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1、科技英语翻译练习3-转换法1. Computers can provide analyses of every operation in a factory. 计算机可以为工厂里的每一步操作进行数据分析。2. We must place stress on the prevention of diseases. 我们必须更加强调疾病的预防。3. The test piece shall be of length suitable for the apparatus being used. 试样应该满足使用仪器的长度。4. Heat is a form of energy into which

2、all other forms are convertible. 热能是其他形式能可以转化的一种能。5. The force due to the motion of molecules tends to keep them apart. 由于分子运动产生的力试图让它们分离。6. An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance. 电流的大小与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比。7. The electrolytic process for producing h

3、ydrogen is not so efficient as the thermochemical process. 由电解产氢的过程没有由热化学产氢来的高效。8. The different production cost is closely associated with the sources of power. 生产成本的不同和能源有密切的关系。9. At constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume. 在恒定温度下,气体的压强和它的体积成反比。10. One w

4、ould fall all the way down to the center of the earth without gravity. 如果没有重力,一个人会一直坠落到地心。11. For nearly two thousand years it was mistakenly believed that all heavy objects fell faster than light ones. 近两千年,人们错误的认为重物下降比轻的物体快。12. The most common acceleration is that of free falling bodies.最常见的加速运动是物

5、体的下落运动。13. Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed, although its form can be changed.能量既不能被创造,也不能被消灭,它只能从一种形式转化为另一种形式。14. India has the software skills and thousands of software developers who are English-speaking and technically proficient.印度拥有专业计算机软件和成千上万的会说英语和技术熟练的软件开发者。15. The only naturall

6、y occurring substance used as fuel for nuclear power is U-235.在自然界中,唯一存在可以被用作核燃料的物质是U-235.16. It was not until early 40s that chemists began to use the technique analytically.直到40年代,化学家才开始使用数据分析技术。17. This new electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure.这种新的电子计算机的主要特性

7、在于它的简单结构。18. Robotics is so closely associated with cybernetics that it is sometimes mistakenly considered to be synonymous.机器人学和控制学联系非常密以至于人们有时会错误的认为它们是等同的。19. Patients may have to take them for the rest of their lives, and the expense and complexity of the regimen keep them out of reach for the 9

8、out of 10 patients who live in developing nations.病人在他们剩余的时光中应该被治疗,但费用和复杂的治疗方案使得发展中国家十分之九的病人得不到治疗,20. The doctors were operating on the patient, but the patients nerve was continually on the stretch.医生们正在对病人手术,但是病人的神经还是延展的。21. Very significant advances in lasers have been make in the past several ye

9、ars that open the door to more rapid progress in optical communications systems.在过去几年里激光带了的显著作用是为光学交流系统的快速发展打开了一扇门22. With slight modifications each type can be used for all three systems 随着稍微的改变,任何类型都可以运用到3种系统。23. When precise timing is necessary, care must be taken not to interrupt the timing wave

10、.精确计时是需要的,所以必须注意不要打断计时过程。24. We have made a careful study of the properties of these chemical elements.我们已经深入学习这种化学元素的性质。25. By the use of ultrasonic waves, one can find out if there is a flaw in the metal.运用超声波,我们可以找出金属中的裂缝。26. The positive charges being crowded upon a conductor results in the rise

11、 of the potential of the conductor.导体上所加的正电荷使得导体的电势升高。27. He made the assumption that the electronic charge is numerically equal to the charge on a hydrogen ion.他作了一个假设:电子电荷数等同于氢离子数。28. Biochemistry is the study of the molecular of life.生物化学是研究生命的分子基础。29. They are very familiar with the performance

12、of this type of transistor amplifier.他们非常熟悉这种类型的晶体管放大器的性能。30. The instrument is used to determine how fully the batteries are charged.这种仪器被用来判定电池充电的多少。31. The crust of the earth may be only about 3 miles thick beneath parts of the ocean.在海洋的部分区域地壳的厚度可能只有3英里。32. The electrical conductivity has great

13、importance in selecting electrical materials.导电性对选择导电材料而言很重要。33. The engineer had prepared meticulously for his design.工程师已经为他的设计做了细致的准备。34. Contamination-proof is an absolute necessity in the maintenance of fluidic devices.防污装置对保养射流装置是非常必要的装备。35. Only when we give full play to mans initiative can w

14、e make full use of machines to transform nature.只有当我们充分调动人们的创造性,我们才可以充分的利用机器来改造自然。36. In our earlier study of light, attention was particularly directed toward the theory of operation of spectrographs.我们早期对光的学习,我们的注意都直接的放在了操作的光谱摄影机理论上。37. A continuous increase in the temperature of a gas confined in a container will lead to a continuous increase in the internal pressure within the gas.容器中气体温度的持续增长会导致内部压强的持续增长。



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