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1、(完整word版)2019年江苏专转本英语真题2019年江苏省普通高校“专转本”英语 试题卷(非英语类专业)注意事项:1.本试卷分为试题卷、答题卷和答题卡三部分。试题卷分为第I卷(客观题)和第II卷(主观题)两部分,第I卷第1页至第10页;第II卷第10页至第11页,有两大题;共11页,共五大题,全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟.2。作答题,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号准确清楚地填写在试题卷、答题卡和答题卷的指定位置,并认真核对。3.作答第I卷时,考生须用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂答案;作答第II卷时,考生须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔将答案答在答题卷上,否则无效.4.考试结束时,考生须将

2、第I卷、第II卷和答题卡、答题卷一并交回。第I卷 (共100分)Part I Reading Comprehension(共 20小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements, For each of them there arc 4 choices marked A, B, C and should decide on the best choice and mark you

3、r answer by blackening the corresponding on the Answer Sheet。Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passageCool is a word with many meanings, Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold。 As the world has changed. The word has had many different meanings

4、.coolcan be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything。when you see your favorite footballer。We all maximize the meaning of cool You can use it instead of many words such as newor surprising. Heres an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used . A teacher asked her st

5、udents to write about the waterfall they had visited。 On one students paper was just the one sentence. Its so cool。 Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt。But the story also shows a scarcity(贫乏)of words. Without cool, some people have no words to show the same meaning . So

6、 it is quite important to keep some credibility。 Can you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word cool? I can。 and I think they are also very cool。1 .According to the passage,the word coolhas had .A. only one meaning B。 only a few meaningsC。 many different meanings D.the

7、 same meaning2。In the passage, the wordexpress(Para。 2)means .A.see B.show C。 know D. feel3。If you are something。 You may say Its cool。A. interested in B. careful about C。 afraid of D. angry about4。The writer gives an example to show he is the way the wordcoolis used.A。moved by B.strange to C.afraid

8、 of D。angry about5。In the passage,the word theyrefers to .A.many other colors B。many other peopleC。many other meanings D。many other wordsPassage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the fol lowing passageWhen we talk about intelligence,we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of t

9、ests or even the ability to do .well in school。 By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving,especially in new situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do.For example,when in a new situation,an intelligent person t

10、hinks about the situation,not about himself or what might happen to him .He tries to find out all be can,and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it .He probably isnt sure how it will all work out ,but at least he tries 。And if he cannot make things work out right 。he doesnt feel

11、 ashamed that he failed。 He just tries to learn from his mistakes. An intelligent person。even if he is very young ,has a special outlook on life,a special feeling about life ,and how he fits into it。If you look at children, youll see great difference between what we call bright children andnon-brigh

12、tchildrenThey are actually two different kinds of people,not just the same kind with different amount of intelligence. For example, the bright child really wants to find out about lifehe tries to gel in touch with everything around him 。But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own d

13、reamworld:he seems to have a wall between him and life in general。6. According to this passage,intelligence is .A.the ability to study wellB.the ability to do well in schoolC。the ability do deal with lifeD。the ability to get high scores on some tests7。In a new situation,an intelligent person 。A。care

14、s more about himselfB.is sure of the result he will getC。concentrates on what to do about the situationD。knows more about what might happen to him8。If an intelligent person failed,he would 。A。try not to feel ashamedB。learn from his mistakesC。try to regret as much as possibleD.make sure what result h

15、e would get9。Bright children and nonbright children 。A。are two different types of childrenB.have different knowledge about the worldC。have difference only in their way of thinkingD。are different mainly in their degree of cleverness10。An unintelligent person can become intelligent if he .A。 keeps more to himself B。stay in his dream worldC。has a wall before him D。tries to find out what life isPassage Three Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage。Nowadays, Internet shopping is beco


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