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1、上海市第八届小学生科普英语趣味实践活动高年级组 复赛模拟试卷(总分:100分;时间:45分钟) Part I Vocabulary (词汇):每题2分,共30分1. Name the animals.1) I have two pairs of tentacles, it can help me see and smell. I have a shell on my back.I am a _A_.A. snail B. spider C. earthworm 2) My stripes are like fingerprints. Someone say Im like a horse. I

2、 have black and white striped pajamas. I am a _A_.A. zebra B. hippo C. horse 3) We are lizards that can climb up walls and windows. I have rows of very fine hairs at the ends of their fingers. We are _A_.A. geckos B. bats C. flies4) We are the most colorful mammals in the world, both males and femal

3、es have a tuft of orange fur on our chin. We are _A_.A. mandrills B. drills C. monkeys 2. Choose correct words from Word Bank to fill in the blanks. Word BankA. prickles B. portrait C. prowl D. Vermifiltration E. virtual F. predator1) Shanghais Eco-House is a _E_ low- carbon consumer.2) _D_ is a way

4、 of cleaning water using earthworms.3) Gandhis _B_ is on rupee notes.4) Komodo dragons _C_ around nests.5) Ragweed pollen grains are covered with hundreds of _A_.6) Spotted trunkfish are able to swim easily and quickly to escape a _F_. 3. Do you know the solar system? Fill in the blanks with the rig

5、ht names.A. the Earth B. the Moon C. the Sun D. Mars E. Venus1)3)2)4)5)1)_C_ 2)_E_ 3)_A_ 4)_D_ 5)_B_【解析】本题考查太阳系的组成和太阳系中各行星的特点。解此题有两种方法:以太阳为中心一是根据行星距离太阳的远近来判断,距离太阳由近到远依次是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星。按此顺序,距太阳第六远的行星即为土星;二是根据八大行星各自的特点,如太阳系中体积最大的两颗行星是木星和土星,土星和木星都有光环,但两者的光环有很大的不同,木星的光环一般不容易观察到,而土星的光环犹如一圈很宽的帽

6、檐,伽利略在1610年用自制望远镜就观察到了土星环,土星最让人着迷的便是美丽的土星环。土星saturnPart II Knowledge Quiz (知识小测验):每题2分,共20分4. Choose the correct answer. 1) I _A_ when my nose bleeds.3A. lie downB. sit up or standC. blow my nose2) Australias capital is_C_.A. SydneyB. New YorkC. Canberra堪培拉是首都,悉尼是最大城市3) Whats Beethovens nationality?

7、 _B_A. JapanB. GermanyC. France4) Which of the following is not clean energy? _B_A. Tidal power 潮汐能量 B.oil energy C. geothermal power 地热能量5) In nature a very strong material is _C_.A. lambs woolB. lizards spitC. spiders thread6) Dinosaurs lived _C_.A. 65 yearsB. 65000 yearsC. 65000000 years7) India

8、is the _C_ largest country.A. secondB. sixthC. seventh8) How many Komodo dragons are there in Indonesia today? _B_A. 3000B. 3500C. 25009) Shanghai eco is a _A_ - story structure.A. four B. six C. five10) How many countries and international organizations came together to participate the 2010 World E

9、xpo? B共有189个国家、57个国际组织确认参与上海世博会.189+57=246A. 264 B. 246 C. 236Part III Cloze Test (完型填空):共20分Choose the correct word. 每题2分,共20分1.The child is breathing _1_A the pollen for the first time, the grains stick to the _2_A, humid walls of his _3_B system. The pollen grains release allergens _B4_ the nasal

10、 passage, the trachea and the _5A_. They also get into the blood. Special white corpuscles act to defend the body, they make antibodies as _6 B_, Finally, the white corpuscles _7A_. When the child inhales the _8B_ pollen for the second time, the special white corpuscles _9A_, this time they release

11、histamine, its _10A_ and makes the child ill. His blood vessels dilate which makes his bronchial tubes contract. 1) A. in B. into C. /2) A. wet B. dry C. hot 3) A. digestive B. respiratory C. urinary 4) A. to B. into C. in5) A. lungs B. kidneys 肾 C. liver 肝 6) A. a weapon B. weapons C. weapon 7) A.

12、win B. lose C. tie 8) A. different B. same C. / 9) A. attack B. come C. attend 10) A. strong B. weak C. powerfulPart IV Reading (阅读理解):共30分1. True or False ( A stands for true, B stands for false)Unlike other nuts, peanuts (花生) do not grow on trees. In fact, the peanut is not a nut at all! It is a l

13、egume (豆类), in the pea family. The peanut is unusual because it grows on a plant which flowers above the soil but fruits below it. A farmer usually plants his peanuts in April or May. Once planted, peanut seeds grow into a green, oval shaped plant which reaches about 18 inches in height when fully mature. Small yellow flowers appear o


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