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1、 一、时文阅读Everything you need to know about coronavirusThe spread of Chinascoronavirus(1), which closed a city of 11 million, leaped across continents and raisedpandemic(2)fears, may have started with something simple a person buying food for dinner at an outdoor market.Thepotency(3)and movement of the

2、 virus hasrallied(4)the cooperation of various agencies, includingthe U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(5)and World Health Organization, which declared the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday.01 What is the Wuhan coronavirus?Theinfe

3、ction(6)numbers arestartling(7): Since Jan. 20, cases worldwide havesurged(8)from 282 to 9,925. The deathtoll(9)stands at 213, according to Chinese officials.The current coronavirus doesnt have an official name yet. The current designation is“2019-nCoV”(10), with “2019”for year of discovery, “n”forn

4、ovel(11)(meaning new) and “CoV” for coronavirus.02 How does coronaviruscompare toSARS,MERSand the common flu?Outbreaks like this have happened before, mostnotably(12)withSARS(13)in 2003 andMERS(14)in 2015.SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, is commonly used as a reference in coronavirus coverag

5、e, since both originated in China and share characteristics. In all, 8,098 SARS cases were recorded, with a death toll of 774. Thats afatality(15)rate of 9.6%.MERS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, originated inSaudi Arabia(16)and resulted in 2,499 cases and 861 deaths, giving it a higher fatality

6、rate of 34.5%.With current numbers, the fatality rate for 2019-nCoV is 2.4%. The WHO said most coronavirus cases reported to date “have been milder, with about 20% of those infected experiencing severe illness.”03 Are people quarantined(17)?The WHO classified 2019-nCoV as an emergency for China but

7、hasnt yet designated it a world-wide emergency.As infection numbers rise, China has ordered residents in nearly a dozen cities to stay where they are. An estimated 56 million people in the country are affected bylockdowns(18).Wuhan has been hardest hit. Airports and railway stations are closed and p

8、ublic transportationhalted(19). Private vehicles are banned. Residents wear face masks to protect against infection. While a new, 1,000-bed hospital is under construction, there are shortages of medicine, protective masks and other supplies.文章来源:https:/ U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preventio

9、n:美国疾病控制与预防中心infection:感染,传染startling:令人吃惊的surge:汹涌,起大浪,蜂拥而来toll:伤亡人数2019-nCoV:2019新型冠状病毒novel:新的(此处使用novel而不使用new是因为,new指的是新旧的差别,novel做形容词指的是从来没有出现过的,从来都不被人所知的。)notably:显著的,尤其SARS:非典型性肺炎MERS:中东呼吸综合征fatality:死亡Saudi Arabia:沙特阿拉伯quarantine:检疫隔离lockdown:防范禁闭(期),高度警戒halt:停止长难句翻译The spread of Chinas cor

10、onavirus, which closed a city of 11 million, leaped across continents and raised pandemic fears, may have started with something simple a person buying food for dinner at an outdoor market.正在中国肆虐的冠状病毒使得一个人口1100万的城市实施封闭,它的传播跨越大陆,引起了人们对于流行病的恐慌。而起因可能仅仅是因为有人在露天集市上购买了一些食材。The potency and movement of the

11、virus has rallied the cooperation of various agencies, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization, which declared the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern on Thursday.这种病毒的威力和传播性已经促使包括美国疾病预防控制中心和世界卫生组织在内的多个机构展开

12、合作。世界卫生组织更于星期四宣布武汉的冠状病毒爆发为“国际关注的公共卫生紧急事件”。While a new, 1,000-bed hospital is under construction, there are shortages of medicine, protective masks and other supplies.尽管有1000个床位的新医院正在建设之中,但药品、防护口罩和其他物资仍然短缺。(此处while引导一个让步状语从句,表示“尽管”。)三、高考预测题:阅读七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Everything you

13、 need to know about coronavirusThe spread of Chinas coronavirus may have started with something simple a person buying food for dinner at an outdoor market.The potency and movement of the virus has rallied the cooperation of various agencies, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Preven

14、tion and World Health Organization , _1_.What is the Wuhan coronavirus?The infection numbers are startling: Since Jan. 20, cases worldwide have surged from 282 to 9,925. The death toll stands at 213, according to Chinese officials. The current coronavirus doesnt have an official name yet. _2_3_Outbr

15、eaks like this have happened before, most notably with SARS in 2003 andMERS in 2015._4_ In all, 8,098 SARS cases were recorded, with a death toll of 774. Thats a fatality rate of 9.6%.MERS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, originated in Saudi Arabia and resulted in 2,499 cases and 861 deaths, giving it a higher fatality rate o



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