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1、Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?unit 5 doyouwanttowatchagameshow?sectiona1a1c(第1课时)详案来自:liu qingxiang datang middle school【教学目标】:知识目标:1会读背单词: soap opera, sitcom , news , stand, mind.2句型:a:whatdoyouthinkofgameshows?b:ilikethem./ilovethem./idontlikethem./icantstandthem./idontmindthem.a:do you

2、want to watch the news?b: yes, i do. /no, i dont.能力目标:1.能听懂简单的对话并会用英语简单表述关于电视节目的对话。2.能谈论对不同类型的电视节目的看法与偏好和制定计划。情感目标:1.培养学生的爱好,并能处理好爱好与学习之间的关系。【重点难点】1.重点句型:a:whatdoyouthinkof.? b:ilikethem./ilovethem./idontlikethem./icantstandthem./idontmindthem.2.难点:学会询问他人对某事物的观点并会正确表达自己的看法。【设计特色】work in pairs and gr

3、oup work, play a game, multimedia teaching【教学准备】computer, ppt, body language, listening practices.【预设过程】step1A. greetingshello, everyone. nice to meet you. im an english teacher from datang middle school. my name is liu qingxiang . you can call me miss liu. today im going to be your english teacher.

4、 we are going to learn unit 5 section a together. now lets begin our class.B. lead-infirst, look at these pictures. do you know them? theyre cartoon shows.除了卡通节目,同学们还知道哪些电视节目?lets look at the picture and answer: what kind of tv show is it? use the pictures to present the new words and the tv shows.c

5、. practice the tv shows with the pictures.step2a. finish 1alook at the tv shows, can you read them? read them three times. match the tv shows with the pictures a-g.finish it in one minute, then check the answers.b. presentationlook at the picture. what can you see in the picture? yao ming is my favo

6、rite basketball player. i like him best, so i love sports shows. what do you think of sports shows? i love them. write them on the blackboard.look at the picture,guide out the words and phrases,such as like, dont mind,dont like ,cant stand.draw the faces next to them.explain“mind”and ” stand“.c. rea

7、d the dialogue together,then group 1 ask ,group 2 answer.d. look at the chant,read the chant together. now clap your hands like me,then chant after me twice.eask and answer questions like this:t:what do you think of soap operas?s1: i cant stand them.t:what do you think of talent shows?s2: i dont min

8、d them.if students cant answer like this, guide them to use these words to answer my questions. (you can answer my questions with these words)fplay a game.lets play a game like this. read it together. now listen to the rules carefully.以列为单位,第一排的同学问第二排的同学what do you think of ?第二排的同学回答完第一排同学的问题后,接着问第三

9、排的同学问题,以此类推,直到最后一排的同学回答完为止。do you understand? ready? go. then ask two lines to play the game.step 3abefore-listeningmake and jack are talking about the tv shows.do you want to know what tv shows they are talking? listen and number the shows 1-4 in the order you hear them.read the shows together.bwhi

10、le-listeningplay the tape twice,check the answers.cafter-listeningread the tapescripts twice.step4 mary and jane want to watch tv.lets see what theyre talking.read the conversation together. group1 act mary ,group2 act jane.then have a change.who do you want to act,mary or jane? make your own conver

11、stion.first find a partner,then work in pairs,you have two minutes to prepare. ask 4 pairs to act out their conversations.(which pairs want to act out your conversations?step5A. 假如你是一个记者,想了解青少年对sitcoms有什么看法,请对班上同学做一个采访。you can make your survey like this.read it together.B. summary.this class we lear

12、ned these new words and sentences.read them by yourselves.C. 现在老师来考考同学们,看看谁的记忆力最好?谁掌握了最多知识?look at these sentences,complete them.then check the answers.D. homework: do a survey after class. ask your friends: what do you think of soap operas?then write a report like this.E. please remember:dont watch tv too much!its bad for your health and study.F. thats all.thanks for listening.【板书设计】unit 5 doyouwanttowatchagameshow?sectiona1a1ca:what do you think ofsports shows?b: ilovethem. cctv news like talent shows dont mind game shows dont like soap operas cant stand sitcoms talk shows



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