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1、 实用英语:关于谈论服饰时尚这一季的流行色是什么? A:What is the color of the season? 这一季的流行色是什么?B:It”s black.是黑色。 her boots are so high! 她的靴子好高喔! A:Wow!Look at Nikki,her boots are so high! 天啊!你看Nikki。她的靴子好高喔!B:I wouldn”t be able to walk If I wore those boots!要是我穿那种靴子就没方法走路了! Look at those pointed boots! 你看那双尖头靴! A:Wow!Look

2、 at those pointed boots! 哇!你看那双尖头靴!B:That”s the fashion this winter!那可是这个冬天流行的式样! What”s the. 是什么呢? A:What”s the fashion in accessories this season? 那这一季流行的配饰是什么呢?B:Big book bags,big and shiny earrings and bracelets.大包包、大又闪亮的耳环和手镯。 She likes to wear a shawl. 她很喜爱穿披肩。 A:She likes to wear a shawl very

3、 much. 她很喜爱穿披肩。B:And the shawl makes her look graceful!而且披肩让她看起来很优雅呢! I can”t believe. 我真无法信任 A:I can”t believe that those girls wear such short skirts! 我无法信任那些女孩能够穿这么短的裙子!B:It”s the fashion and they got the legs.这是流行,而且她们有本钱。 How come? 怎么会这样? A:How come Lena looks so old? Lena怎么会看起来这么老气?B:It”s beca

4、use she always wears dark and old flashioned clothes.由于她老是穿暗色系和过时的服装。 It does the job. 它发挥成效。 A:Martha looks bright today! Martha今日看起来很亮丽!B:I think her stripe shirt does the job.我想是她的条纹衫发挥的作用。 Does that have anything to do with us? 那和我们有啥关系! A: Darling there is a brand new Gucci shop opening today.

5、亲爱的,今日有一家新Gucci 店开张。B: Does that have anything to do with us?那和我们有啥关系! She looks so. 她看起来好 A: Sabrina aways looks so elegant!But she never spends much money on designer brands. Sabrina看起来总是很优雅!可她从不在设计师品牌上花费太多。B: She buys what suits her,that”s why she looks good and spends little.她买适合自己的,这是她看起来不错又花费小

6、的缘由。 You look good in leather. 你穿皮类制品很好看。 A: You look good in leather! 你穿皮类制品很好看!B: I know ,that”s why I alternate wearing my leather jacket.leather pants and leather skirt.我知道,所以我都轮番穿我的皮夹克皮裤和皮裙。 It is cool to wear a sarong! 穿莎笼好酷喔! A: It is cool to wear a sarong! 穿莎笼好酷喔!B: Even we boys look great i

7、n them.很棒吧而且我们男生也可以穿 She likes to dress casually. 她喜爱轻巧的穿着。 A: She likes to dress casually. 她喜爱轻巧的穿着。B:Yes,and she looks good too.是啊。而且她看起来还是很不错。 It has shrunk already 它已经缩水了! A:Look at my new sweater, it has shrunk already. 你看我的新毛衣,它已经缩水了!B: Did you wash it in the washing machine?你是不是用洗衣机洗它? It”s a fur scarf! 那是皮草围巾啦! A:Oh my goodness!The woman has a fox around her neck! 我的天啊!那位女士的脖子上围了一只狐狸!B: It”s a fur scarf!那是皮草围巾啦! Well, it”s the fashion this winter. 这是这个冬天的时尚。 A: Isn”t it a bit too hot to wear a fur coat in Guangzhou? 在广州穿皮草外套会不会太热了点?B: Well, it”s the fashion this winter.这是这个冬天的时尚。


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