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1、 记住这4句箴言能让你赚更多钱 To become convinced that you can succeed is the first requisite to success.” -Wallace D. Wattles 信任自己能取得胜利是胜利的必要条件-华勒思.华特斯 You must believe in yourself and your ability to accomplish anything you set out to do. When you convince yourself that you can succeed, you set yourself up to g

2、et what you want. No matter your circumstances, tell yourself that you deserve to have affluence in your life. 你肯定要信任你自己,信任你有力量做到你想要做的任何事。一旦你自己说服自己能取得胜利,你就能得到你想要的东西。不管你身处何种环境,告知自己:你本该生活富足。 It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link to the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.” -Sir Wi

3、nston Churchill 想要对将来做出太多的猜测通常是错误的。每一次我们只能抓住命运锁链的一个链结。 ”-温斯顿丘吉尔爵士 Even though you have the ability to become a multimillionaire, dont get upset if it doesnt happen overnight. You need to take baby steps to build your business or demonstrate your competence for a raise. Set an income goal with a dead

4、line and construct a simple plan to achieve it. Now all you have to do is execute it. Just remember to be patient with yourself and take one task at a time. 即使你有力量成为一个大富豪,假如没有一夜暴富也不要哀痛。你需要一步一步的创立自己的事业或者依靠自己的力量要求涨薪。给自己设立一个有限期的收入目标,并为此定好一个打算。你现在要做的就是去执行你的打算。记住要对自己有急躁,一个任务一个任务的完成。 Try to become not a m

5、an of success, but rather a man of value.” -Albert Einstein 不要老想着做一个胜利人士,而是要做一个有价值的人。”-阿尔伯特爱因斯坦 Success is in the eye of the beholder. Your friends and family are not afraid to tell you what you are good at. Listen to them and use those skills while you work. People will pay you for your work when i

6、t adds value to their immediate needs. 胜利是别人对你的看法。你的家人朋友勇于告知你你最擅长的是哪些方面。听听他们的意见,工作的时候用上这些技巧。当你给他们制造出价值的时候他们会为你的付出支付给你薪酬。 If you try to please everyone, you might as well kiss your ass good bye!” -Michael Port. 假如你想要满意全部人,那你不妨说再见”-迈克尔波特 When you try to please everyone, youre bound to disappoint someone. Quit trying to please everyone and follow your ideal career path. You will continue to earn more money when youre a leader in your area of expertise. 当你试着想要让全部人都满足的时候,你确定会让一些人绝望。不要试着满意全部人,按着你抱负的职业道路行进就好。当你成为某个领域的专家的时候,你会赚更多钱。


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