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1、My First Crush我的初恋By Colette Sasina作者 柯莱特 沙喜娜No, theres nothing half so sweet in life as loves young dream.Thomas Moore不,我想,没有什么比年少的爱恋清梦更为甜蜜的了,一半都没有。托马斯摩尔The summer I was twelve, I vacationed at my Aunt Alices farm, an hours drive from home. Her house boasted a grand porch with comfortable wooden ro

2、cking chairs and an unspoiled view of the surrounding farms. I remember the air, so pure and country fresh, and Rex, her reliable rooster, crowing at the crack of dawn. A small but inviting apple orchard always beckoned me to zigzag in and out of its orderly rows.那年夏,我十二岁,我在爱丽丝姑妈家的农场住着,离我的家有一个小时的车程。

3、她得意地告诉我,那所房子有宽阔敞亮的门廊,门廊上,有着舒适的木制摇椅,放眼四周,原始的农田,一派自然风光。我记得,那时空气是那样纯净,乡村,总是清晰自然的,那只姑妈信赖的公鸡,雷克斯,在黎明时鸣叫。而那个小巧但诱人的苹果园,总是引我在排排果树间来来去去,迷惘了时光。On Sunday morning, I collected eggs from the freshly whitewashed henhouse. As I set the basket on the sideboard, Aunt Alice asked, Could you pick some green beans and

4、summer squash after breakfast? Theyre for my vegetable casserole. Were invited to the Lindsays next door for Sunday dinner.周日的清晨,我从刚刷过白漆的鸡舍取来了一些鸡蛋。当我把鸡蛋篮子放在餐桌上,姑妈问我:“吃完早餐后,能摘些四季豆和夏季南瓜么?隔壁林赛家邀请我们去参加周末晚宴,我想拿它们做些蔬菜砂锅带去分享。”Id be happy to. Thinking about all her country fare, fresh from vines, plants and

5、 trees that tasted so much better than city offerings, I donned a wide-brimmed straw hat and headed for the garden. The soft breeze offered relief from summers intense heat. I snapped the green beans easily and cut the sun-yellow squash from its thickening vine. A luscious tomato, heavy with its jui

6、cy meat, needed rescue before it rested on the ground. Aunt Alices grand flower garden, a kaleidoscope of bright color, was a stones throw away. Three long-stemmed gladiolas caught my eye. They would be perfect for the dining room table. I made a mental note to wear gloves after encountering two sna

7、kes slithering half concealed in the dirt.“我当然很乐意。”我一边回答道,一边开始想着所有姑妈家乡间的一切,时鲜的葡萄,青草和树木吐出清幽爽朗,比城市里的一切绿化都好很多,我戴上宽边草帽,前往花园。微风拂去夏日炎炎的燥热,我轻松地掐下四季豆,从粗壮的藤蔓是拗下黄透了的南瓜。一个肉腴多汁甘甜怡人的番茄,渴望着在烂熟落地前被我摘走。一箭之遥,爱丽丝姑妈的大花园,是色惨斑斓的万花筒。有着三条长茎的剑兰吸引了我的眼球,我想,他们太合适做晚宴的餐桌了。曾遇见过两条蛇虚掩在泥土上,我有了戒备,带上手套去取。Early that afternoon we arriv

8、ed at the Lindsays farm to a warm reception. I was introduced to the family and quickly took note of a boy about my age and height, freshly scrubbed and lanky, with budding biceps and a hint of an Adams apple. A strand of light brown hair casually hugged his forehead. He had deep blue, widely set ey

9、es hooded with long, curly lashes. His voice was velvety like a fine-tuned cello. The corners of his mouth curled up like a sliver of moon when he smiled. His name was Vincent. He was confident and comfortable. I was shy and smitten.那天下午,我很早到了林赛家,并且被热情的接待了。我被介绍给林赛的家人们,很快,我注意到一个和我年龄相仿,齐高的男孩,他干净而清晰,清瘦

10、但不失精健,有着微凸的二头肌和喉结。一缕淡棕色的发丝,不经意地贴在他的额头上。他宽阔深蓝的眼睛,被细密曲长的睫毛盖住。他的声线柔软得像天鹅绒般,细腻得像大提琴般。当他微笑,他上扬的嘴角如银白色月牙。他的名字叫文森特。他自信,而让人舒适。我的脸上含羞,坠入爱河。After dinner, Vincent, blushing, asked, Would you like to see our farm? I smiled and he reached for my chair. We have a new litter of puppies.晚宴之后,文森特红着脸问我:“你去看看我们家的农场么?”

11、我浅笑示意,他为我拉开椅子,“我们有一窝新生的小狗。”I thanked his mom for the delicious meal as we left the room to tour the outbuildings. He showed me the animals he fed, groomed and loved, talking enthusiastically about the workings of the family farm as we passed precious pups back and forth. I hoped he didnt notice me h

12、anging on his every word. The afternoon passed too quickly. Animals always dictated their keepers schedules. My aunt called out, ending our visit for the evening.我很感谢他妈妈为大家准备的美味佳肴,我们离开了房间,去外面的房屋逛逛。他给我看被他圈养,收拾以及宠爱的动物们,当我们游走在这些珍贵可爱的小幼崽间,他满怀热情地跟我谈论着家里农场的工作。我不想让他察觉,我对他说的一字一句都那么在意。午后时光过得太快了。动物的作息遵循着它们主人的

13、时间表。我的姑妈叫了我,就这样,那晚的拜访结束了。Vincent visited my aunts farm often, but only after he delivered papers and completed morning chores. I daydreamed in the rocking chair on the porch, reflecting on the stirrings in my heart, waiting for him ride up the driveway on his bike. When he did, wed walk through the

14、orchard and the flower gardens, then through the pasture, usually deep in conversation. We shared our interests, compared city to country life and discussed our families and school experiences. I loved listening to his stories. Occasionally Vincent brushed my arm or grabbed my elbow to direct me awa

15、y from a gopher hole or cow pie.文森特会经常来我姑妈的农场拜访,但是总是在他送完报纸和完成每天清晨例行的工作之后。我在门廊上的摇椅上发呆幻想,恋爱的思绪,已经在我心中萌芽,等待他其上他的自行车上路。他骑车来了,我们会穿过果园,穿过花园,然后我们穿过牧场,谈天说地。我们谈论着彼此的兴趣,聊起乡间和城市的区别,谈起彼此家庭和学校的经历。我爱听他说着他自己的故事。文森特偶然会触碰我的手臂,或者急忙地抓着我的手肘提醒我绕开地上的坑和牛粪。Such was my introduction to puppy love. I was impressed with his un

16、assuming presence and his attitude. Vincent was focused. He possessed a strong sense of himself. I felt safe. His visits were too short as his chores were always waiting.这就是我初恋的故事。我的深刻印象中,他是分度翩翩态度谦逊的。文森特是专心致志的人,他有着强大的内心,我感到安心。因为他的家务活总等着去完成,所以他的拜访总是时光匆匆。On the last day of my vacation, Vincent handed me a wallet-size picture of himself. Im looking forward to seeing you next summer, Colette. His eyes caught mine in a ling


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