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1、nit Two一、Woring withwrds and xprsiogs1.) l f chrenreneahted We cannt epasize thimpotan ofprotctingor e o muh)Thir experiment stetcheoveraperod of te yeas .At last ,their effortpid off.3)Comuicionis the only remey agans cofli wiin t famly4)Yo bttr cneyusmmary toh ainidea;dottryo talkaout e trivil thi

2、ngs5)u emarble progss has ben made in a sorpidof tie,whic is the restof te hard or ofeverne nvle.)Tak oufo youkinhp- think I owy a favour.7)When e leeps byhe wdow hosummeafternoo ,he tend to lowr e curtain kepu he su.8)Jseph di ivemeaick replythistim, utI onder hy hemade no responseto my at qustin.9

3、)History wll rveal th tut th fuue ndthyll aliz wha ronghg they did.10)ecael ischraterizdb anablityto go itou waterfor dys.11)Its ard to iturehis a germent official eause hlookssofunny, ut Ibet mas godon .1)Me houl onup hirind andadot aorecttitude owawmn13)ince all f uswee tired,Martin prposedtatw tk

4、e sotret befre continuin rwork 14)Seeg a big sake nde tabe ,ophia could not help tremblg fro head o ft.2.1)Rosawas singled ut fr rai byheteace because he aojectwas s cve.)Rebecctol us mo ofthe sorybutkept backthe bit abut hrsel bease she idt wnt t mae herood ed known.3)The localeopeel me i all but i

5、ossible to climp to tp of the snowymountain.4)ayn Monroew t Holywood isrc of ame and forne5) Heaven let usbtobrds fyng erogher,an on earth two tr with branchesirlok frv.6)at buot lest ,I oldike tothank all of you ,and n paiurthhairman,Dr.ogers, forhs ulsupportor th la three yea7)Oiver is espectd eng

6、ieer ,manager nd eacher,but frt and oremost hei d fater andlving usnd ,whichis omethng take gat prde .8)Wen heoo n what wa happnig ndelizedsomehg sron ,he dcided to get away quicky.二、IncreanYr Wor Po1)Y are onitor of the lass,so o shud be rsponsle for keing thelass in order whle theeacher is way.2)Y

7、esterda they bared the paneboud for NewYork and ou can et thm the toay.)HEdoent sem t bewao or lisless atttde towards his suggton.4)Sh wrote alet of hanks to reg,sayin was ver appreciativ ofhis ocenfor her hlth.5) He is trty fo knowleend spens ost ofhis spare im reaig al kindsoboks.6) Tes yougen wi

8、prove rthyof ur trst7) Siches eighten now ,I fe hat he iscpabe ftaking ca ohielf at colege.8)nlad s ntefor itlarge nubr of lakes9)he as ound johere ,s she a b finncialy ndepdet f hr amil.10) dot tiksh issitable forthe jb becuse se is vrcarelessith herwrk.2.1)Iknow ow you feel ,bease Ihave asimilar p

9、robem2)I think my mher andI revucaikeimgy as.)She lookedloily atthlpn child.)The ettle bywaso tired tat e wassd aseep withn ss.)Se greted u wt cheerfulmile.6)h was adha e birthy artywasacce7)Dont afraid ,We ot goigtu ur you8) w rihend chlen werhiding i a corner f h ro.9)Arothe in Australii Marys nly

10、lving rlave.10)Not konwing whthr hewasdea r aive, asgrowin more and more worrie.三、汉译英1)这种情景总是令我感动,让我深思。Imalwys toucheby ascen lik hi ,whh see thing.2)别怪她了,在类似的状况下,你自己也是会这样做的。Dont bla her-yu ourlf would ve done it undesia cirusaces.)我们应当为自己所拥有的一切而心存感谢,而不是对任何事情都漫不经心。 shuld felgraeulor whate he inted o

11、ftkng vythig forgant.4)她也许会答应变化,但无非又是说一套做一套罢了。He my promse to hnge,utitsth a old sory o syingone thing and og ather.)我苦苦思考该如何把这可怕的消息告诉她。I raced mybrains aothowto break the terrble n to im.)我将永远无法报答父母为我所做的一切I shalneer aleto pay my paren for watverthey hae n fom.7)且让我再次感谢人们的参与,祝你们工作顺利。F now ,i rmains o me to expm gatiud tyou all oce more for yur rticipainand ishou goduck inyour ork.8)我一开始就说过,她会给我们惹麻烦的。 ai right from te bginitht he ould get u in trouble.


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