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1、 新概念英语第四册Lesson18单词学习手册marine m”rin 海军陆战队士兵shark k 鲨鱼【单词搭配】in battle fonnation成战斗队形【单词例句】A: The troops were disposed in battle fonnation.A:部队根据作战队形排列好。B: It only cost a few seconds.B:那只花了几秒钟的时间。bequeath b”kwi 把传给dolphin ”dlfn船.海豚科动物【单词例句】A: He bequeathed all of his property to his daughter.A:他把全部财产都

2、遗赠给了他女儿。B: He also hasa son, right?B:他还有个儿子对吧?pestilence ”pestl()ns n.瘟疫confine kn”fan 范围【派生词】confinement限制【单词扩大】scope范围 extent范围【单词搭配】between the confines of两者界限之间domesticate d”mestket v驯养unconscious n”kns adj.不省人事的【派生词】unconsciously无意识地【单词扩大】senseless无知觉的,不省人事的【单词例句】A: After being hit by the car s

3、he was unconsaous.A:被车撞了一下后她就不省人事了。B: Where is the accident driver?B:肇事司机呢?beaver ”biv 海狸【单词扩大】go on shore上岸【单词例句】A: He is trying.to swim ashoreA:他正设法向岸边游过去。B: Maybe he needs our help.B:或许他需要我们的帮忙。A:I think it”s indignity For you.A:我想这对你是一种污辱。B: But all of his words are trueB:但他所说的话全是真的。waterlogged

4、”wtlgd adj.浸snout snat 口鼻部scent sent n.蒋昧【单词扩大】fragrance香味 perfume香味【单词搭配】on the scent of获得线索【单词例句】A:1 can”t stand this kind of scent.A:我受不了这种香味。B: Sorry,1 will move the flower to the next room soon.B:对不起,我立刻把这花挪到隔壁房间去。ensue n”sju; en- 接着发生【单词扩大】supervene接着发生【单词搭配】ensue from结果是【单词例句】A: What will ens

5、ue from this?A:这会产生什么结果呢?B: Nobody could foresee it right nowB:现在没人能预见得到。intrigue n”trig 起兴趣【派生词】intriguing引起兴趣的【单词搭配】intrigue against密谋【单词例句】A: His new book intrigued all of us.A.他的新书引起了我们全部人的兴趣。B: Do you have the book now?1 want to have a read too.B:你现在有这本书吗?我也想看看。insult n”slt 污辱【单词扩大】insult污辱shov

6、e v 硬推【单词搭配】shove around推来推去 shove off离开【单词例句】A: Dont shove the job ofr onto others.A:不要把工作硬推给别人去干。B: I”m sure it”s the last time.B:我保证这是最终一次了。aquaplane ”kwplen 驾浪滑oceanarium ,”nerm 水族馆swoop swup v猛扑【单词搭配】pounce猛扑,攻击【单词例句】swoop down upon 下来猛扑【单词例句】A: The owl swooped down on a snake.A:猫头鹰向一只蛇飞扑了过去。B:

7、 To a snake, the owl is one of its natural enenues,B:对蛇来说,猫头鹰是他们天敌中的一种。balance ”bl()ns 平衡【单词扩大】 balance平衡【单词例句】I believe this state of equilibrium will be maintained.我信任这个均势将被维持下去。【单词搭配】butt in插嘴,干预【单词例句】A: Look, the two bulls are butting each other.A:看,那两头牛在用角顶架。B: We”d better separate them in order to prevent them from hurting each other.B:我们把它们分开,免得它们伤着彼此。crack krk 重击【单词扩大】bang重击【单词搭配】crack down镇压 crack up垮下来



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