete in a global ma

2、rket.But I think that is outweighed by a large number of disadvantages.The first one is that it does hurt the local governments ability to deal with issues like welfare benefits, wages and taxes,mainly because the corporation is able to say to the British Government or the French Government or the A

3、merican government,Look, unless you lower your taxes on us, well the moving off to South East Asia or Latin America, and so on.And so it takes out of the hands of government the ability to control their own welfare systems,and provide a decent infrastructure for their people.Now this is not so bad a

4、s long as there is some negotiation between governments and companies.But more and more in recent years, companies have started to rule the roost.The corporation. some commentator said the other day,The corporation is the most important institution in our lives, and I think theres a lot truth in tha

5、t.They can now dictate to governments,and I want to see some kind of give-and-take between governments and corporations. Now thats the first problem.The other problem that I see, of course, is one of unemployment in the Western world.As companies want to improve their profitability, theyre going to

6、be looking for the low-cost, low-wage centres.So were going to see a flight of capital from the West which is going to be sudden and dramatic.If this is too sudden and is not managed properly we could find very sever employment problems in the Western world.So that is, I think, the kind of issue wev

7、e got to deal with as this process of globalisation gathers pace.1.2A survey has come up with some interesting information about the cost of living in our major cities.Tokyo is still the most expensive city in the world.Osaka is second and Moscow third, on a par with Hong Kong.Many European cities h

8、ave gone down the rankings because their exchange rates have become weaker against the US dollar.Moscows exchange rate has also become weaker,but Russia has a much higher inflation rate than many European countries.So prices in Moscow are among the highest in Europe.But there is one advantage of liv

9、ing in Moscow.The underground is excellent-very cheap and much more comfortable than the one in London.New York is the most expensive US city.This is because the US dollar is stronger than many other currencies.Some European countries that used to be far more expensive than New Your are now much che

10、aper.London is the 10th most expensive city in the world, according to the survey.A year ago, London was 5%-10% cheaper than many French and German cities.This is no longer so. Now London is 15% dearer than the German and French cities mentioned in the survey.However, London is a good city to live i

11、n.Business people said that London was the most exciting of all the major cities in the world.Londoners also claim that it is cleaner than it used to be, and safer than many other European cities.If youre hard up, dont go to Oslo-its Europes most expensive city.Meals at restaurants cost a fortune an

12、d drinks are very pricey.1.3Conversation 1Yes?Could I speak to Mr Smith?Er. I dont know erm I think hes out.Do you know when hell be back?Well, Im not quite sure. You could maybe try tomorrow.OK. Bye.Conversation 2Hello. Is that Janet, Bills secretary?Yes, thats right.Its John Blank. Im just phoning

13、 to give him an invoice number.Yeah. What is it?Oh, let me see, where is it. Yeah, Ive got to have it here somewhere.Look, phone me back when you find it. Im rather busy just now.Conversation 3Hello. Id like to speak to Bob Graham.Hes not here.Could you tell me when hell be back?Later this afternoon

14、.Well, could you take a message for me?Sorry, I dont have time. Ill have to ring off, Im going to lunch.Conversation 4Hello, its Susan here. Im just phoning to check my appointment with Chris tomorrow.Yeah?Could you look it up for me?Oh, I dont know. wheres the diary?. Yes, got it. So it was the 16t

15、h, was it?No, the 18th.No, I cant find anything, I didnt write it down.Conversation 5Hello Bilk Ltd.Hello, this is Jack Johnson. Im phoning about the delivery. Has it arrived yet?No, it hasnt. Weve been waiting a week. It still isnt here yet.Im really sorry about that.Well, weve been waiting for too long. Its not good enough. Youre wasting our time.Oh, Im sure your order will be.UNIT 2Brands2.1What is branding and why do we need brands?A brand can be a name, a term or a symbol.It is used to differentiate a product from competitors products.The brands guara


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