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1、英语日常交流口语对话_有关宠物的英语口语对话 英语口语交际的对话,关于宠物的也有不少。下面是办公室王老师给大家整理的宠物的英语口语对话,供大家参阅! 宠物的英语口语对话1 A:We have been over this a hundred times! We are not getting a pet! 我们谈论这个已经很屡次了。我们不会养宠物。 B:Why not Come on! Just a cute little puppy or a kitty! 为什么不养吧。只养一只可爱的小狗或小猫. A:Who is going to look after a dog or a cat 谁去照

2、顾狗或猫呢 B:I will! Ill feed it, bathe it and walk it every day! We can get a Labrador or a German Shepard! 我来。我会给它喂食,给它洗澡,每天带它出去遛弯。我们可以养只纽芬兰猎犬或德国牧羊犬。 A:What if we want to take a vacation Who will we leave it with Plus, our apartment is too small for that breed of dog. 如果我们想去度假该怎么办我们让谁照顾宠物而且,我们的公寓太小了不适合

3、养那种狗。 B:Ok. How about we get a cat or a ferret 养猫或雪貂如何 A:Were planning on having children soon, I dont think those animals are a good idea with a baby in the house. 我们方案将来要个小孩,我认为屋子里有小孩就不适合样这些宠物。 B:Fine! Lets get a bird then! We can keep it in its cage and teach it to talk! A parrot would be awesome

4、! 好吧,那养只鸟吧。我们能放在笼子里养,并教它手说话。养鹦鹉就很棒。 宠物的英语口语对话2 Todd: So, Phil, we both live and work in Japan. We're both teachers in Japan. Now are you homesick. Are there things that you really miss about England 托德:菲尔,我们现在都在日本生活和工作。我们都在日本从事教师工作。你想家吗你最想念英国的什么地方 Phil: The thing I miss the most, and it's go

5、ing to sound really sad, is my cat. 菲尔:这听起来会非常伤心,我最想念的是我的猫。 Todd: Oh, that's cute. 托德:哦,有意思。 Phil: Yeah, I love my cat. I don't know why. I'm a bit sappy like that, so I really miss my cat. 菲尔:嗯,我爱我的猫。我也不清楚原因,不过我有些多愁善感,我真的很想我的猫。 Todd: Oh, well talk about your cat. What's your cat lik

6、e 托德:哦,我们来谈谈你的猫吧。你的猫什么样 Phil: My cat is black, very fat, very stupid like most cats but very lazy like me so we have a lot in common but just she likes to wake me up at six o'clock in the morning and I really curse her and hate her. Still, I can't be angry about it. 菲尔:我的猫是黑色的,非常胖,像大多数猫一样愚笨,

7、像我一样懒,所以我们有很多共同点,我的猫会在早上六点把我弄醒,那时我真的会骂它,而且讨厌它。不过我却并不生气。 Todd: Yeah, right. 托德:嗯,好。 宠物的英语口语对话3 1. Do you prefer dogs or cats 你比较喜欢狗还是猫 A: Do you prefer dogs or cats 你比较喜欢狗还是猫 B: I love both, as long as they're well trained. 都喜欢,但要它们训练良好才行。 2. Steve's got a lizard as a pet. Steve养了一只蜥蜴当宠物。 A:

8、Steve's got a lizard as a pet. Steve养了一只蜥蜴当宠物。 B: He put it on his shoulders and showed off his pet in the pub last night. 把蜥蜴放在肩膀上,他昨晚还在酒吧里炫耀呢。 3. Is it legal 那样合法吗 A: Some people like to keep rare animals as their pets. 有些人喜欢饲养稀有动物当宠物。 B: Is it legal 那样合法吗 4. It's Tommy's turn this wee

9、k. 这个星期轮到Tommy。 A: Bobby, don't forget to walk lucky after dinner! Bobby,别忘了晚餐后要蹓Lucky! B: It's Tommy's turn this week! 这个星期轮到Tommy了! 5. We need to take Woofy to the vet. 我们该带Woofy去看兽医了。 A: We need to take Woofy to the vet. 我们该带Wooly去看兽医了。 B: Is it time for his shots 该打预防针了吗 6. Can't

10、 you just talk to your neighbor about this 你不能和你的邻居谈一谈吗 A: My neighbors dog barks at anyone who passes by their front yard. 不管是谁经过我邻居院子前,他们的狗就对路过的人一直叫。 B: Can't you just talk to your neighbor about this 你不能和你的邻居谈一谈吗 7. We don't have any dog food left. 没有狗食了! A: We don't have any dog food

11、 left! 没有狗食了! B: All right, I'll go get some later. 好啦,我待会儿就去买。 8. How often do you bathe your dog 你多久帮狗洗一次澡 A: How often do you bathe your dog 你多久帮狗洗一次澡 B: We play every day in the park. So we wash him twice a week. 我们每天都到公园玩,所以一星期帮它洗两次澡。 9. Oh my goodness! She's got fleas. 天啊!它长跳蚤了! A: Las

12、sie's been scratching all day. Lassie整天都在抓痒。 B: Oh my goodness! She's got fleas! 天啊!它长跳蚤了! 10. Beware of dog! 留神恶犬! A: There's a Beware of dog! sign on your door. 你家的门上有一个牌子写着留神恶犬! B: Yeah! Beware of my poodle. 是啊!留神我的贵宾狗! 11. Make sure you put the collar on her! 要确定帮它戴好项圈! A: I'm gonna walk Precious later. 我待会儿要去蹓Precious. B: Make sure you put the collar on her! 要确定帮它戴好项圈! 看过宠物的英语口语对话的人还看了: 1.养宠物英语情景对话 2.关于宠物的英语对话 3.关于养宠物英语对话 4.关于饲养宠物的英语对话 5.于宠物的英语对话 1



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