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1、Unit 13 The Food and Drink教学目标:一语言技能目标1 、 能用英语询问别人想要什么。2、 掌握单词coffee, coke, juice, toast, porridge, noodles, rice noodles, bun, best.3、能正确流利朗读课文。二、语言知识目标掌握句型: (1)Would you like some?(2)What do you have for ? I usually have三、学习策略目标通过听,说,读,情境练习掌握单词和句型。四、情感态度目标培养学生讲礼貌的良好品质。五、文化意识目标了解中外饮食文化差异。教学重点、难点:单词

2、和句型。教学媒体:录音,图片,实物,课件教学过程:一热身1 Sing the song 2 Chant the rhyme of P60二复习:1. T:Children, you like coffee, you like tea. But I like orange juice and coke. Do you like them? ( 板书并教学单词juice, coke )2. T:What do you like? (学生自由回答)复习like/likes dont/doesnt like3. 引出课题:The Food and DrinkT: Oh, children. So mu

3、ch food and drinks you like, today were going to learn Unit 13 The food and drink . (读课题)三新授1呈现和学习句型1(1) 呈现句型:T: Today, Mr jiangbrings some food and drink you like. Look, heres a big fridge. Can you guess what is in it?T:(Open the fridge) What do you like? P: I like T:Would you like some ? (个别提问12生)

4、板书:Would you like some ? Yes, thanks. No, thanks. I dont like (2)读板书句型。请学生上讲台示范。(3)学生用自己所带图片练习句型(4)请学生上讲台演示2呈现和学习句型2 (1)呈现句型T:Oh children. So much food and drink you like. Do you want to know what Miss Chen likes? Miss Chen likes milk. At home, I usually have milk, eggs and bread for breakfast. What

5、 about you?What do you usually have for breakfast? (提问12学生)板书: What do you usually have for breakfast? I usually have for breakfast. (2)读句型, 替换新单词toast, porridge, noodles, rice noodles, bun.(3)老师示范,学生同位练习句型,检查练习情况(12组学生) (4) T:In the school, I usually have porridge, noodles, rice noodles and buns fo

6、r breakfast too. And I like rice noodles best. Which food or drinks do you like best? 学生自由说:I like best.3 呈现课文对话并阅读对话。(1)呈现课文对话(观看金太阳课件)T:What about Jiamin? What does he like best? Now Jiamin and his friends are talking about the food and drinks which Jiamin likes. Lets watch and listen.Then answer

7、my questions:1. What does he usually have for breakfast?2. What does he like best?(2)跟录音老师读对话(3)学生四人小组读对话,全班读,个别学生分角色读对话。三发展T: Boys and girls, you are all my good pupils. I want to know the food and drink you like. Now, lets make a survey.(学生互相调查)1.Give them an example. 2.自由调查。 3. 学生汇报。四小结,评价五作业1Cop

8、y the new words2Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.3 Make a similar dialogue with your classmates.板书:Unit 13 The Food And Drinkjuice Would you like some ? toastcoffee Yes, thanks. buncoke No, thanks. I dont like porridgeWhat do you usually have for breakfast? noodlesI usually have for breakfas

9、t. rice noodles教学反思: 课堂教学以“The Food And Drink We Like”为主题,以与每位学生密切相关的“食物”为主线贯穿始终。我在课堂上为学生创造了一个轻松有趣的学习氛围,促使学生积极主动地学习英语,并将所学的知识自然有效地运用于生活实际,收到了“现学现用、学用结合”的成效。 当代教育主张“开放式课堂教学”,注重培养创新型人才。基于这一理念,我在教学过程中依据教学要求、结合教学内容有意识地充实了丰富有趣、针对性强的开放性游戏活动,使孩子们在“乐中学、学中乐”。比如,本课的教学重点及难点是食物的单词及几个生活常用的交际用语,如果单纯地让学生跟读记忆就会显得枯燥无味,我在教学中分别采用了“猜猜冰箱里的食物”、“猜猜老师喜欢的食物”、“调查同学喜欢的食物”等等活动,有效地提高了学习的趣味性,增强了学生的成就感。另外,在孩子们基本掌握句型之后,我鼓励他们自编、自演对话,让所学的知识得到升华,并把升华后的知识转变成为真实交际的能力。


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