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3、2)中学物理电磁学问题系统设计方法。针对物理电磁学部分的知识内容,运用知识关联图问题设计方法设计一系列问题,并在此基础上总结出问题系统的构建方法。(3)问题系统设计成果的问卷调查与归因。通过问卷调查,分析所设计的问题及问题系统存在的缺陷与不足,根据分析及归因的结果进一步改进和完善问题设计技术。关键词:问题设计,问题系统,物理电磁学,知识关联图A Study on Problem Design of Physics Electromagnetism in Middle SchoolABSTRACTEnhancing the students problem awareness, creative

4、 thinking and problem solving abilities is one of the most important goals of the New Curriculum Reform. As the foundation to train learners cognitive development and advanced thinking skills, problem has a vital role for instruction. And for the whole teaching process, problems on different levels

5、are needed in various teaching link, especially for the hierarchical teaching. What teachers need is more than just a single problem, but a series of problems which can be distinguished according to the knowledge and methods required. We call them the “problem system”.Experts in fields of Instructio

6、nal Design and Physical Pedagogy have made some achievements on the methods to design a problem and problem system. But most of them are macroscopic principles which cant help the Physics teachers directly and specifically. In the study of Learning Activity-Centered Instructional Design, a method to

7、 design a problem using Knowledge Ratiocination Routes was explored. It is a operational problem design technology but still needs to be improved.In this paper, on the basis of existing research results, the problem design technology using Knowledge Relating Network has been explored and applied in

8、Physics Electromagnetism of middle school. The author also validates this technology through questionnaire and limitation-analysis and further improves it. Designing a problem system instead of a single problem, this research develops and improves the technical level of Physics problem design. The r

9、esearch is composed of the following three parts:(1) Mapping rules of Knowledge Relating Network and operation details of Physics problem design. In this part, the author elaborates the function, components, mapping steps, self-consistency verification of the Knowledge Relating Network and its relat

10、ionships with and differences from the Knowledge Ratiocination Routes. And the ADM operation method on Knowledge Relating Network is improved using Knowledge Ratiocination Routes Problem Design Method for reference.(2) Problem system design method for Physics Electromagnetism in middle school. Desig

11、n a series of problems on Physics Electromagnetism with the Knowledge Relating Network Problem Design Method. And then sums up the method to construct a problem system.(3) The questionnaire-based survey and attribution on the fruit of problem system design. Analyze the limitation of the problems and

12、 problem systems which are designed in this paper, and further improve the perfect the problem design technology in the light of the analysis results.KEY WORDS:Problem Design, Problem System, Physics Electromagnetism, Knowledge Relating Network I目录中学物理电磁学问题设计研究I摘要IA Study on Problem Design of Physic

13、s Electromagnetism in Middle SchoolII目录1正文图表目录1附录图表目录31 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 相关研究综述21.2.1 问题设计的相关研究21.2.2 物理电磁学的相关研究41.2.3 研究现状分析总结51.3 研究意义61.3.1 理论意义61.3.2 实践意义72 研究的整体设计72.1 关键词界定72.1.1 “问题”的界定72.1.2 问题系统92.2 研究目标与内容92.2.1 研究目标92.2.2 研究内容92.3 研究过程设计103 知识关联图问题设计技术113.1 知识关联图介绍113.1.1 知识关联图及其功能113.1.2

14、知识关联图的构成成分123.1.3 知识关联图的绘制方法133.1.4 知识关联图与知识推理路径的联系与区别183.1.5 知识关联图介绍小结183.2 运用知识关联图进行问题设计193.2.1 绘制知识网络图193.2.2 选择问题原型203.2.3 ADM操作213.3 小结234 中学物理电磁学问题系统设计234.1 问题系统设计方法概述234.2 问题系统设计举例244.2.1 绘制知识网络图244.2.2 选择问题原型并绘制知识关联图254.2.3 针对知识关联图进行ADM操作设计新题264.2.4 分析问题知识结构,构建问题系统384.3 中学物理电磁学问题系统设计技巧425 问卷

15、调查分析与归因435.1 单个问题的调查结果统计与分析435.1.1 科学性缺陷分析和归因455.1.2 教学性缺陷分析和归因455.2 问题系统的调查结果统计与分析465.3 分析与总结486 后续研究与展望486.1 与课堂教学相结合,深入问题设计技术的研究486.2 探索问题设计技术的自动化实现48参考文献49附录51附录1 高中物理电磁学问题设计调查访谈提纲51附录2 高中物理电磁学问题系统缺陷分析问卷53致谢602正文图表目录表 1 面向各科课程的教学问题设计模板3表 2 新题知识结构分析表38表 3 单个问题的调查结果统计表43图 1 研究流程图11图 2 知识关联图构成成分13图 313图 4 知识关联图绘制举例步骤一14图 5 知识关联图绘制举例步骤二14图 6 知识关联图绘制举例步骤三14图 7 知识关联图绘制举例步骤四14图 8 知识关联图绘制举例步骤五15图 9 知识关联图绘制举例步骤六15图 10 知识关联图绘制举例步骤八17图 11 知识关联图删除操作举例22图 12 问题系统设计举例知识网络图24图 13 问题原型题目中图25图 14 问



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