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1、 Tchig Pln for Topic Section ,Ui2Lookng ffeent arig objeciv:1. Worsad expressonsearn nd practc the wods f ods: gess, ave, sml,nos, has, ig, ye,knw, ight,a,hair Sentnce tturesnd cmmnicativ ntionsLearn npratice expressingkey sntenc stctues: I have asmal nos hHe has lg air Do youhaveabig ose? es,Ido/N,

2、I d. Lnguaeskills stragieSs cue “hve/has” to dece poplsapearnce4. Throgh thevivi tahng, e cultivae Ss an o cooperate wtoters ad a tkeep the psitiv life titu.Teahing Poedrestage 1 revsionStep1: greetin.tep : ud Ss to review wht hve learne in thunit 1.Sa : pre-listenngStep :T prens thenewrs of od rtsw

3、ih te ictures.p2: T ides Ss to rad the nw ordsseeal ies.tep3: T chck s unertndin( ivs atdent toolete er diaoue)E.:T: Whats th?(choo apictu andpoits a t pctur)S: Itsa ne: What a hee?1:Tey aeyes.p 4: T hels s toexpan he entences: It i big nos Tey areall ys.Ste5:presens th ne ntence stuctu wth apn nask

4、 like th:T: Whatsthis? Ss: It spn.T: Ye, is a pn. It is m pen.I have apeThen T udeSst lok t heandsays, vohir.I hv a rdcendten T oits a a y and as, e has a bi o e s amall hed. T guides Ss to mmarize t usage of“have ad has”.Sep : asks soeSst mak dalgue wth erto chck Ss uderta ornot.ta 3 ile-liseingSep

5、 : T uidess totalk abut tpicur f1and thn finhb through lseig1 t tmesStep 2:T che teanswers wth the whoe class.Se3:T expi h key pins in 1aStep4: gets Ss rad the diogu after heran the gt Ss to red i by emeles.Stp : T givs S miutes tprctie thaogu and then let toact ouediaogue.Step: T gid Sst listn t2a an then fill th baktag post-lseninSt1 :T elps Ss o uaize what have arnedn this lesonStp: T signsth homwork: recite th dialge a.


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